Oral part of Colloquium, 20 points, PM 14 1 Medical Czech You get a case history (Internal medicine): Cardiology, Respiratory tract, GIT (also information about Pharmacological history, Health condition, Day in the hospital will be included). We recommend you to revise all parts of patient’s history incl. injuries, diseases etc. Task: Read a case history and ask 6 questions about the highlighted expressions. (6 points) Your examiner will ask you 2 questions about the case history. (2 points) 2 General Czech Talk about the assigned topic (2 points): 1. Můj třetí rok v České republice (změny v životě, volný čas, kamarádi) 2. Moje oblíbené město v ČR a v mé zemi (comparison) 3. Česká republika a moje země (comparison) 4. Kultura a já (kterou oblast kultury mám rád/a-proč, oblíbený film/kniha/umělec…). 5. Moje země (počasí, příroda, památky, hlavní město, lidé-stereotypy) 6. Můj volný čas (jak trávím volný čas v Brně a jak ve své zemi + koníčky) 7. Cestování (proč rád/nerad cestuju, jak často a kam cestuju, plány na léto, moje nejlepší dovolená) Additional points Your pronunciation, overall comprehensibility and grammar (for all your answers): scale 1 – 10 points 1 –almost incomprehensible, English pronunciation, students answer in simple sentences (nominative + verb + nominative) 3 – comprehensible with occasional problems, partially czenglish pronunciation, students use verbs in second person (pacient se jmenujete) 5 –comprehensible without problems; partially czenglish pronunciation, students use pronouns in second person (about the patient: zvedá se vám žaludek) 7 – very good pronunciation and comprehensibility, students answer in structured sentences, use correct person and mostly correct cases 10 – perfect pronunciation and comprehensibility, students answer in almost perfect sentences, minor grammar mistakes possible