Public Health II - lectures

Infectious Disease Epidemiology - general introduction.


Health promotion is one of the most important tools in the prevention of infectious diseases. 

It means complying with regulations and community support for preventive measures. These include personal hygiene and safe handling of water, milk, and food.

For sexually transmitted infections, the main method of prevention is education. 

Each of the infectious diseases or groups of infectious diseases have a specific epidemiology and one or more preventive or control approaches can be used in their knowledge. 

They may include coordinated interventions across disciplines and modalities, including epidemiological monitoring, laboratory confirmation, environmental measures, immunization and health education. This requires teamwork and organized collaboration



After studying the lecture, students will be able:

  • to understand the types of epidemiological investigations,
  • describe the incidence of epidemic disease - the level of disease
  • understand the pathogenesis of infectious diseases
  • explain the chain of infection
  • apply a chain of infection to a specific infection
  • develop basic preventive epidemiological measures,
  • understand the principles of vaccination
  • develop repressive anti-epidemic measures to stop the spread of infectious diseases
  •  understand eradications and eliminations programmes  of infections


  1. Definition of epidemiology; the types of epidemiological investigations
  2. Occurrence of infectious diseases,
  3. Physiological colonization of the human body
  4. Maturation of the immune system, immunity
  5. Pathogenesis of infectious diseases
  6. Etiological structure of infections
  7. Chain of infections (epidemic process); the presence of source of infection, the method of transmission, the susceptibility of the population or its individual member to specific infectious agents
  8. Anti-epidemic measures; preventive - principles of vaccination, repressive in an outbreak