Glandula thyroidea, glandulae parathyroideae, glandulae suprarenales, MEN syndrome
gland – glandulathyroidea: endocrine
butterfly-shaped organ located in front of the trachea. It
is affixed to the trachea with ligamentum
suspensorium glandulaethyroideae – ligamentum Berry. It consists of two lobes that are connected by a bridge
(isthmus), which is at the level of 2nd-
- 4th ring of the trachea. Variably,
lobus pyramidalis - a remnant of ductus thyroglossus branching out from
the isthmus in cranial direction - occurs in 1/4 of cases.
Facies medialis: adjacent to the larynx and trachea, near the nervus laryngeusrecurrens.
Facies anterolateralis: including the isthmus, surrounded by the infrahyoid muscles of the lamina pretrachealis fasciae colli.
Facies dorsalis: located near the neurovascular
bundle through which a. carotis communis, v. jugularis interna,
and n. vagus passes and in which the parathyroid glands are partially
Ligamentum Berry extends
between the thyroid capsule and the annular and thyroid cartilage. It is located right next to n.
laryngeusrecurrens. Together with the lobus pyramidalis, this is the
location along which the remnants of thyroid tissue remain the most often after
In adulthood,
the thyroid gland weighs approximately 15 - 20g. It is very richly vascularized and makes its
hormones in response to iodine supply.
The hormones pass directly into the blood. The thyroid gland consists of a large number
of follicles. Their walls are made up of cubical follicular cells. The pouches are filled with a brown,
jelly-like, viscous fluid - a colloid, which is a reservoir of hormones
bound to the protein thyreoglobulin.
of the thyroid gland is provided by sympathetic nerves.
vascularization is dual - a. thyroidea superior leads from a. carotis
externa and a. thyroidea inferior leads from a. subclavia. The blood flow through the thyroid gland is about 5 ml/1g of
gland tissue/minute, which means that in an hour, all the blood in the body
flows through this small gland.
The lymphatic
drainage is divided into ascending, which collects lymph into the pretracheal
and prelaryngeal nodes, and descending, which leads to the cervical deep nodes
and nodes of the superior mediastinum.
Thyroid hormones
The follicular cells of the thyroid gland
produce the Triiodothyronine(T3) and tetraiodothyronine thyroxine
(T4) thyroid hormones, which are derivatives of the tyrosine amino acid
covalently bound to iodine. Structurally, these are two molecules of tyrosine
and iodine at three or four positions of the aromatic ring. Functional hormones
are released from the iodinated glycoprotein thyroglobulin.
Thyroid hormone production is strictly
feedback regulated. TSH (thyrotropic
hormone) is the most important hormone and it is produced by the anterior lobe
of the pituitary gland. It is the master regulator of thyroid hormone
production and secretion and thyroid growth. The regulation is performed via
negative feedback of T4 and T3 The synthesis and secretion of TSH is stimulated
by the tripeptide TRH (thyreotropine-releasing hormone), which is produced
mainly in the hypothalamus.
hormones have a different significance in the intrauterine period (differentiation
factor) and after birth, they have a beneficial effect on the development
of the human brain. The main effect of thyroid hormones is on metabolic
processes, increasing basal metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate and heart
muscle strength - that is, they increase cardiac work.
In addition to the already mentioned hormones that affect
metabolism, the thyroid gland creates the calcitonin hormone, which
reduces the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, and also hormones thermothyrin
A and B, which regulate body temperature.
- Hypofunction of the thyroid gland refers to insufficient production of
thyroid hormones. At an early age, it
leads to growth retardation, the bones are short and wide, overall height is
small, skin is dry, at the same time, hair and teeth growth is limited, a
decrease in metabolism and a delay in sexual and mental development - cretinism
occur.In adulthood, the hypofunction of thyroid hormones produces similar
symptoms: a decrease in basal metabolism, body temperature, heart function slows
down, blood pressure and muscle tone decrease, nerve communication and
neuromuscular transmission slow down. Specific proteins accumulate in the
subcutaneous tissue, fatness occurs, fatigue often sets in, and disturbances in
mental activity occur - in particular, the psychomotor pace slows down, the
person has a harder time understanding, they forget and their thinking is
slow. Administration of thyroid hormones
eliminates these symptoms.
- hyperfunction of the thyroid gland or an excessive production of thyroid
hormones is manifested by an increase in basal metabolism, an increase in body
temperature, accelerated heart activity - increased heart work - tachycardia,
increased blood pressure, moist skin, acceleration of nerve excitations and
neuromuscular transmission. Mental
disorders occur - insomnia, nervousness, trembling of fingers.
