The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II2 Why? The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II3 A human is an individual A human is a social being Psychological conflict Social conflict Values Philosophy You have to live with yourself You have to live with others Philosophy of life is a personal philosophy, whose focus is resolving the existential questions about the human condition. Wikipedia Collective consciousness or collective conscious is the set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society. Wikipedia You have to die The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II4 Complementary ways of thinking Mythology and philosophy The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II5 • All the nations have a mythology • Language and mythology (and later culture and philosophy) define the nations • Communication • Values • Explanation of complex issues • Pseudorational/iractional • Protscience • Symbolism – education • Intuitive understanding of cyclic time (The cyclic time model was established much later by followers of Pythagoras) • Myth – Philosophy – Science (August Comte) Mythology and philosophy The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II6 • All the nations have a mythology • Language and mythology (and later culture and philosophy) define the nations • Communication • Values • Explanation of complex issues • Pseudorational/iractional • Protscience • Symbolism – education • Intuitive understanding of cyclic time (The cyclic time model was established much later by followers of Pythagoras) • Myth – Philosophy – Science (August Comte) Presence Presence Past Past Future Future Philosophy, science and thinking The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II7 Philosophy, science and thinking The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II8 Antique philosophy The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II9 • Cosmology • Searching for the natural origins/source of things • Pre-Socratic philosophy • Anthropologic philosophy • Focused on humans and society • Sophists, Socrates • Systematic philosophy • Synthesis of previous philosophy to one system • Plato, Aristoteles • Hellenistic philosophy • Focused on problematic of meaningful life • Stoicism, epicureism, skepticism… The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II10 Milesian „school“ The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II11 • Searching of the natural source of things (arche) Thales of Miletus (c. 624 – 548 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II12 ➢The first Greek philosopher, politician, geometrist, astronomist ✓„everything has a same origin, but a different form“ ✓Source – water (possibly inspired by the sea) Anaximander (c. 610 – 546 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II13 ➢Angular distance measurement ➢ Gnomon (sundial) ➢ Globe of sky ➢ Map of the world ✓Origin – Apeiron (infinite, limitless) ✓The things are arisen from Apeiron by separation and then disappear - evolution ximandros.php Anaximenes (c. 585-528 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II14 ✓Origin – (infinite) air (apeiros aer) ✓Thickening of air – water, stone ✓Dilution of air - fire 3/?lp=true Milesian „school“ The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II15 • Searching of origin/source (arche) • Rational way of thinking • Principle of follow Greek philosophy and modern science • Reductionism ✓Simplification - one origin/source (monism) ✓Principle of modern science ✓An opposite approach to reductionism is holism – it is not possible to cover any problems in a holistic way only by rational thinking, it is necessary to use irrational way of thinking too (for example intuition) Pythagorean school The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II16 • The first real school of philosophy • Searching for mathematical rules of logos/harmony Pythagoras (c. 570-495 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II17 ➢Founder of the Pythagorean school ➢ Philosophy had a mystical character and the school might resemble sect ✓ Introduced „modern“ meaning many terms like theoria, logos, cosmos etc. o/author/203707.Pythagoras Pythagoras (c. 570-495 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II18 o/author/203707.Pythagoras Pythagoras (c. 570-495 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II19 o/author/203707.Pythagoras Philosophical meaning of Pyythagora´s Theorem When you reach higher level, you can find relationships which are not visible on a lower level. Pythagoras (c. 570-495 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II20 o/author/203707.Pythagoras Philosophical meaning of Pyythagora´s Theorem When you reach higher level, you can find relationships which are not visible on a lower level. 