Stroke The cost of stroke •1 year after stroke 65% independent •Stroke occupied 20% of acute and 25% of longterm beds in UK •Every 34 minutes 1 patient with stroke is admitted to hospital in CR Stroke Classification Pathogenesis Brain vascular territories Brain arteries Vascular territories Medial cerebral artery Anterior cerebral artery Posterior circulation Imaging CT examination • X rays • High doses • Computer assisted • Short examination time • Without or with contrast media CT- ischaemic stroke • Cardioembolic stroke (AF) • Fluent aphasia ICH: CT Brain-stem haemorrhage SAH: CT MRI • No X rays • Radio frequency (RF) fields are used to systematically alter the alignment of this magnetization, causing the hydrogen nuclei to produce a rotating magnetic field detectable by the scanner. • More information than CT • much greater contrast between the different soft tissues of the body than computed tomography • Longer examination time • fMR Ultrasound •Duplex sonography •Transcranial doppler sonography Angiography Stroke Ischaemic (brain infarction) (80%) Hemorrhagic (cerebral bleeding) Haematoma (17%) SAH (3%) Ischaemic stroke • Stroke is currently the second leading cause of death in the Western world • Most frequent cause of the severe disability among older adults Incidence (100 tis./year) Italy (Valle d´Aosta) • 289 England • Newcastle, Darlington 276 • Oxfordshire 240 (první iktus) Czech Republic • ??? • Brno (280- 350) Prevalence • Northern England • 468 / 100 tis. • Cognitive changes 33% • Problems with gait 30% • Speech difficulties 27% Subtypes of stroke • Atherotrombotic • Large artery atherotrombosis • Cardioembolic infarction • Lacunar infarction- SAD LAA 50% CA 25% SAD 20% Others 5% Tromboembolic stroke Lacunar infarction Small vessel disease • 9% persons>70 years • 16,1/12,2 % M/F >75 y • 5,6x greater risk of Stroke • (+valvular mitral stenosis = 17x) Anticoagulation therapy risk reduction 68- 81% ECG Holter monitoring Implantable long-term device - reveal Cardiac source of embolism- AF Signs and symptoms Brain infarction Sudden deficit • Over seconds to minutes Anterior or posterior circulation • (The symptoms depend on the area of the brain affected.) TIA Up to 1 hour, mostly minutes-20 min • Amaurosis fugax • Crescendo TIA 2 and more= urgeng situation Weakness, sensory disorder Contralaterally Blurred visoin Speech disorders Acute headache Vertigo, dizziness Clinical Presentations of Stroke Signs and symptoms Signs and symptoms Anterior circulation • Hemiparesis • Sensory loss • Aphasia, Apraxia • Hemianopsia Posterior circulation • Vertigo, dizziness • Drop attack • Diplopia • Altered vision • Cranial nerves lesions Primary prevention Highlights • Up to 90% of all strokes are preventable, and attributable to 10 modifiable risk factors • Hypertension is ubiquitously the major modifiable risk factor for stroke, • accounting for one-third of stroke in developed countries and two-thirds in • developing countries • Optimal stroke prevention requires a harmonious, integrated approach to educating about stroke risk and healthy lifestyle behaviors, simple screening and management of individuals for a history and presence of modifiable and treatable causal risk factors, and improving social and environmental factors Risk factors Nonmodifiable Age Gender Modifiable Hypertension Diabetes Smoking Heart diseases HLP High blood pressure • The most important risk factor • Systolic and diastolic BP • Hypertonics • SBP 10/DBP 5 • 41% reduction of stroke risk • (fatal –30%, nonfatal –34%) • Normotonics • UKTIA SBP 12 /DBP 5 = -34% Smoking • The risk of stroke is approximately 50% higher in smokers than in non-smokers • Spousal cigarette smoking also harmful • The risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked per day and is reversible • Stopping smoking reduces the risk of stroke: • By approximately 50% within one year • To normal levels (people who never smoked) within five years Other risk factors DM Independent risk factor (1.5- 3.0) • Depends on type and severity HLP Statins are more effective for the primary prevention of acute coronary syndrome and MI compared with ischemic stroke For every 1-mmol/l reduction in LDL cholesterol concentration with statin therapy, the risk of first stroke is reduced by about 21% Other risk factors II • Oral contraceptives • Depends on estrogen level • Low level 1.93 • Higher level 2.75 • Normal BP, non-smoker: 1 stroke per 24 000 cases • Risk disappears after withdrawal of OC • 10% of strokes in young women is caused by OC HRT: not clear… • Hormone replacement after menopause is not effective in the secondary stroke prevention in women and may increase mortality after stroke. Other risk factors III • Gravidity and puerperium • 13x increased risk • 1 stroke/ 3000 childbirth Other risc factors- drinking Alcohol drinking is related to the increased incidence of stroke In general the more alcohol that is consumed the greater the risk for the development of a stroke •Chronic intake •Bing This is true of both types of stroke • Ischemic • hemorrhagic Patients with TIA or ischaemic stroke Stroke Therapeutical possibilities Acute care Initial examination should include • Observation of breathing