Graves -
Based disease, an autoimmune disease, is the most common cause of
hyperthyroidism. Antibodies
to the TSH receptor are formed in the body, and they activate and increase the
production of thyroid hormones (T3, T4), the same antibodies can also bind to
antigens in the retrobulbar space (causing endocrine orbitopathy -
exophthalmos), in the subcutaneous tissue of the tibiae (pretibial myxedema) and
on hands and feet (acropachia).
Other causes of hyperthyroidism
include hyperfunctioning struma (enlargement of thyroid volume above the norm
for given age), hyperfunctioning adenoma, TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma.
enlargement of the thyroid gland -
struma - can often be observed in both disorders.
Thyrotoxicosis is
a condition during which tissues are exposed to high levels of circulating
thyroid hormones.Hyperthyroidism, that is, excessive thyroid gland function is
the most common cause of thyrotoxicosis. That is why
the two terms are often mistaken for each other in practice.
Examination of the thyroid gland
The prevalence of thyreopathy in the Czech Republic is approximately 5 %
of the population. This percentage rises
up to 10-15 % in case of middle-aged and older women. Thyroid function tests
are often performed only when clinical symptoms are present, which can be very
non-specific, e.g. in hypothyroidism. In patients with increased risk of
hypothyroidism, TSH levels should be checked every 2-4 years.
Indications for thyroid
testing are:
- thyroidopathy in family or medical history
- enlargement of the thyroid gland
- autoimmune
or immunopathological diseases in medical history, such as type 1
diabetes mellitus, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis
- use
of medication such as Amiodarone, cytokines, lithium
- excess
or deficiency of iodine in diet
- previous
treatment with radioiodine
- irradiation
of the neck and upper chest
- women
over 50 years of age
o pregnant women for whom
screening of TSH and TPOAb (thyroid peroxidase antibodies) levels is
recommended, ideally before conception or in the first weeks of pregnancy
history:When taking a medical history, we mainly assess the following signs of
thyroid-related disease:
o heart rate, blood pressure, temperature,
weight, skin condition, muscle contractions
struma - mechanical compression with signs of oppression of
the surrounding structures. Oppression of blood vessels in the case of
retrosternal struma. breathing and swallowing difficulties, hoarseness, eyelid
swelling, exophthalmos.
Physical examination:
if the thyroid gland is without pathology, it cannot be seen or palpated. Any enlargement of the thyroid gland is
referred to as struma, this can also be seen during swallowing. However, palpation is the decisive
factor. During palpation, the patient
bends his head slightly forward to relax the neck muscles. We palpate the edges of the thyroid gland at
rest and during swallowing. We assess
size, symmetry, asymmetry, surface and consistency of the thyroid gland,
tenderness, and last but not least, mobility against the skin but also the base
Imaging methods
Ultrasound -
the first choice method, it has no contraindications or risks and can be used
to distinguish localized changes and to determine the size, location and
relationship to the surrounding structures and the structure of the thyroid
- this is a radioisotope examination in which we evaluate the distribution of
radiopharmaceuticals (iodine-131, Technetium-99m). A healthy thyroid collects
radiopharmaceuticals uniformly, in case of a pathology, a change in the
accumulation of radiopharmaceuticals occurs.
§ A
uniform decrease in iodine accumulation can be observed in hypothyroidism
§ A
uniform increase in iodine accumulation can be observed in hyperthyroidism
§ Furthermore,
we distinguish between “cold” nodules, in which a part of the thyroid gland
collects radiopharmaceuticals to a limited extent or not at all (cysts, scars,
non-functional adenomas, undifferentiated carcinomas) and “hot” nodules, in
which increased accumulation (differentiated carcinomas, hyperfunctional
adenomas) occurs.
§ Scintigraphy
is also used to exclude metastases, residues after surgery or recurrence
X-ray - plain
image of the upper thoracic aperture is used to assess possible deviation of
the oesophagus or trachea
CT scan - is
indicated for large strumas with retrosternal spread, we can also evaluate the
cervical lymph nodes better
MRI - has the
same indications as CT scan, but without the radiological burden
FNAB (fine needle aspiration biopsy) - this
involves puncturing the thyroid gland with a fine needle and taking a sample
for cytological examination.
FNAB is indicated where an ultrasound
scan has revealed one or more nodules to rule out possible thyroid cancer
Bethesda classification - used to evaluate
FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) and classify the risk of malignancy.
