Physical therapy Rheumatoid diseases Rheumatoid arthritis Individual approach to accomodate to current condition Acute stage: cryotherapy liquid nitrogen- localy, whole body In remisions: parafin wraps whirpool, aquatic therapy ultrasound, laser Physical rest Positioning in a sling Thermoplastic splints Functional splinting Passive movements Traction, relieving tractions Cervical soft tissue relieving tractions Relaxation Joint mobilisation Isometric contractions Rheumatoid artritis Gradualy more active movements -to strengthen atrophic muscles - Active exercise: muscle tone, ROM, muscle strength Gait training (crutches) Aerobic fitness training Occupational therapy Balneology Rheumatoid artritis Ancylosing spondylitis Daily exercice program- daily routine at least 30 minutes/day Early education about the disease Cooperation of the patient Physical therapy is fundamental Active movements every day The aim- to slow down spinal ancylosing process to prevent kyphotic deformity Ancylosing spondylitis Spinal and thoracic mobility Muscle balance and ROM Postural corrections Maximum breathing capacity Patient´s overal fitness Ancylosing spondylitis 1. Stage of high level activity: Positioning Passive exercise Breathing exercise Soft tissue techniques Active exercise Ancylosing spondylitis 2. Stage of low level activity: Postural reeducation Gentle mobilisation of sacroiliacal joints Spine and rib mobilisations Release of shortened muscles Chest breathing Deep spine exercise General relaxation Ancylosing spondylitis 2. Stage of low level activity: Maintenance of optimal mobility Stretching, exercise into backward bending Somatognostic training Swing movements Using of balls, wands, resistive bands, wall bars Group exercise Physical therapy: Magnetic field application, ultrasound, electrotherapy Balneotherapy