MUNI MED Clinical anatomy of the head MUDr. Marek Joukal, Ph.D. MUNI MED Palpable structures on the head t. frontale glabella s. frontozygomatica supraorbitalis et supratrochelaris lacrimalis ant., lig. palp, mediale infraorbitalis, s. zygoma ticomaxillaris sp. nasalis ant., ap. piriformis 'c. infrazygomatica "juga alveolaria f. canina ang. mandibulae corp. mandibulae 5ř 8 References: Pulz. R. Í20081: Alias of Human Anatomy Sobolla. Elsevier Books. Keith L. Moore. Arthur F. Dallev f20051: Clinically Oriented Anatomy. Williamsand Wilkins. Platzer. W.. Kahle. W., Leonhard! H. (1992): Locomotor system. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York, 4th edition. Čihák. R. (1987): Anatomie 1, 2, 3. Avicenum, Zdravotnické nakladatelství. Netter. F. H. (1997): Interactive Atlas ot Clinical Anatomy. Novartis, USA.