Syllabus of Neurology and Neurophysiology for a “Physiotherapy programme” at 1^st Department of Neurology, St. Anne´s University Hospital and Masaryk University Lectures of a summer term – school year 2021/22 1. Parkinson's disease Signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonian syndromes, differential diagnosis. Neurodegenerative disorders Spinocerebellar ataxias, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Differential diagnosis of gait disorders. 15.2.2022 Vinklárek, MD 2. Infections of nervous systems Encephalitis, myelitis, meningitis. Brain and spinal cord abscess. Neuroborreliosis. Role of CSF examination in neurology, indications and contraindications of spinal tap. 22.2.2022 Zatloukalová, MD 3. Hyperkinesias and dystonias Phenomenology of hyperkinesias: tremor, chorea, balism, myoclonus, tics, torsion dystonia. Diagnostic and therapeutic approach of hyperkinetic disorders. 1.3.2022 Kokošová, MD 4. Tumours of central nervous system Tumours of brain and meninges, symptomatology of expansive processes in cranium and spinal column. 8.3.2022 Vinklárek. MD 5. Examination of comatous patient Disorders of consciousness. Brain death. Disorders of Neural Plexi. Disease of plexus brachialis, diseases of plexus lumbosacralis. Clinical symptoms, neurophysiology. Tunnel syndromes. 15.3.2022 Kunst, MD 6. Epilepsy and epileptic syndromes. Classification of epilepsies, clinical symptomatology of focal and generalized epileptic seizures, lifestyle of patients with epilepsy. 22.3.2022 Revajová, MD 7. Acute Neurology I Stroke, brain hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage. 29.3.2022 Sklenárová, MD 8. Acute Neurology II Neurotraumatology, brain concussion and contusion, status epilepticus, malign neuroleptic syndrome. 5.4.2022 Deutschová, MD 9. Differential diagnostic of back pain Radicular syndromes, radicular and pseudo radicular irritation, spinal cord lesion, sacroiliacal joint disorders. 12.4.2022 Revajová, MD 10. Autoimmune disorders of central nerve system Multiple sclerosis, pathophysiology, pathology, diagnostic and therapeutic approach. Neuromuscular junction disorders. 19.4.2022 Kunst, MD 11. Headache Classification, pathophysiology, pathology, prevention and therapy. Treatment of migraine headache. 26.4.2022 Zatloukalová, MD 12. Dementia Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, frontotemproal dementia, differential diagnosis and treatment of dementia. 3.5.2022 Kunst, MD 13. Neuropsychology Content of the field, diagnostics, scales, psychotherapy. 10.5.2022 Rohová, Mgr. 14. Polyneuropathy and polyneuritis Pathophysiology, pathology, and therapy of peripheral nerves. Role of EMG in diagnostic approach to peripheral nerves. 17.5.2022 Zatloukalová, MD 15. Credit 24.5.2022 Krajčovičová, MD The lectures are held in Lecture room (building C1, 6th floor) of 1^st Department of Neurology, every Tuesday between 8:30 - 9:20 a.m.