Surgery I, II - lecture

Intestinal anastomoses

Anastomosis is the connection of two parts of the intestine. It is constructed:

-          after a resection procedure, when the two ends of the bowel are joined to restore continuity of the bowel

-          in palliative surgery, the anastomosis bypasses an inoperable obstruction to the bowel, most commonly a tumour

Palliative procedure in case of colonic tumor

ileo-transverso anastomosis         transverso-sigmoideo anastomosis

  According to the reconstruction we differentiate:

- hand made anastomoses

- stapler anastomoses

Stapler anastomosis side-to-side

Hand made constructed anastomosis end-to-end

Jan Muhammad Memon, et al.  Hand sewn single layer serosubmucosal interrupted Vs. Continuous intestinal anastomosis., 2015


According to the type of junction we differentiate:

- end to end see a)

- end to side see b)

- side to side see c)