I - III we repeat FNAC,
II monitor nodule growth by ultrasound and in
case of significant growth, we repeat FNAB (FNAC)
IV is an indication for hemi- or total
thyroidectomy and histological verification
V-VI is an indication for total thyroidectomy
as a therapeutic procedure
Table 1: Standard international
classification of thyroid FNAC - Bethesda 2010
Diagnostic category
(finding) |
Risk of malignancy (%) |
Clinical recommendation |
Non-diagnostic/unsatisfactory |
1 – 4 |
Reaspiration in 3 months |
2. Benign |
0 – 3 |
Follow-up |
3. Atypical lesion of
undetermined significance/Follicular lesion of undetermined significance |
5 – 15 |
Reaspiration in 3 months |
4. Suspected follicular
neoplasia/Follicular neoplasia |
15 – 30 |
Lobectomy |
5. Suspected malignancy
60 – 77 |
Lobectomy/thyroidectomy |
6. Malignant |
97 – 99 |
Thyroidectomy, ev. radiation/chemotherapy |
Anti-Tg (anti-thyroglobulin), Anti-TPO
(anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies) their elevated levels indicate autoimmune
thyroid disease
TRAK (anti-TSH receptor antibodies) -
their presence indicates Graves’ disease
Thyroglobulin - elevated levels in
case of thyroiditis or cancer, also used to assess the success of treatment
Triiodothyronine T3, thyroxine T4 -
for surgery -
endocrinologist determines the indication, including the extent and timing,
surgeon modifies the course of surgery according to perioperative findings if
· Mechanical syndrome, progression in growth,
ineffectiveness of conservative therapy
· Thyrotoxicosis
· Inflammatory involvement - Abscess,
Hashimoto's thyroiditis - mechanical syndrome
· Congenital developmental diseases
· Benign/malignant tumors
Surgery types:
· Total thyroidectomy - TTE - removal of all
thyroid tissue
o Indications of TTE include malignant tumors,
toxic polynodous struma, toxic adenoma, struma with signs of oppression,
medically uncompensated Graves’ disease. TTE is also indicated in female
patients trying to conceive with this diagnosis
· nTTE (near-total thyroidectomy) - leaving
tissue remnants up to 4mm in size
· Extended TTE - TTE + cervical lymph node
sector I-VI, especially indicated in papillary carcinoma, due to early
metastasis to the nodes
· Hemithyroidectomy - HTE - lobectomy +
resection of isthmus
· Lobectomy - resection of the thyroid lobe
with preservation of the isthmus
· Subtotal thyroidectomy, resection of isthmus,
open biopsy
Total thyroidectomy
2 surgical modalities are currently
established in surgical practice. “Open”
thyroidectomy and minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy.
The open surgical procedure is based on the
Kocher surgical methodology using classical instrumentation with an emphasis on
isolated treatment of the vessels and visualization of the recurrent nerve.
After the introduction of first bipolar coagulation and then the harmonic
scalpel into surgical practice, time-conscious thyroidectomy has become faster
and easier for the surgeon.
(MIVAPT/MIVAT: Minimally Invasive
Video-Assisted Parathyroidectomy/Thyroidectomy)
Purely endoscopically, thyroidectomy can be
performed from a cervical or extracervical approach. In case of the cervical
approach, the procedure is performed under continuous CO2 insufflation of the
visceral space of the neck at a low pressure of about 6-8 mm Hg. Unlike conventional thyroidectomy, neck
hyperextension is not performed.
Similarly, the procedure can also be performed from a lateral cervical approach
with an endoscope inserted at the anterior margin of m.
sternocleidomastoideus.Extracervical endoscopic procedures use incisions
outside the neck (axilla, breast) and access to the thyroid gland by creating
long subcutaneous or submuscular tunnels through which instruments and the
endoscope are introduced. The procedures
are performed either under continuous low-pressure CO2 insufflation or with a
special retractor introduced from the axilla.
Classical laparoscopic instrumentation is then used to perform the
actual procedure. Extracervical
techniques are undoubtedly the most demanding of endoscopic thyroid
procedures. They have achieved the
greatest popularity and spread in Asia.
The longer post-procedure hospitalization and soreness is balanced by
the absence of scarring in the neck region.
Currently, a technique called transoral video-assisted thyroidectomy
(TOVAT) is being developed and it uses an incision in the floor of the mouth. Suitable patient selection is a prerequisite
for good results of minimally invasive thyroidectomy techniques. The size of the thyroid gland and the
pathologies localized in it are the limiting factor in particular.
