DISSECTION COURSE II PREPARATIONS I. ON WHOLE UNPREPARED CADAVER Neck: 1. a) region border, skin incisions, platysma transection of platysma, preparation of anterior jugular vein, external jugular vein b) punctum nervosum (sensoric branches of the cervical plexus) 2. a) superficial lamina of cervical fascia and preparation of sternocleidomastoideus, (cleaning of sternocleidomastoideus, its transection, preparation of n. XI. and artery), b) preparation of ansa cervicalis profunda 3. a) removal of praetracheal fascia, preparation of infrahyoid muscles (transection of sternohyoideus, sternothyreoideus), anterior and external jugular veins, arcus venosus juguli, b) preparation of caudal part of neurovascular bundle (internal jugular vein, common carotid artery, vagus nerve), preparation of trigonum caroticum 4. a) preparation of trig. submandibulare b) preparation of cervical plexus roots, phrenic nerve 5. a) preparation of fissura scalenorum, supraclavicular part of brachial plexus, subclavian artery b) demonstration of regions Thorax (unprepared): 1. a) region border, orientation lines, skin incisions, preparation of subcutaneous layer – trigonum deltoideopectorale (cephalic vein, thoracoacromial artery, pectoral nerves), supraclavicular nerves, rr. cutanei anteriores et laterales of intercostal nerves, thoracoepigastric vein, small branches of intercostal arteries b) preparation of subcutaneous layer continues with second half of thorax 2. a) preparation of muscle layer, transection of pectoralis major (blood supply and innervation), transection of pectoralis minor (blood supply and innervation) b) preparation of serratus ant. (lateral thoracic artery, long thoracic nerve) 3. a) preparation of fossa axillaris b) completion of preparation of fossa axillaris 4. a) teeth of serratus ant., preparation of intercostal spaces, opening of chest, b) preparation of transversus thoracis, internal thoracic vessels, preparation of hilus pulmonis, vagus nerve, reccurent laryngeal nerve, removal of one lung 5. a) preparation of middle mediastinum (phrenic nerve, vasa pericardiacophrenica), opening of pericardium b) demonstration of regions Abdomen (unprepared): 1. region border, regions of abdomen, skin incisions, preparation of subcutaneous layer (rr. cutanei med., lat., n. iliohypogastricus, vasa epigastrica superfic., a. circumflexa ilium superfic., a. pudenda externa) 2. preparation of superficial muscle layer – obliquus ext. abd., anulus inguinalis superficialis, funiculus spermaticus, 3. preparation of lateral group of muscles – obliquus int. et transversus abdominis (n. iliohypogastricus, n. ilioinguinalis), preparation of vagina m. recti abdominis, cleaning of rectus abdominis, m. pyramidalis, vasa epigstrica sup. et inf., 4. preparation of inguinal canal and its demonstration, opening of abdominal cavity, 5. a) demonstration of regions, situs viscerum, b) demonstration of regions II. CADAVER (prepared, open chest and abdominal cavity) Neck: 1. regions border and demonstration of regions 2. gradual completion of unprepared regions – e.g. fossa axillaris, trigonum arteriae subclaviae etc. 3. continuation of preparations (see above) 4. completion of preparations 5. demonstration of regions Thorax (open thoracic cavity): 1. a) demonstration of regions b) preparation of hilus pulmonis on intact side, removal of lung 2. a) preparation of pericardium, removal of heart b) preparation of heart – opening of individual cavities, preparation of coronary vessels 3. a) preparation of posterior mediastinum – preparation of oesophagus and plexus oesophageus b) preparation of ductus thoracicus, v. azygos, v. hemiazygos et hemiazygos acc. 4. a) preparation of thoracic sympathetic trunk and nn. splanchnici b) intercostal neurovascular bundle, completion of preparation 6. demonstration of regions Abdomen (open, situs viscerum): 1. demonstration of situs viscerum, preparation of vasa mesenterica superiora 2. a) preparation of vasa mesenterica sup. et inf., anastomosis magna Halleri b) preparation of structures of omentum minus, preparation of branches of truncus coeliacus and v. portae 3. a) removal and opening of small intestine, removal of colon transversum, preparation of duodenum and pancreas b) removal of liver, preparation of stomach, preparation of spleen, removal of caecum, colon ascendens, colon descendens et sigmoideum, removal of duodenum with pancreas 4. a) preparation of retroperitoneal space – preparation of kidneys, suprarenal glands, preparation of plexus lumbalis, b) preparation of plexus coeliacus, preparation of v. cava inf. and its branches, aorta abdominalis and bifurcatio aortae, plexus aortricus et hypogastricus inf., 5. demonstration of regions III. PELVIS Male pelvis: 1. a) region border, preparation