Interaktivní osnova
Getting ready for the lesson
1. For preparation see lecture notes:
2. Prepare answers for the following questions:
- What is the role of histamine in organism?
- Where is histamine produced and stored in the body?
- What can cause histamine release?
- What are types of histamine receptors?
- Define localization of histamine H1-receptors?
- Define mechanism of action of H1-antihistamines. List the main substances.
- What are the main differences among the generations (in the terms of lipophilicity/hydrophilciity and crossing of blood-brain barrier).
- How many generations of H1-antihistamines do we classiffy?
- What other receptors can be affected by H1-antihistamines of the 1st generation and what are possible consequences in the terms of adverse effects?
- What are other indications (beside allergic conditions) for the use of H1-antihistamines?
Substances for treatment of diseases with bronchial obstruction
- Revise pathophysiology of bronchial asthma and COPD.
- What drugs, you already know, produce bronchodilation and what bronchoconstriction (in the terms of both desirable and adverse effects)?
- What pharmacological mechanisms can be used for the treatment of inflammatory processes?
- What are typical adverse effects of glucocorticoids (GCC) after systemic and local administration?
- Revise indications and representatives of GCC.
- What will be effect of beta2-mimetics following systemic and local administration? Revise representatives.
- What will be effect of parasympatolytics following systemic and local administration? Revise representatives.
- What administration routes can we used in therapy of diseases with bronchial obstruction?
See the following videos to get familiar with different types of inhalers (further details will be discussed in practical lessons):
Test your knowledge in the ROPOT test:
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