1 2 3 4 Pythagoreans The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II21 ✓Abstract way of thinking ✓Holistic approach Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 540 - 480 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II22 ➢Dynamic approach ➢Ever-present change as fundamental essence ✓There are no static things ➢Origin – fire ✓Fire is dynamic and changes everything ➢Dynamism is organized by logos ➢ Dynamism may be also considered as a fight/antagonism http://www.xn--ideayaynevi- 21/einstein/biographical/ supporters/albert-einstein Eleatics The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II23 • In opposition to Heraclitus • Emphasized the role of logical thinking Xenophanes (c. 570-475 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II24 ➢ Rhapsodian ✓Parody to mythology ➢ Ridiculing myths ✓Why should men behave in a good way, if Greek gods are corrupted? ➢ Ridiculing Heracleitus ??? ✓Nothing changes ➢Inspiration to Eleatics Parmenides (c. 510-450 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II25 ➢ Founder of Eleatic school ✓ What exists, just exists and you can study it (positive way) ✓Nonexistence cannot exist and if you try to study it, you will find that is not possible (negative way) ✓Ambiguity (some things exist and some does not) is a way of fools ✓ There is no movement (movement precepted by our senses is an illusion) enides Zeno of Elea (c. 490-430 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II26 ➢ Proof by contradiction ➢ Aporia – paradox ✓The arrow ✓Achilles and tortoise ✓Bisection of abscissa /philosophers_zeno_elea.html Heraclitus – Zen The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II27 ✓Limits of logical thinking (argumentum ab absurd) 21/einstein/biographical/ supporters/albert-einstein Preatomists The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II28 • Empedocles • (c. 490 – 430 BC) • Synthesis of Herakleitus and Eleats ✓ Everything is based on existence of four elements (Water, Air, Earth and Fire) which have been continually transformed by the powers of Love and Strife ✓ One God is the origin of Motion • Anaxagoras • (c. 500 – 428 BC) • Introduced philosophy in Athens ✓ Four elements replaced with the unlimited amount of elements (seeds) ✓ Origin of Motion is Nus (abstract Spirit/God/Mind/Reason), which organized original chaos to logos sophers_anaxagoras.html Atomists The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II29 • Leukippos (c. 500 – 440 BC) • Democritos (c. 460 – 370 BC) ✓The things are composed of indivisible particles (atomoi), which naturally move (fall), connect each other and disconnect (emergence and extinction of things) ✓Everything is ruled by logos ✓Existence of emptiness Preatomists – atomists The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II30 ✓Synthesis of previous philosophy ✓The first attempt to create a system Sophists The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II31 • Protagoras (c. 481 – 411 BC) • Gorgias (483-375 BC) ✓Teachers of logic and rhetoric in Athens ✓Also focused on gnoseology and social issues (laws, economy) ✓Emphasized the role of rhetoric and argumentation ✓The second generation falls into formalism The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II32 Socrates (470-399 BC) rates-biography-greek-philosopher-is.html Plato (427-347 BC) grafia/p/platon.htm Aristotle (384-322 BC) rafia/aristoteles/ Socrates (469-399 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II33 ➢Focused on ethical aspects ➢Not interested in cosmology or nature ➢ Dialectic method (dialogue) ✓Socratic paradoxes • No one desires evil. • No one does wrong willingly or knowingly. • Virtue—all virtue—is knowledge. • Virtue is sufficient for happiness. • I know that I know nothing. rates-biography-greek-philosopher-is.html Plato (427-347 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II34 ➢ 35 -36 dialogues, letters • Early dialogues (Socratic) ✓Socrates´ philosophy • Dialogues of mature period ✓Platos´ ideas presented by Socrates • Late dialogues ✓Influence of Aristotle ➢Platonic academy (387-86 BC (430-529)) ➢Plato did not like democracy ✓Democracy was responsible for the death of Socrates ✓Democracy lost the war against Sparta ✓Democracy is not constructive (politicians discus too much) ➢Ideas grafia/p/platon.htm The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II35 Material world Perception Active principle Passive principle Principle of cognition https://www.vibrantho green-small-melamine- kids-cup.html CUP The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II36 Material world Perception Active principle Passive principle Principle of cognition roducts/tableware/glassescups mugs/f%C3%A4rgrik-mug- turquoise-art-50234803/ https://www.vibrantho green-small-melamine- kids-cup.html duct/minecraft-creeper-face- ceramic-mug- coffee/269525497.html CUP The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II37 Material world Perception Ideas (ideal forms) Active principle Passive principle Principle of cognition roducts/tableware/glassescups mugs/f%C3%A4rgrik-mug- turquoise-art-50234803/ https://www.vibrantho green-small-melamine- kids-cup.html duct/minecraft-creeper-face- ceramic-mug- coffee/269525497.html CUP