1 Department of Anatomy Cerebellum and diencephalon MUDr. Marek Joukal, Ph.D. Cerebellum Inside the posterior cranial fossa (fossae cerebellares) On the dorsal side of the brain stem Together with the brains stem borders the 4th ventricle fissura transversa cerebri (tentorium cerebelli) – divides from the occipital lobe Cerebellum 130-150 g Vermis cerebelli Hemispheria cerebelli Margo anterior (incisura cerebelli ant.) Margo posterior (incisura cerebelli post.) Pedunculus flocculi Flocculus Sulci cerebelli Folia cerebelli Connected with brain stem by three peduncles: 1. Pedunculi cerebellares sup. (mesencephalon) velum medullare sup. 2. Pedunculi cerebellares med. (pons Varoli) 3. Pedunculi cerebellares inf. (medulla oblongata) fastigium (vallecula cerebelli) velum medullare inf. LOBUS POSTERIOR Declive (lobulus quadrangularis inf.) Folium vermis (lobulus semilunaris sup.) Tuber vermis (lobulus semilunaris inf.) LOBUS ANTERIOR Lingula (vinculum lingulae) Lobulus centralis (ala lobuli centralis) Culmen (lobulus quadrangularis sup.) FISSURA PRIMA PARS FLOCCULONODULARIS Nodulus (flocculus) FISSURA UVULONODULARIS Pyramis (lobulus biventer) Uvula (tonsilla cerebelli) FISSURA HORIZONTALIS Gray matter cortex cerebelli nuclei cerebelli (ncll. fastigii, ncl. globosi, ncl. emboliformis, ncl. dentatus) White matter arbor vitae 2 Functional division of the cerebellum: 1. Vestibulocerebellum (archicerebellum) lingula, pars nodulofloccularis 2. Spinocerebellum (palaeocerebellum) medial and paramedial zone of the lobus anterior and posterior 3. Neocerebellum lateral zone of the lobus anterior and posterior Control of balance, orientation in environment, coordination of eye movement Direct afferentation from the vestibular apparatus, Bidirectional connection with the vestibular nuclei tr. vestibulospinalis -> ncll. motorii (postural mm.) Efferent connection with RF tr. reticulospinalis -> ncll. motorii (muscular tonus) Connections with FLM (eye movement coordination and head) Vestibulocerebellum (archicerebellum) Spinocerebellum (palaeocerebellum) Processing of infromation from the locomotor system, control of muscular tone, coordination of movements Proprioception: tr. spinocerebellaris ant. et post., tr. cuneocerebellaris, tr. trigeminocerebellaris Efferent pathways: to RF – tr. reticulospinalis (muscular tone) to ncl. ruber – tr. rubrospinalis (coordination of muscles on the UE) Neocerebellum (neocerebellum) Coordnination of movements, muscular tone Afferentation from the cortex: tr. cortico – ponto - cerebellaris) efferentation: ncl. ruber – ncl. olivares – cerebellum– control circuits thalamus – to the motor cortex Diencephalon (hindbrain)) Thalamencephalon (alar plate - sensory) Thalamus Epithalamus Metathalamus sulcus hypothalamicus („sulcus limitans“ ) Hypothalamus and subthalamus (basal plate - motor) Rostral side of the diencephalon Lamina terminalis (between commisura anterior and chiasma opticum) 3 Basal side of the diencephalon Chiasma opticum Infundibulum Hypophysis cerebri Tuber cinereum Corpora mamillaria Dorsal side of diencephalon Thalamus Tuberculum thalami anterius Pulvinar thalami Stria terminalis (vena thalamostriata) Lamina affixa thalami Taenia choroidea (tela choroidea ventriculi lateralis) Stria medullaris thalami (tela choroidea ventriculi tertii) Epithalamus Epithalamus Stria medullaris thalami Trigonum habenulae Commissura habenularum Commissura posterior Corpus pineale (epiphysis) Dorsal side of diencephalon Posterolateral side of the diencephalon Metathalamus corpus geniculatum mediale (auditory pathway) corpus geniculatum laterale (visual pathway) Medial side of the diencephalon Lateral wall of the third ventricle sulcus hypothalamicus (foramen interventriculare - aquaductus cerebri) adhesio interthalamica Lateral side of the diencephalon Connected with telencephalon (capsula interna, nucleus caudatus) 4 Subthalamus ventrocaudally from thalamus and lateral from hypothalamus Field of Forel H1 (fasciculus thalamicus) Zona incerta (gray matter) Field of Forel H2 (fasciculus lenticularis) ncl. subthalamicus (Luysi) ncl. reticularis substantia nigra and globus pallidus derived from subthalamus Structure of the diencephalon hypothalamus thalamus + metathalamus epithalamus sulcus hypothalamicus subthalamus Alar plate (sensory) Basal plate (motor) Thalamus Paired gray matter structure of ovoid shape (tuberculum ant.; pulvinar thalami), afferentation to the cortex lamina medullaris interna – divides the groups of nuclei GROUPS OF NUCLEI anterior – ncll. anteriores medial – ventral (ventromediales) dorsal (dorsomediales) lateral – ventral (ventrolaterales!!!) dorsal (dorsolaterales) posterior – ncll. thalamici post. (ncll. pulvinares) ncll. intralaminares (in lamina medullaris int.) ncll. paraventriculares SPECIFIC NUCLEI OF THE THALAMUS SOMATOSENSORY NUCLEI VPL – ncl. ventralis posterolateralis (LM: tr. bulbo-thalam.; tr. spinothalam.; tr. trigemino-thal.) VPM – ncl. ventralis posteromedialis (lemniscus trigeminalis) SPECIAL SENSORY NUCLEI ncl. corporis geniculati medialis (auditory p. – lemniscus lat.) ncl. corporis geniculati lat. (visual pathway) MOTOR FEEDBACK CIRCUITS (VA) ncl. ventr. ant. (from BG, s. nigra to praemot.