Info about the test Progress test III 1. REVISION * Online revision (HW self-study): The human body: Link 2. GRAMMAR: Personal pronouns in the dative and the accusative * Learn personal pronouns in the dative and the accusative: Textbook - page 75 (grey box). * Learn new phrase that needs accusative: BOLET = TO HURT - Bolet: Co vás/tě bolí? What is hurting you? – Bolí mě hlava. My head hurts. (lit. Head is hurting me) * Learn new phrase that needs dative: - Být + dobře/špatně: Co vám/ti je? What’s wrong with you? - Je mi špatně. I don’t feel well. (Lit. What is to you? It is bad to me) * Complete the exercise: Textbook - page 75/ex. 6. 1. Bolí TĚ … 2. Bolí HO … 3. Bolí NÁS… 4. Bolí JI … 5. Bolí VÁS… 6. Bolí JE… 7. Je VÁM… 8. Je JÍ… 9. Je JIM… 10. Je TI … 11. Je MU… 12. Je NÁM… * Self-study: complete the exercises: Workbook - page 102/ex. 19, 20, 22 + page 103/ex. 23 + 25. Ex. 19 1. ho = him / To je můj stůl, mám ho rád (I like it = him) 2. ji 3. mě 4. tě 5. nás 6. je 7. vás 8. mě Ex. 20 1. ho 2. ji 3. je 4. ji 5. je 6. vás 7. mě 8. nás 9. ji 10. je Ex. 22 1. jí 2. mu 3. ti 4. jí 5. mi 6. vám 7. jim 8. nám 9. ti 10. jim 3. NEW TOPIC: At the doctor’s * Revise phrases with the accusative and the dative + learn new phrases (document below). U doktora * Practice: Jaký problém mají tito pacienti? Textbook - page 76/ex. 9. BOLELY = boleli * Online practice (self-study): Link * Read the dialogues: Textbook - page 77/ex. 13 + 14. Important phrases · Musíte jet do nemocnice = you have to go to the hospital · Zavolám sanitku = I will call the ambulance · sestra vás objedná = the nurse will make an appointment for you · budeme slavit = we will celebrate · zvýšená teplota = increased temperature, usual only as: Mám teplotu. · angína = tonsilitis · dostat antibiotika = to get antibiotics · naposled = last time · těžká = hard, difficult, severe · brát léky = to take the medicine · přijdete na kontrolu = you will come for the check up * Practice the accusative object-centered constructions: Textbook - page 78/15. 1. maminku 2. babičku 3. dceru 4. kamarádku 5. kočku 6. bratra 7. syna 8. tatínka 9. dědečka 10. psa * Online practice (self-study): Link 4. SPEAKING * Work in pairs: devise a dialogue between the doctor and the patient. 5. LISTENING * Listen to the dialogues. Choose the correct answer a/b/c: Textbook - page 78/ex. 16: AUDIO LINK pohotovost: emergency: a) Nemocnice Bohunice, b) Úrazová nemocnice (v centru) 6. SUMMARY * Play kahoot: Link * Self-study kahoot: Link