Post-surgery care and possible complications
After the
surgery, the patient is monitored in the intensive care unit. Monitoring for early complications of
surgery, especially bleeding from the surgical field, in which urgent revision
and treatment of bleeding is necessary, with impending dyspnea caused by oppression
of the hematoma on the trachea. A feared
complication is the injury to the n. laryngeusrecurrens, in which
unilateral injury results in hoarseness, bilateral injury results in dyspnoea
with the need to secure the airways with a temporary or permanent
tracheostomy. We also monitor patients
for symptoms that may be caused by hypocalcemia, as the parathyroid glands may
be removed or injured, which results in decreased parathyroid hormone
levels. These
symptoms include: paresthesia, tingling, muscle spasms, Chvostek sign (when
tapping on a branch of the facial nerve, preferably over the glandulaparotis or
closer to the corner of the mouth, a homolateral twitch of the upper lip
philtrum towards the side of the tap. This is a sign of increased
neural excitability).
Finally, infection in the surgical wound, thyrotoxic storm, adhesions and
keloid scar may also occur. After
conclusion of hospitalization, the patient is referred back to the care of an
monitoring -
neurostimulation of the laryngeusrecurrens nerve
With this
method, the surgeon is informed about the position of the laryngeusrecurrens
during the procedure. This method
significantly reduces the risk of injury to this nerve. Two electrodes are used for monitoring: the
first is inserted transligamentally through the ligamentum conicum to scan
vocal cord contraction/movement, the second is inserted into the striated
muscle on the adjacent side to the n. laryngeusrecurrens. By
inserting the stimulation probe into the surgical field, the recurrent nerve is
detected, and its detection is converted into an acoustic signal that is heard
by the surgeon and which provides evidence of the intactness of this nerve.
Pathological findings
developmental defects -
are detected during the newborn's stay in the maternity hospital by drawing
blood (TSH) from the heel as part of the newborn screening. These include thyroid aplasia and hypoplasia,
in which the thyroid gland is developed but underdeveloped, which is manifested
by cretinism.
Struma - is a term for enlargement of the thyroid gland, it may or may not be associated with a change in thyroid function. We differentiate diffuse struma, in which the thyroid gland as a whole is enlarged, and nodular struma, in which one or more thyroid foci are enlarged and nodules are formed. Struma may be caused by iodine deficiency in a person’s diet, exposure to strumigens, autoimmune inflammation, disorders of the enzymes necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, and tumors.
· Acute thyroiditis - a suppurative inflammation of the thyroid gland, cause
of which can most often be found in the orofacial region, manifested by local
redness over the thyroid gland, palpatory tenderness, fever.
· Subacute thyroiditis - or De Quervain's thyroiditis, it is caused
by a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, the symptoms of
inflammation are accompanied by palpitations, sweating and nervousness
· Chronic form of inflammation
o Hashimoto's thyroiditis - an autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid
gland, which occurs 4 times more often in women and causes hypothyroidism,
there is also a risk of malignancy, it manifests with a more rigid, palpable
and painless struma, and its development is slower.
o Riedel's thyroiditis - it is rare, caused by fibrous
transformation of the gland, rigid upon palpation, fixed, and it may be
associated with thyroid hypofunction
Benign thyroid tumours
adenoma - the most
common, mainly affects women over 50 years of age, its etiology is unknown. It
is encapsulated and well differentiated, it may manifest itself with
thyrotoxicosis - toxic adenoma.
thyroid tumours
Differentiated thyroid carcinoma - 70-80 % incidence
carcinoma accounts for 40 - 80 %, mainly affects younger age groups and it is
not rare in children and adolescents.
They have a tendency for early metastasis to regional cervical nodes -
lysogenic metastasis, in later stages, they spread hematogenously to the
periphery. Their prognosis is favourable
if the therapy is initiated in the early stages.
carcinoma accounts for 15 % of thyroid malignancies, it is typical of middle
age and it metastasizes hematogenously, mainly to the lungs and bone. In comparison to papillary carcinoma, the
prognosis is worse.
Treatment of differentiated carcinomas is
surgical with subsequent radioiodine 131I therapy in deep hypothyroidism or
after a prior thyrotropin alfa stimulation, which leads to a reduction in
locoregional recurrences and improves overall survival.
After surgery, thyroid hormone therapy is
required. It is administered in
suppressive doses, and the duration of treatment depends on the risk
stratification of the tumor at the first examination and also after treatment.
