Fyzioterapie Czech language for foreigners II

Týden 6: The date: ordinal numbers, months, seasons. UNIT 8/1: Conversation: Planning our weekend. Grammar: The future tense.

1) You study the date and seasons in the class book p. 62/7 + p. 63 a gray box, ex. 8, 9

+ handout

You study the future tense: Lekce 8 Plánujeme víkend 

class book p. 65 a gray box + handout


exercises: work book p. 87/5; 88/6, 7, 9 (check the answers in the key)

listening: class book p. 65/2 (Listen to a dialogue and mark the right answer)

72 Eva a Petr plánují víkend

Listen again and complete the text p. 65/3

 To get the attendance you need to upload into HV two handouts which follows:

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