Czech Language for Foreigners II: online classes

Week 12: UNIT 9/3: Conversation: At the pharmacy. Prepositions with the accusative (na, pro, za). Revision of prepositions.



HOLÁ, Lída: Česky krok za krokem 1, UNIT 9.

WARM UP: Teacher’s choice


  • Revise the conversation between the doctor and the patient: Workbook - page 105/ex. 31 + 32.
  • (Self-study): Revise personal pronouns in dative/accusative: LINK 

2. CONVERSATION: Jak se objednat k lékaři? (How to book an appointment with a doctor.)

  • Watch the video: LINK
  • Put the sentences from the dialogue in the correct order: LINK
  • Work in groups: Create a dialogue between the patient and the nurse - book an appointment with a doctor. 
  • Inspiration for your dialogues: 

3. GRAMMAR: Prepositions pro - za - na

  • Learn new prepositions: Textbook: page 79/grey box:

PRO + people (for): nosní kapky pro syna, kniha pro maminku, guláš pro dědečka

ZA + money (for): sirup za 50 korun, pizza za 120 korun, nový počítač za 10 000 korun

ZA + time (“in”): Budu tam za 5 minut. (= in 5 minutes)

NA + for what/what purpose: lék na alergii, šampon na vlasy, krém na ruce

NA + time (for): Budu tam na 5 minut. (= for 5 minutes)

Remember: NA + directions (KAM?): Jdu na univerzitu. Jdu na procházku. Jedu na dovolenou.

Verb + NA: Dívám se na televizi. Čekám na kamaráda.

  • Practice: Textbook: page 79/ex. 7.
  • Practice: Workbook: page 109/ex. 50 + 51.
  • Online practice (self-study): LINK

4TOPIC: V lékárně (at the pharmacy)

  • Learn new vocabulary: Textbook - page 79/ex. 3 - Co je to?
  • Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps + observe the prepositions you have learned: Textbook - page 79/ex. 5 + 6. AUDIO LINK
  • Watch the video: Jak kupovat léky?
  • Work with the worksheet (below) and complete exercises 1 + 2 + 3. 


  • Revise all prepositions you have learned.
  • Complete the worksheet (click "Check my answers" when done): LINK