Medullary thyroid carcinoma arises from
C-cells (i.e. parafollicular cells) of the thyroid gland. It produces calcitonin, which is detectable
in serum as a marker.
It accounts for 8% of thyroid
malignancies. It occurs sporadically,
familiarly or as a part of the MEN 2 syndrome (multiple endocrine neoplasia
syndrome type 2). In the familial form and MEN 2, genetic testing (RET
proto-oncogene mutations) is indicated, including an inspection of family
history in the direct line. If MEN 2 is
suspected, a diagnosis of possible pheochromocytoma, hyperparathyroidism, etc.
should be made.
Surgery is the treatment. Tumours do not
accumulate radioiodine. Undetectable
serum calcitonin and CEA levels after the surgery are a sign of a complete
remission of the disease. On the
contrary, their increase is a predictor of disease progression. Lifelong thyroid hormone replacement therapy
is required after surgery.
Undifferentiated (anaplastic) thyroid
carcinoma - This is
the least common but a very aggressive type of thyroid cancer, which is
undifferentiated in structure, grows rapidly and invasively, does not respect
organ boundaries, grows into the trachea, larynx, esophagus or large neck
vessels, and metastasizes early. The chance
of curing is very low, overall survival is around 6-24 months.
Almost 50 % of patients have distant
metastases at the first examination. It
is classified as a stage IV T4 tumour regardless of tumour size and extent of
There is no long-term effective treatment or
uniform treatment regimen. In the
treatment of anaplastic carcinoma, the treatment of choice is the external beam
radiotherapy and chemotherapy based on anthracyclines, taxanes or platinum derivatives. Surgical treatment is often indicated only to
clear the airways.
Parathyroid glands - glandulaeparathyroideae
There are
four parathyroid glands - two upper and two lower corpuscles (glands) embedded
posteriorly in both lobes of the thyroid gland.
They are lenticular, oval in shape, yellow-pink in colour and partly
embedded in the thyroid gland's own connective tissue capsule - the capsula
They have a
separate vascularization for each of the parathyroid glands leading from
the inferior thyroid artery - a. thyroidea inferior.
parathyroid glands have a relatively wide variation in location and number, and
they can be found from the angulus mandibulae from the upper mediastinum
to the heart, including the prevertebral position under the oesophagus. Most parathyroid glands are located in a 2 cm
diameter area about 1 cm above the junction of the n. laryngeusrecurrens
with the inferior thyroid artery. The upper parathyroid glands are symmetrical
from about 80 %, the lower parathyroid glands are symmetrical from about 70
%. Majority of the population has 4
parathyroid glands (80-97 %).
Supernumerary parathyroid glands are found between in from 2.5 % to 20 %
of the population, and a case with 8 parathyroid glands has been described (5
in 5.8% and 6 in 0.3%). The variability
in the number of parathyroid glands is common: 4 are found in 80 of people %, 3
in 14 % and 2 in 6 %. Intrathyroidal
glands are present in up to 12% of cases.
connective septa separate into the gland from the connective tissue capsule of
the parathyroid glands, thus separating the cellular trabeculae of the
glandular parenchyma. The parenchyma
consists of two types of cells - principal cells, in which the parathyroid
hormone is produced, and oxyphilic cells, which appear only from the 7th
year of life. The main function of the parathyroid hormone is to
maintain a constant level of calcium (Ca2+) and phosphorus (P) in
the blood plasma and body fluids. The hormone
is released during hypocalcemia and it activates the conversion of osteocytes
to osteoclasts, dominating bone resorption over new formation. In the presence of vitamin D, the parathyroid
hormone increases the Ca2+ absorption from the digestive tract
and enhances renal calcium reabsorption and phosphate excretion. The effect of the parathyroid hormone
cannot be considered separately from renal synthesis of vitamin D and
production of the calcitriol hormone, from thyroid secretion of calcitonin
and perhaps from the thymus. Calcium
homeostasis is achieved by all these mechanisms. Hypercalcemia inhibits parathyroid hormone
hypofunction of the epithelial
bodies, bone and tooth formation is impaired as a consequence of low blood
calcium levels. Bones grow slowly and
fractures heal poorly. A drop in blood
calcium levels impairs the transmission of impulses from nerves to muscles,
increases the irritability of peripheral nerves, muscles and the brain, and can
lead up to spastic convulsions - tetany with subsequent death by
Hyperfunction of the epithelial corpuscles results in increased calcium and decreased
phosphorus levels in the blood. Bones
become thinner, lose their strength and they bend and break easily (cystic
fibrosis - ostitisfibrosacystica).