and pulmonary function • Early signs of dysphagia, preferably with a validated assessment form • Evaluation of concomitant heart disease • Assessment of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate • Determination of arterial oxygen saturation using infrared pulse oximetry if available • Blood samples for clinical chemistry: • glucose, coagulation and haematology studies should be drawn, and a venous line inserted • ECG New ways in stroke care •Concentration •Stroke units •Recanalization therapy •IVT •Mechanic thrombectomy •„Time is brain“ concept •Public education •Triage and time management Stroke unit BP • Hypertension .. Hypotension • Routine lowering of the BP is not recommended Glycemia • Hyperglycemia increases the extent of the brain infarction and decreases the chance of good result (mRS 0-1) BT • High body temperature increases the extent of the infarction Recanalization • The primary aim of thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke is recanalization of an occluded intracranial artery • Recanalization is an important predictor of stroke outcome as timely restoration of regional cerebral perfusion helps salvage threatened ischemic tissue • The time of the recanalization is probably the most important factor • Recanalization is strongly associated with improved functional outcomes and reduced mortality. Battlefield… Intravenous trombolysis (IVT) Intravenously administered recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (IV-TPA) 0.9 mg/kg (10% bolus, 90% v 60 min. infusion) ≤ 4,5 hrs NINDS (1995)… 1996 approved FDA 2002 EMEA •2003 SUKL 2008 ECASS II- prolongation 4.5 hrs NINDS tPA, ATLANTIS, ECASS-I, ECASS-II NNT 5 NNT 20 NNT 5 NNT 20 mRS 0-1/day 90 Treatment Delay tPA (n = 3391) (%) Control (n = 3365) (%) ≤3 h 33 23 >3 and ≤4.5 h 35 30 >4.5 h 33 31 Proportion of Patients Achieving mRS Score of 0 or 1 at 3 to 6 Months Mechanic thrombectomy IVT: only in 18% of patients we can find after two hrs. the full recanalization Thrombectomy Increasingly established as an alternative to lytic therapy Mechanical clot removing from the cerebral vessel with the help of a catheter device More efficient, particularly in the case of large or proximal occlusions Whether (or not) better recanalisation also means a better result for the patient is currently being investigated in a number of international studies Mechanic thrombectomy Futile recanalization Triaging patients with acute ischemic stroke Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke The “time is brain” concept • It means that treatment of stroke should be considered as an emergency. • Avoiding delay should be the major aim in the prehospital phase of acute stroke care. • This has far-reaching implications in terms of recognition of signs and symptoms of stroke by the patient or by relatives or bystanders, the nature of first medical contact, and the means of transportation to hospital. • Recommendations • Educational programmes to increase awareness of stroke at the population level are recommended • Educational programmes to increase stroke awareness among professionals (paramedics/emergency physicians) are recommended Time • „Time is brain“ concept • NNT: 2 (90´) →7 (3 hrs.) →14 (3-4,5 hrs.)* • Obstacles • Social circumstances • Time of onset • Public education • Increase public awareness *Hacke W, Kaste M, Bluhmki E, Brozman M, Davalos A, Guidetti D, Larrue V, Lees KR, Medeghri Z, Machnig T, Schneider D, von Kummer R, Wahlgren N, Toni D, for the ECASS Investigators.Thrombolysis with Alteplase 3 to 4.5 Hours after Acute Ischemic Stroke. New Engl J Med 2008; 359: 1317–1329. First contact after onset of symptoms • Recognition of stroke in communities • Most studies show that only approximately 33-50% of patients recognize their own symptoms as stroke • Education FAST •Phone contact with the ambulance • Sustained pressure on the shortening of the onset-to-needle time • Measurement, evaluation, benchmarking • Door-to-needle (DNT) • Door-to-imaging (DIT) • Bridging, drip-and-ship… Triage and time management Drip-and-ship vs. mothership model Secondary prevention Prevention • • Up to 90% of all strokes are preventable, and attributable to 10 modifiable risk factors. • • Hypertension is ubiquitously the major modifiable risk factor for stroke, accounting for one-third of stroke in developed countries and two-thirds in developing countries. • • Optimal stroke prevention requires a harmonious, integrated approach to educating about stroke risk and healthy lifestyle behaviors, simple screening and management of individuals for a history and presence of modifiable and treatable causal risk factors, and improving social and environmental factors. Risk of recurrence The highest risk during first weeks- months 01 10% during first year 02 Then 5% per year 03 Patient, who survives ischemic stroke (80%/first month) has 2x greater risk of death during following years 04 Antiplatelet drugs •Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) •COX inhibitor •Clopidogrel •Inhibition ADP induced activation of FBG receptors IIb/IIIa •More effective than ASA +18% (27 vs 33%) ASA Ischemic stroke, HI, vascular death -27% 30- 1300 mg - 18% reduction of new stroke