of penis – skin incisions, preparation of subcutaneous layer, fascia of penis, vasa et nn. dorsales penis b) preparation of scrotum – skin, subcutaneous layer, coverings of testicle, preparation of testicle and epididymis 2. a) cleaning of bifurcatio aortae, preparation of a. iliaca communis and its branches, preparation of a. iliaca externa and its branches (beware of corona mortis!) b) completion of preparation of lumbar plexus branches till aditus pelvis 3. a) demonstration of viscera within pelvis and peritoneum within small pelvis, separation of peritoneum, preparation of ductus deferens and ureter b) preparation of branches of vasa iliaca interna till pelvic viscera (beware of corona mortis), preparation of obturator nerve 4. a) halving of pelvis slightly medially b) at the same time: on the half with organs – completion of preparation of vasa iliaca int. till organs, preparation of n. obturatorius, preparation of rectum, vesica urinaria, vesiculae seminales, prostate on the half without organs – preparation of plexus sacralis 5. a) completion of preparation from previous day, preparation of muscles of pelvic floor and their fascia b) demonstration of regions Female pelvis: 1. a) regions border, cleaning of bifurcatio aortae, preparation of a. iliaca communis and its branches, preparation of a. iliaca externa and its branches (beware of corona mortis!) b) completion of preparation of lumbar plexus branches till aditus pelvis 2. a) demonstration of viscera within pelvis and peritoneum within small pelvis, separation of peritoneum, preparation of lig. teres uteri and ureter b) preparation of branches of vasa iliaca interna till pelvic viscera (beware of corona mortis), preparation of obturator nerve 3. a) halving of pelvis slightly medially b) at the same time: on the half with organs – completion of preparation of vasa iliaca int. till organs (including a. uterina and its crossing with ureter), preparation of n. obturatorius, na on the half without organs – preparation of plexus sacralis 4. a) preparation of urinary bladder, preparation of urethra within septum urethrovaginale, opening of urinary bladder, preparation of vagina (transection) b) preparation of uterus, preparation of rectum 5. a) completion of preparation from previous day, preparation of muscles of pelvic floor and their fascia b) demonstration of regions IV. HEAD HEAD (WHOLE ONE WITH SKIN) 1. a) regions border, preparation of regio parotideomasseterica (fascia, ventral margin of gland, ductus parotideus, branches of plexus parotideus, a. transversa faciei, dorsal margin of gland –a. temporalis spf., n. auriculotemporalis, v. retromandibularis, superior and posterior margins of gland) b) preparation of regio parotideomasseterica of other side 2. a) completion of preparation of regio parotideomasseterica, of one side – deep preparation (removal of gland) b) preparation of regio facialis – skin incisions, removal of skin, vasa facialia, rekonstruction of mimic muscles, outputs of n. trigeminus – preparation of chin, foramen infraorbitale et supraorbitale 3. a) completion of preparation of facial regions b) regio temporalis from both sides – preparation of subcutaneous layer 4. a) regio temporalis – on one side – deep preparation (transection of arcus zygomaticus, preparation of m. masseter and its vessels and nerves, transection of proc. coronoideus mandibulae – preparation of nn. temporales prof. and vasa temporalia prof.) b) preparation of regio frontoparietooccipitalis, preparation for opening of skull – transection of galea aponeurotica, elevation of m. temporalis caudally and laterally (eventually opening of skull) 5. a) opening of skull, removal of brain, demonstration of cavita cranii int., preparation of dura mater – ggl. trigeminale, sinus cavernosus b) demonstration of regions Head (open) 1. a) demonstration of prepared head regions, section of pharynx b) preparation of parapharyngeal space 2. a) completion of preparation of parapharyngeal space and soft palate b) preparation of infratemporal fossa from lateral side 3. a) completion of preparation of infratemporal fossa from lateral side b) preparation of larynx, halving of head, 4. a) preparation of fossa infratemporalis from medial side b) preparation of regio subligualis, preparation of orbit 5. a) completion of preparation of orbit, preparation of cavum tympani b) demonstration of regions Half-heads 1. regions border and demonstration of prepared regiones 2. gradual completion of unprepared regions – e.g. fossa infratemporalis from medial side, orbit, petrous part of temporal bone, nn. petrosi, opening of cavum tympani, preparation of auditory ossicles etc. 3. continuation in preparations (see above) 4. completion of preparations 5. demonstration of regions