With high levels of calcium in the blood, calcium deposits -
calcification - also occur in organs, e.g. blood vessels, kidneys, brain.
diagnostics is the basic examination method of hyperparathyroidism (especially
the elevation of parathyroid hormone and calcium serum concentrations),
clinical examinations and imaging - localization methods (neck ultrasound - topization
and size of parathyroid glands, appropriate preoperative and perioperative
imaging (scintigraphy) in conjunction - fusion with anatomical imaging
(sonography, CT, MR) is currently considered optimum and standard.
scintigraphy - scintigraphic imaging of pathological changes of the parathyroid
glands. After an i.v. application of
99mTc MIBI (methoxyisobutylisonitrile),
parathyroid adenomas and thyroid gland are imaged very quickly (within 5
minutes). Washout of MIBI from
parathyroid adenomas is slower than from a normal thyroid parenchyma.
methods of localization of hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue are performed in
cases of difficult topical diagnosis, especially in cases of recurrent
hyperparathyroidism and before revision surgery. These include PET/CT, venous blood
catheterization to detect parathyroid hormone levels in parathyroid ectopia,
especially in the upper mediastinum (bilaterally v. jugularis interna, v.
cava superior et inior, v. renalis, etc.)
Interventional radiology - superselective digital subtraction
angiography with eventual endovascular ablation. Peroperative examination using methylene blue
is no longer recommended due to its toxicity.
Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT)
a generalized disorder of the calcium-phosphate metabolism caused by prolonged
increased secretion of parathyroid hormone.
Around 1.000 patients develop the disease in the Czech Republic every
year. In 8-10 % it concerns a
hyperplasia of four parathyroid glands, in 2-3 %, an adenoma of two parathyroid
glands, in 85-90 %, an adenoma of one parathyroid gland, and in <1%, a
parathyroid carcinoma. Primary hyperparathyroidism can occur at any
age. It is rare in children and less
common in men than in women. The highest
frequency of the disease is in the age group of 40-60 years of age.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism arises as a
reaction of the organism to long-term hypocalcemia. Thus, it is a physiological reaction. In the laboratory findings, we can find low
calcemia and high levels of parathyroid hormone. There are many causes of secondary
hyperparathyroidism, e.g. chronic renal failure, reduced absorption of
vit. D due to intestinal inflammation,
dietary deficiency of vit. D or calcium,
indication for parathyroid surgery is determined by an experienced
1. Hypercalcaemia > 2.75 mmol/l (or 0.25
mmol/l above the laboratory norm)
2. Bone syndrome, non-healing ulcer disease
3. Recurrent nephrolithiasis with urinary tract
Untreated PHPT leads to pathological
fractures, renal insufficiency, arterial hypertension, left ventricular
hypertrophy, pancreatitis, coma, cardiac arrest in systole...)
Surgical approaches:
neck exploration
invasive approach (unilateral exploration, radio-guided approach, according to
the approach: cervical approach - in the collar incision x below the level of
the jugulum, axillary approach, supraareolar approach)
is recommended to dissect the NLR (nervus laryngeusrecurens) and to find its
crossing with the ATI (arteria thyroidea inferior). Most of the glands (75%) lie in this
localization within a 2 cm radius. If
the glands are not found, it is recommended to continue the preparation in the
thin connective tissue along the ATI and NLR on the dorsal surface of the
thyroid gland, then in the adipose tissue and in the cervical processes of the
thymus (28 % of the lower glands).
Minimally Invasive Video-assisted Parathyroidectomy)
procedure is performed from a 15 - 35 mm incision in the area of the jugulum,
where, after releasing the thyroid lobe and inserting retractors under
endoscopic control, the parathyroid gland is revised and extirpated using a
harmonic scalpel (which uses the energy of high-frequency mechanical
oscillations - vibrations - for its action) and a minimally invasive
instrumentation with optics. The central
approach allows the revision of all parathyroid glands. The complication rate is comparable to the
conventional technique.
Challenges of the surgery:
Number of parathyroid glands - they may be
supernumerary, however, in about 10 % of cases, there are only 2 - 3
Shape of the glands - oblong, elongated,
dumbbell-shaped, four-leaf clover-shaped
Size of the glands - there is no direct
proportion between the size and the amount of parathyroid hormone produced
of the glands - often ectopic (parathyroid tissue in the mediastinum can be
wherever the thymic tissue is, i.e. in the mediastinal fat outside the thymus
performing surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism in the setting of
thyroidopathy, the indication for thyroid surgery should always be established.
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