episodes during 3 years Prevention of 40 severe strokes per 1000 treated (2 hemorrhages per 1000 treated) ASA • Incidence of bleeding is dose independent • GI complications and discomfort are dose dependent • Sufficient recommended dose= 100 mg • No reason for primary prevention Lipids lowering agents 9014 pts (HI,AP) CCH 4-7 mmol/l 6 years Reduction 23% All types of stroke (CE 30%, LAA 17%, SAD 20%) Atrial Fibrillation • More than 9% persons >70 years • 16,1/12,2 % M/F >75 years • 5,6x higher risk of stroke • (+rheumatic Mi stenosis = 17x) • Warfarin / DOAC • Risk reduction of first and repeated ischemic stroke between 68- 81% • If Warfarin is contraindicated- ASA • Oral anticoagulation is not recommended in patients with co-morbid conditions such as falls, poor compliance, uncontrolled epilepsy, or gastrointestinal bleeding • Increasing age alone is not a contraindication to oral anticoagulation Risk factors •ASA •Epistaxis •Anticoagulation •Warfarin •2% of treated patiens •Risk of bleeding 8- 11x Hypolipidemika •Thrombolysis •6,4% Carotid endarterectomy • Atherosclerosis causes plaque to form in the carotid arteries, usually at the fork where the common carotid artery divides into the internal and external carotid artery • The plaque can build up in the inner surface of the artery (lumen), and narrow or constrict the artery • Pieces of the plaque emboli can break off and travel up the internal carotid artery to the brain, where it blocks circulation, and can cause death of the brain tissue Carotid endarterectomy • NASCET, ECST, VA (sympt.) • ACAS (asympt.) • The North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) and the European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST) • Large randomized class 1 studies which have helped define current indications for carotid endarterectomy • The NASCET found that for every six patients treated, one major stroke would be prevented at two years (i.e. a number needed to treat (NNT) of six) for symptomatic patients with a 70 – 99% stenosis Endarterectomy • Complete internal carotid artery obstruction (because there is no benefit to treating chronic occlusion) • Previous stroke on the ipsilateral side with severe deficit • No point in preventing what has already happened Contra-indications • About 3% of asymptomatic and 6% of symptomatic patients are expected to suffer stroke or death as a result of either the surgery or carotid stenting Complications Take home message • Acute therapy • Thrombolysis • Stroke unit • HBP • Most important treatable risk factor • Secondary prevention • ASA • AF • Warfarin / DOAC • Carotid endarterectomy • symptomatic stenosis 70- 99% Rehabilitation Rehabilitation The most frequent cause of disability of adults 10-20% die in acute stage 10% resolve 30% severe deficit 30% rehabilitation Rehabilitation • Patients with disabling strokes undergo treatment to help them return to normal life as much as possible by regaining and relearning the skills of everyday living • Multidisciplinary • A team with different skills working together to help the patient. • Nursing staff • Physiotherapy • Occupational therapy • Speech and language therapy • Social workers Rehabilitation • Rehabilitation process includes • Nursing • occupational therapy (OT), • physical therapy (PT), • therapeutic recreation (TR), • speech therapy (or speech language pathology, SLP), • Psychology and vocational rehabilitation. Rehabilitation • OT involves exercise and training to help the stroke patient relearn everyday activities, sometimes called the Activities of daily living (ADLs) • eating and drinking, dressing, bathing, cooking, reading and writing, and toileting • Therapeutic recreation works on several areas including problem solving, improving movement and re-entry into the community through familiar, new, and adaptive leisure skills • Speech and language therapy is appropriate for patients who have problems understanding speech or written words, cognitive loss, or problems forming speech • Speech therapists also assess a person's ability to safely swallow after a stroke • Psychologists can assess cognitive function and teach people with stroke coping strategies • Vocational rehabilitation can work directly with a person who has stroke and their employer to facilitate successful return to work Depression after stroke •More than 50% •SSRI antidepressants Post-stroke pain • 19-74% of patients • Brain lesion itself • Central post-stroke pain' (CPSP) • 1-8% • Adrenergic antidepressants, Antiepileptics, (lamotrigine), GABAergic drugs (gabapentin or pregabalin) • Other sources • Frozen shoulder, spasticity Incontinence and stroke •1/3- 2/3 pts in acute stage •Correlate with severity of the stroke •Important factor which influences the overall prognosis •Infections •Bedsore (decubitus) Incontinence and stroke • Depressed level of consciousness • Immobility • Communication problems • Weakness or clumsiness of UE • Detrusor instability • Urinary infection • Supine position • Diuretics Stroke and epilepsy •2% of patients with stroke have first epileptic seizure •Cortical infarction – higher risk •Risk of epilepsy after first stroke •5% during first year •1-2% annually during following years