The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II38 Material world Perception Ideas (ideal forms) Active principle Passive principle Principle of cognition roducts/tableware/glassescups mugs/f%C3%A4rgrik-mug- turquoise-art-50234803/ https://www.vibrantho green-small-melamine- kids-cup.html duct/minecraft-creeper-face- ceramic-mug- coffee/269525497.html CUP DISHES THING The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II39 Material world Perception Temporary, unstable Ideas (ideal forms) Soul Active principle Passive principle Principle of cognition roducts/tableware/glassescups mugs/f%C3%A4rgrik-mug- turquoise-art-50234803/ https://www.vibrantho green-small-melamine- kids-cup.html duct/minecraft-creeper-face- ceramic-mug- coffee/269525497.html CUP DISHES THING We cannot fully trust perception The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II40 We cannot fully trust perception The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II41 oIjiYWWxFjsJ55IJhzPYbPG5tLV1IuUuT16- LZ8KRO29Z7mDP4TOBE5jXVYVC0VP9zZP0lVWJzUWudSoSCZhZbEWOwnnkEby- lilL8eYIKhIJgmHM9hs8bm0Ri7nPzorVAJ0qEgktXUi5S5PXrxHO7RBEw67e3CoSCYtnwpE7b1nuEWiE jpL24KYOKhIJYM_1hM4ETmNcRxzIwCqBNCPgqEglVhULRU_13NkxH- 8eV8CpFepCoSCfSVVYnNRa51EaaAZpqd1qCm&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjxv8K14tzZAhXMAMA KHWiBBqgQ9C8IHA&biw=1366&bih=626&dpr=1#imgrc=i2fCkTtvWe4qdM: The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II42 Material world Perception Temporary, unstable Ideas (ideal forms) Soul Active principle Passive principle Principle of cognition roducts/tableware/glassescups mugs/f%C3%A4rgrik-mug- turquoise-art-50234803/ https://www.vibrantho green-small-melamine- kids-cup.html duct/minecraft-creeper-face- ceramic-mug- coffee/269525497.html CUP DISHES THING Generalization UNIVERSAL ASPECT OF EVERYTHING BEINGEXISTENCE The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II43 Material world Perception Temporary, unstable Ideas (ideal forms) Soul Active principle Passive principle Principle of cognition roducts/tableware/glassescups mugs/f%C3%A4rgrik-mug- turquoise-art-50234803/ https://www.vibrantho green-small-melamine- kids-cup.html duct/minecraft-creeper-face- ceramic-mug- coffee/269525497.html CUP DISHES THING Generalization UNIVERSAL ASPECT OF EVERYTHING BEINGEXISTENCE a-korbely/dreveny-korbel-s- nerezem/ The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II44 Indeterminate Pair of big and small Spirit One Material world Perception Temporary, unstable Ideas (ideal forms) Soul Active principle Passive principle Principle of cognition roducts/tableware/glassescups mugs/f%C3%A4rgrik-mug- turquoise-art-50234803/ https://www.vibrantho green-small-melamine- kids-cup.html duct/minecraft-creeper-face- ceramic-mug- coffee/269525497.html CUP DISHES THING Generalization 1 2 3 4 The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II45 Eternal Indeterminate Pair of big and small Spirit One Material world Perception Temporary, unstable Ideas (ideal forms) Soul Eternal, created Active principle Passive principle Principle of cognition roducts/tableware/glassescups mugs/f%C3%A4rgrik-mug- turquoise-art-50234803/ https://www.vibrantho green-small-melamine- kids-cup.html duct/minecraft-creeper-face- ceramic-mug- coffee/269525497.html CUP DISHES THING Generalization 1 2 3 4 1 x 1 = 1 The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II46 Eternal Indeterminate Pair of big and small Spirit One Material world Perception Temporary, unstable Ideas (ideal forms) Soul Eternal, created Active principle Passive principle Principle of cognition roducts/tableware/glassescups mugs/f%C3%A4rgrik-mug- turquoise-art-50234803/ https://www.vibrantho green-small-melamine- kids-cup.html duct/minecraft-creeper-face- ceramic-mug- coffee/269525497.html CUP DISHES THING Generalization UNIVERSAL ASPECT OF EVERYTHING BEINGEXISTENCE The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II47 Eternal Indeterminate Pair of big and small Spirit One Material world Perception Temporary, unstable Ideas (ideal forms) Soul Eternal, created Active principle Passive principle Principle of cognition roducts/tableware/glassescups mugs/f%C3%A4rgrik-mug- turquoise-art-50234803/ https://www.vibrantho green-small-melamine- kids-cup.html duct/minecraft-creeper-face- ceramic-mug- coffee/269525497.html CUP DISHES THING Generalization UNIVERSAL ASPECT OF EVERYTHING BEINGEXISTENCE Republic The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II48 ➢ Logic excercise, not meant as a guide ➢ Socratic paradox ✓ Good ideas may result in bad things when we try to implement them in their purest form ➢ An attempt to define ideal political systém, which would immune to such mistakes as Socrates punishment ➢The citizens would be divided into the three groups according to personal qualities: ✓Rulers (Philosopher Kings) ✓Warriors/Guardians ✓Workers ➢The citizen would be paired according to their qualities (the best with the best, the worst with the worst) ➢To prevent rebelion, manipulated draw would be performed (mimicking the will of the gods) ➢Children would be taken and raised institutionally ➢In the last dialogue (The Laws) direct application of the laws was elaborated (no more rule of humans) Allegory of the Cave (Republic) What is reality? What we consider to be real The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II49 Aristotle (384-322 BC) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II50 rafia/aristoteles/ ➢Synthesis of previous philosophy • A system based on Greek ideals of harmony and moderation. • Combined two main streams ✓ Physical-materiál (Milesian-Heracleitian-Deomcrititan) ✓ Logical-abstract (Pythagorean-Eleatic-Platonic) ➢Rationalization, categorization ✓ Logic (Organon – tool of thinking – Categories, On interpretation, Analytics, Topics…) ✓ Nature philosophy (Physics, On the Heavens, History of animals, Generation of animals, Parts of animals,On the Soul…) ✓ Metaphysics (First philosophy) ✓ Ethics (Ethics, Nicomachean Ethics) ✓ Politics and economy (Politics) ✓ Rhetoric and poetics (Rhetoric, Poetics) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II51 Aristotle (384-322 BC) nografia/aristoteles/ ➢Deductive reasoning • Aristotle has established formal rules of deduction • Aristotelian syllogism ✓ 1. General statement (All the men are mortal) ✓ 2. Specific statement (Socrates is a man) ✓ 3. Conclusion (Socrates is mortal) ➢Ideas are not entities, it is just a product of reasoning ➢Emphasized empirism (the most important is, according to Aristotle, tactile sensation, because all the animals have an ability of tactile sensation) ➢Four causes (on the example of statue) • Material (marble; Milesian) • Formal (shape; eleats) • Efficient (hand of artist, pre-atomists) • The final cause – meaning (function of the st.; A.) ✓ The most important is the final cause ✓ The universe has been evolved to have a purpose and to be suitable for creation of human beings. ✓ Prime mover – a primary cause - God The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II52 Aristotle (384-322 př.n.l.) nografia/aristoteles/ ➢Theory of the soul • Based on relation between form (soul) and substance (body) • The soul is determinant which makes the body real (living) • Vegetative (Plants, animals, humans) • Sensory (Animals, humans) • Rational (Humans) ➢Ethical aspects associated with the theory of the soul • Humans are rational beings and reasoning should lead to moderation, however sensoric and vegetative souls should not be supressed too much (no ascetism) • Golden middle way • The purpose of life is to develop abilities ➢ Two ways ✓ Ethical – reign of reason over instincts ✓ Dianoetic – improving of reason ➢Ideal political system • The form of political systém should correspond to the specific need of the nation at that time • The relationship between citizen and state should be based on generosity and criterion of general benefit „ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts“ „ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts“ Philosophy, science and thinking The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II53 Raffael Santi – Athénská škola (1509-1510) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II54 Raffael Santi – Athénská škola (1509-1510) The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II55 1: Zeno of Citium 2: Epicurus 3: unknown 4: Boethius or Anaximander 5: Averroes 6: Pythagoras 7: Alcibiades or Alexander the Great or Pericles 8: Antisthenes or Xenophon 9: unknown (sometimes identified as Hypatia in recent popular sources) or Fornarina as a personification of Love (Francesco Maria della Rovere?) 10: Aeschines 11: Parmenides or Nicomachus 12: Socrates or Anaxagoras 13: Heraclitus (Michelangelo?) 14: Plato (Leonardo da Vinci?) 15: Aristotle (Giuliano da Sangallo?) 16: Diogenes of Sinope or Socrates 17: Plotinus? 18: Euclid or Archimedes (Bramante?) 19: Strabo or Zoroaster? (Baldassare Castiglione?) 20: Ptolemy R: Apelles (Raphael) 21: Protogenes (Il Sodoma or Timoteo Viti) Judaism The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II56 resources/posters/ The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II57 Christianity The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II58 Christianity The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II59 Christianity The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II60 Christianity The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II61 Christianity The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II62 ✓Jewish tradition ✓Greek tradition ✓(Roman tradition) blog-from-J-e1371521135440.jpg The Highest Level of Cerebral Activity II63 ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjFuprguIbhAhWRZVAKHVBhAQMQ_AU IDigB&biw=1396&bih=657#imgrc=C0I5cuHC08oBOM: pM6MXPrGGI-e1fAPp6m1- A8&q=pribeh+anticke+filosofie&oq=pribeh+anticke+filosofie&gs_l=img.3...1 26551.134421..134886...0.0..0.86.1723.24....2..1....1..gws-wiz- img.......0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i5i30j0i8i30.uXg6NmHqY2I#imgrc=rirNmTEakgHBq M: