Pathophysiology of circulatory shock Shock - definition  Severe tissue hypoperfusion resulting in low supply of oxygen to the organs  Systemic hypotension (of various causes) is present  P = Q  R  Q ~ CO = SV  f  CO depends on a) cardiac function b) venous return (→preload) • R – systemic resistance (mostly arterioles) - afterload Cardiac function and venous function  aa Phases of shock  Compensation of initiating cause  Decompensation  Refractory shock Compensatory mechanisms and their limits  Activation of sympathetic nervous system (tens of seconds)  Activation of RAAS (cca 1 hour)  Vasoconstriction (if possible) – but it leads into lower blood supply  Vasodilatation in some tissues (esp. myocardium)  Positively inotropic effect of SNS (if possible) – but at cost of higher metabolic requirements of the heart  Increased heart rate – but CO decreases in high HR (>150 bpm)  Keeping circulating volume by lower diuresis – but at cost of acute renal failure  Shift to anaerobic metabolism – but at cost of ↓ ATP a ↑ lactate (acidosis)  Shift of saturation curve of hemoglobin to right (↑2,3-DPG)  Hyperglycemia – but there is decreased utilization of Glc in the periphery Heart rate [min-1] Cardiacoutput[dm3.min-1] Decompensated shock  ↓ BP  ↓ diuresis  Brain hypoperfusion – involvment of mental functions  Acrocyanosis  Tachypnoe Shock at cellular level  Mitochondrial dysfunction (result of hypoxia) – lower production of ATP  ↑ ROS production by dysfunctional mitochondria  Failure of ion pumps (e.g. Na/K ATP-ase →↑intracelular Ca2+)  Activation of Ca2+ -dependent proteases  Lysosomal abnormalities – release of lysosomal proteases  ↓ intracelular pH, ↑ lactate ◦ promote hyperpolarization of muscle cells by opening K+ channels → ↓Ca2+ entry → ↓smooth muscle cell and cardiomyocyte contraction Refractory shock  Vicious circles 1)Vasodilatation ↔ hypoperfusion ◦ Endothelial cells contain two isoforms of nitric oxid synthase – constitutive (eNOS) and inducible (iNOS) ◦ In lasting hypoxia of endothelial cells there is increased iNOS activity (primarily physiological mechanism) ◦ ↑NO increases vasodilation and hypoperfusion 2) Myocardial hypoxia ↔ lower contractility ◦ Lower myocardial perfusion leads into ↓CO, which further reduces coronary flow ◦ Myocardium does not benefit from the shift of Hb saturation curve – efficiency of O2 extraction is already at its maximum 3) Brain hypoperfusion ↔ ↓SNS activity ◦ Lower perfusion of vasomotor centre leads first into SNS hyperactivity, which is then followed by its supression ◦ That leads into ↓brain perfusion Other vicious circles in refractory shock * SIRS * DIC Forms of shock a) Hypovolemic (“cold and dry“) shock – low circulating volume, low preload b) Distributive (“warm“) shock – low resistance, low afterload, CO might be increased c) Cardiogennic (“wet“) shock – low CO in bad cardiac function, fluid congestion d) Obstructive shock – low preload of one ventricle in normovolemia and subsequent lowering of CO + congestion – pathophysiology similar to cardiogennic shock Cardiac and venous function in shock  Hypovolemic shock: compensation by the vasoconstriction and cardiac mechanisms  Distributive shock: compensation by cardiac mechanisms (vasoconstriction is usually impossible)  Cardiogennic (and obstructive) shock: compensation by vasoconstriction Q [dm3.min-1] P [mmHg] in right atrium Hypovolemic shock - causes  Acute bleeding  Burns, trauma  Rapid development of ascites  Acute pancreatitis  Severe dehydratation ◦ Vomiting, diarrhoea ◦ Excessive diuresis (e.g. in diabetes insipidus) Distributive shock - causes  Anafylactic shock  Anafylactoid shock ◦ Mediators of mast cells, but without IgE ◦ E.g. snake venoms, radiocontrasts  Septic shock ◦ Role of bacterial lipopolysaccharides ◦ Bacterial toxins ◦ IL-1,TNF-α – stimulate synthesis of PGE2 and NO  Neurogennic shock ◦ Vasodilatation as a result of vasomotoric centre (or its efferent pahways) impairment Cardiogennic shock - causes  Myocardial infarction  Arrhythmias  Valvular disease (e.g. rupture of papillary muscles)  Decompensation of heart failure in dilated/restrictive cardiomyopathy, amyloidosis  Overload by catecholamines (“tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy“ – apical akinesia + basal hyperkinesia)  Rupture of ventricular septum  Obstructive shock – e.g. cardiac tamponade, massive pulmonary embolism, aortic dissection Organ complications in shock  Lungs ◦ ARDS  Liver ◦ necrosis of hepatocytes  GIT ◦ stress ulcer ◦ Damage of intestinal mucosa by ischemic necrosis → sepsis  Kidneys ◦ Acute renal failure in vasoconstriction of a. afferens ◦ Acute tubular necrosis during ischemia Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC)  Systemic exposure to thrombin  Consequence of the vessel wall damage  Moreover, slower blood flow contributes to the extent of coagulation reactions  Two phases: 1) Formation of microtrombi (with local ischemia) 2) Bleeding as a result of consummation of coagulation factors  DIC is especially frequent in septic shock Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome(SIRS)  Systemic activation of immune mechanisms  Causes: ◦ infections (sepsis) ◦ Shock caused by non-infectious causes (diffuse tissue damage in hypoxia) ◦ Non-compatible blood transfusions ◦ Radiation syndrome (esp. GIT form) Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS – „shock lung“)  Result of lung inflammation in SIRS, pulmonary infections, aspiration of gastric juice, drowning  Exsudative phase (hours): cytokine release, leukocyte infiltration, pulmonary edema, destruction of type I pneumocytes  Proliferative phase: fibrosis, ↑ dead space, proliferation of type II pneumocytes  Reparative phase: ↓ inflammation, ↓ edema, continuing fibrosis, in most cases permanent restrictive diseases Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (MODS)  Failure of more organs at once (lungs, liver, GIT, kidneys, brain, heart)  It can develop after initial insult (days or weeks)  Hypermetabolism, catabolic stress  Can both preceed or result from SIRS  (primary vs. secondary MODS) General principles of treatment  Treatment of underlying cause  Positively inotropic drugs, vasopressors (e.g. catecholamines – but: they can worsen the situation in obstructive shock)  Colloid solutions, crystaloid solutions (but: there is a risk of edema in cardiogennic shock)  O2  i.v. corticoids (anafylaxis, SIRS?)  ATB (septic shock)  Mechanic circulation support (cardiogennic shock)  Anti-shock position