Oční lékařství - cvičení
Oční lékařství - cvičení
Nyní studovatExamination method and red eye
Nyní studovatCornea
Nyní studovatNeuroophtalmology
Nyní studovatPedoophthalmology
Nyní studovatCataract and glaucoma
Nyní studovatTraumatology and orbit
Nyní studovatRetina
Nyní studovatUvea and tumors
Examination method and red eye
Firs lecture - repetition of anatomy and physiology, basic overview of
examination methods in ophthalmologyComment: During of the study of the theme red eye, focus really on
the dif dg. ( iritis, keratitis and acute glaucoma are presented here for completeness),
they are discussed in detail in other presentations.
Attention to dif dg scleritis and episcleritis!
In addition to lectures, I recommend repeating the basic mydriatics
(even with duration of action) - atropine, scopolamine, homatropin, tropicamide,
phenylephrine and miotics - pilocarpine!
Oční lékařství - cvičení
Nyní studovatExamination method and red eye
Nyní studovatCornea
Nyní studovatNeuroophtalmology
Nyní studovatPedoophthalmology
Nyní studovatCataract and glaucoma
Nyní studovatTraumatology and orbit
Nyní studovatRetina
Nyní studovatUvea and tumors