Getting ready for the lesson

Please, read the lecture notes for the 15th lecture 

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Products containing medicinal herbs

Medicinal plants are processed into various types of products. Revise the differences in getting the marketing authorisation and the control of use between medicinal products, dietary supplements and medical devices.

Read the following summary: 

Are there differences between chemical drugs and herbal medicines in terms of marketing authorisation? 

How to make a proper herbal tea?

The most common dosage form of herbal medicines is a herbal tea mixture (species). Whether it is packed in tea bags or loose, the preparation of herbal tea has some rules. From the chemical point of view, it is an extraction. Extraction conditions determine what is extracted, how quickly and how much. There are three methods of herbal tea preparation:

Maceration – the plant material is soaked in cold water and macerated for several hours (overnight), then strained.

Infusion (infusum) – boiling water is poured over the plant material and kept in a covered vessel for 15 minutes, then strained.

Decoction (decoctum) – the plant material is soaked with cold water and then boiled for 30 minutes, then strained.

What other dosage forms are used for herbal medicines? 

Revision test

Check your knowledge in the ROPOT 

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