Čeština pro cizince IV

Týden 13: Stěhujeme se. (L17). Instrumental sg. TM U 5 Nemoci

  • Domácí úkol - kontrola.
  • Class book p. 137: Stěhujeme se (Instrumental sg)

Vocabulary we need to understand the text p. 137.

STĚHOVAT SE =  to move house; STĚHOVÁNÍ = moving 

strašný = terrible, awful

zmatek = chaos, disorder

všude = everywhere

za chvíli = in a while

krabice = box

klíče = keys

Speak - p. 137, ex. 1 

Listen and answer - ex. 2 : L; Listen again and complete ex. 3. 

Grammar: class book p. 137 - The highlighted words in the text  are the INSTRUMENTAL SINGULAR

see the rules in a grey box, p. 138 + 139 (a grey box) + presentation

Practice: class book p. 138, ex. 6

p. 138, ex 7: What is in Tom´s room? Name the furniture in the picture.

p. 138, ex. 8: Where is Tom´s: MOBIL, KLÍČE, BOTY A KUFR?

P. 138, EX. 9: What is in the picture?  

  • TM U 5 Nemoci

Domácí úkol


work book p. 53/5; 54/7