1 5. week CFF II. Week 5: UNIT 7/2: Conversation: Looking for accommodation. Grammar: Numerals dva-dvě. The date: ordinal numbers, months, seasons. Medical Czech: Human body I (Head). 2. Grammar - ČÍSLO 2: dva x dvě ̶Observe the grey box in Textbook - page 61. Learn the difference between DVA (M pl.) and DVĚ (F + N pl.). ̶Practice: Textbook - page 61/ex. 15. ̶Online practice + plural revision: Link 4. THE DATE: ordinal numbers, months, seasons 5. LISTENING ̶Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps: Textbook - page 62/ex. 4: AUDIO LINK ̶ Homework HOMEWORK ̶I. VOCABULARY: HEAD ̶Learn new vocabulary: HEAD ̶Online practice: Flashcards ̶Online learning: Link ̶01 HLAVA ̶II: VIDEO: apartment tour ̶Make a video presenting your apartment. Use your smartphone or any camera on selfie mode and shot a tour of your place. Describe your rooms and tell what you do there. ̶Upload your homework into your homework vault. ̶III: ROPOT ̶ ̶