Theoretical background and practical tasks LIFELONG STUDY OF PHARMACOLOGY ̶ Research and development of new drugs ̶ Every year, around 40 new medicines get market authorization worldwide ̶ Most physicians prescribe medications that were not known at the time of their study/graduation ̶ Misleading information/fake news/hoaxes vs reliable information ESSENTIAL INFORMATION SOURCES ̶ SPC/SmPC = Summary of product characteristics ̶ Written by marketing authorization holder (manufacturer), approved by regulatory authority (e.g. EMA) ̶ UK: Electronic medicines compendium ̶ CZE: SUKL database – english version In Czech: ̶ Pharmindex Brevíř/Breviary (Medical Tribune) ̶ Information system „AISLP“ (part of Czech IT systems in hospitals, doctor‘s offices) ̶ Czech Pharmacopoeia (Český lékopis) PHARMACOPOEIA ̶ Poieo = greek; I prepare ̶ European Pharmacopoeia 10th edition (Ph. Eur. 2020) ̶ Czech Pharmacopoeia ̶ Derived from Ph. Eur. + national specific part ̶ Current version published in 2017 ̶ Binding standard (norm) for ensuring safe, effective nad quality medicines ̶ Quality requirements and specifications of pharmaceutical substances, excipients, medical preparations and dosage forms ̶ Analytical examinations and evaluations ̶ Requirements for preparation, manufacturing, control, labelling and storage of drugs ̶ Compounded medication recipes (Czech national part) CZECH PHARMACOPOEIA – STRUCTURE European part ̶ General part: analytical examinations and evaluations, analytical devices, containers and packaging of medicines, general texts (e.g. about sterility, stability testing), general texts about dosage forms or specific medicines (radiopharmaceuticals, vaccines, homeopathic preparations…) etc. ̶ Special part: monographies of pharmaceutical substances National part ̶ 12 tables (useful mostly for pharmacists) ̶ Table IV and V – Recommended therapeutical doses for adults and children ̶ Special part (nationally specific substances and preparations) Examples in interactive syllabi FREE INTERNATIONAL SOURCES ̶ European Medicines Agency (EMA) ̶ (incl. drugs interactions checker) ̶ PubMed ̶ Medscape PAID INTERNATIONAL SOURCES ̶ Dynamed ̶ Lexicomp ̶ Micromedex ̶ Up-to-date ̶ MUNI sometimes grants short-term „testing access“: ̶ MUCL Services ATC DRUG CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ̶ ATC code = international alphanumerical code for every individual pharmaceutical substance in defined indication group – see metformin: ATC CLASSIFICATION