+ motor. cortex) (VL) ncl. ventralis lateralis (from the cerebellum) Information about specific modality, precise somatotopic (retinotopic, tonotopic) formation interneurons Similar as RF (ARAS, connection) ncll. Intralaminares (ncl. centromedianus CM) ncl. paravetriculares (mediani) ncl. reticularis Integration of nuclear activity in thalamus (strong afferentation from cortex) NONSPECIFIC NUCLEI OF THALAMUS AFFERENTATION TO THE CORTEX CORTEX Specific pathway Nonspecific pathway THALAMUS 5 ASSOCIATION AND INTEGRATION NUCLEI OF THALAMUS ncll. anteriores (connection with limbic system) from tr. mamillothal., hypothal. to gyrus cinguli ncl. dorsomediales from limbic syst., from olfactory syst to praefront. c. ncl. dorsolateralis (LD) ncl. lateralis post. Connection with all lobes of telencephalon ncl. pulvinares cortex cortex MD STRUCTURE OF HYPOTHALAMUS Developed from the viseromotor zone of basal plate Control of visceral reactions together with limbic system (rich connections) = „visceral brain“ (integrates afferent visceral information – received via interneurons) contains nuclei controlling the sympaticus and parasympaticus Towards the lower parts of CNS visceromotor information run via interneurons (exception – fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis and tr. tegmentalis centralis) Hypothalamic function affected by chemical composition, pressure and temperature of blood (control of homeostasis, body temperature, blood pressure and biorhytm) Coordination of neurohumoral controlling (hypothalamo-hypopysial system) (hypophysis – neurosecretion, controls othe endocrine organs) Nuclei around the 3rd ventricle anterior middle posterior rostral dorsal III. PERIVENTRICULAR ROW MEDIAL ROWS LATERAL ROW LATERAL ROW HYPOTHALAMIC NUCLEI HYPOTHALAMIC NUCLEI Ventral group A – ncl. praechiasmaticus (cirkadian rhythm; tr. retino-hypothal.; pineal gl.) B – ncl. praeopticus (sexual and maternity behav., homeostasis) C – ncl. supraopticus (ADH) D – ncl. paraventricularis (magnocel.- oxytocin; parvocel. - statins, liberiny) E – ncll. anteriores (control of parasympaticus + similar f. as praeopticus) Middle group F – ncl. dorsomedialis G – ncl. ventromedialis H – ncl. arcuatus (seu infundibularis, statins + liberins) (ncll. tuberales – statins, liberins) Posterior group I – ncl. posterior (connection with RF) J – ncl. mamillaris (limbic system) Food intake, control of sympathicus HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI infundibulum eminentia mediana neurohypophysis (lobus post.)adenohypophysis (lobus ant.) pars intermedia chiasma opticum Hypophysis Inside the sella turcica DIVISION lobus anterior (adenohypophysis) glandular cells (STH, TSH, ACTH, LH, FSH, PRL) stimulation of hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal syst. pars intermedia lobus posterior (neurohypophysis) No glands, storage of hormones Hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract HYPOTHALAMO-HYPOPHYSEAL TRACT oxytocin ADH ncl. supraopticus ncl. paraventricularis eminentia mediana Posterior lobe neurohypophyis 6 Hypothalamo-hypophysial portal pathway eminentia medialis with primary vascular plexus hypophysial portal vein secondary vascular plexus Superior hypophyseal artery ADENOHYPOPHYSIS Hormonesto cavernous sinus https://me-pedia.org/wiki/Pituitary_gland Subthalamus Field of Forel H1 (fasciculus thalamicus) from the globus pallidus to thalamu between zona incerta and thal. Zona incerta (regulation of water intake, motor f.) Field of Forel H2 (fasciculus lenticularis) from globus pallidus to thalamu between zona incerta and ncl. subthalamicus Ncl. subthalamicus (Luysi) Processing of motor function Connection with BG, sustantia nigra, ncl. ruber Ncl. reticularis (only because of its position included to the subth.) Integration of thalamic nuclei activity (strong afferentatioin from cortex) Corpus pineale (epiphysis) Phylonegenetically oldest – photosensitivity Acumulation of calcium and phosphate (acervulus cerebri) Melatonin prodction – decreased by light melatonin - cirkadian rhytm, effect on hypopheseal function, genital glads, pigmentation (affect secretion of dopamine and serotonin, increases STH, cancer – pubertas praecox) Stria medullaris thalami – connects hypothalamus with ncll. habenulares Trigonum habenulae – ncll. habenulares (tr. habenulointerpeduncularis – connection of the limbic systém with mesencephalon) Commissura habenularum – connection of the habenular ncll. Commissura posterior – connection with praetectal a. (synchron. pupilar. reflex) Epithalamus References Dubový, P., Jančálek, R.: Základy neuroanatomie a nervových drah I. Masarykova univerzita Brno, 2013 Dokládal, M., Páč, L.: Anatomie člověka III. Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 1995. Čihák, R.: Anatomie 3. Praha, Grada, 2001, 2004 Sobotta, J.: Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol1 –2 Munich, Urban und Schwarzenberg, 1993 Páč, L., Vargová, L., Čuta, M. : Anatomie pro antropology III. Nadace universitas, Akademické nakladatelství CERM. Masarykova univerzita 2013. Wiliams, P. & Warvick, R.: Gray´s Anatomy, 37 ed, Churhill Livingstone, 1996 Netter, F.:Atlas of Human Anatomy, 4th ed., Elseviesr, USA, 2006