1 DISORDERS OF PERIPHERAL NERVES POLYNEUROPATHIES, MONONEUROPATHIES Eva Vlčková, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Brno 2 PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHIES Common neurological problems caused by disordered function and structure of peripheral motor, sensory, and autonomic nerves. The clinical presentations is highly variable: ̶ Mononeuropathies/ multiple mononeuropathies/ plexopathies or radiculopathies/ polyneuropathies ̶ Motor and/or sensory and/or autonomic The causes are disparate and include: ̶ entrapment and trauma; ̶ inherited disorders; ̶ diabetes, and other metabolic diseases; ̶ inflammatory demyelinating conditons; ̶ vasculitis and rheumatic diseases; ̶ paraneoplastic conditions; ̶ deficiency states; ̶ infections; and toxins. 3 PATHOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN PERIPHERAL NERVES ̶ Despite the large number of causes for neuropathy, the pathological reactions of peripheral nerves to various insults remain limited and include: ̶ (1) axonal degeneration or axonopathy (see next slides) including: ̶ wallerian degeneration (degeneration of axons and their myelin sheath distal to the site of transection) = the response to axonal interruption, recovery depends on the continuity of the nerve sheaths; ̶ primary neuronal (perikaryal) degeneration or neuronopathy (Either lower motor neurons or dorsal root ganglion cells may be affected leading to motor neuron diseases or sensory neuronopathy. Little or no recovery takes place particularly in the latter one); ̶ (2) segmental demyelination (see next slides) ̶ in many neuropathies, axonal degeneration and segmental demyelination COEXIST. ̶ Following characteristics help to establish the underlying pathological change: ̶ The patient's symptoms + the pattern of distribution of signs ̶ Nerve conduction studies and needle EMG Adopted from: Poage C, Roth C, Scott B. Peroneal Nerve Palsy: Evaluation and Management. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2016;24(1):1-10.. Öriginally published by: Seddon HJ: A classification of nerve injuries. Br Med J 1942;2(4260):237-239. Sunderland S: A classification of peripheral nerve injuries producing loss of function. Brain 1951;74(4):491-516. Picture taken from: Arslantunali D, Dursun T, Yucel D, Hasirci N, Hasirci V. Peripheral nerve conduits: technology update. Med Devices (Auckl). 2014;7:405-24. 4 CLASSIFICATION OF NERVE INJURIES Picture taken from: Arslantunali et al. No need to know the information in detail  - just that it exists 5 PATHOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN PERIPHERAL NERVE ̶ AXONOPATHY: the most frequent one, ̶ presumably caused by metabolic derangement within neurons – metabolic or toxic, ̶ starts at the most distal part of the nerve fiber and progresses toward the nerve cell body, hence the term dying-back or length-dependent neuropathy ̶ clinically presents with distal symmetrical polyneuropathy ̶ axonal regeneration proceeds at a maximal rate of 2 to 3 mm per day, recovery may be delayed and is often incomplete ̶ DEMYELINATION: injury of myelin sheaths or Schwann cells, resulting in breakdown of myelin with sparing of axons → no major atrophies despite the presence of weakness. ̶ In immune-mediated, some hereditary and compression neuropathies. ̶ Remyelination may occure (even within days or weeks) 6 DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH A diagnostic approach to neuropathies consists of: ̶ (1) careful history, ̶ (2) detailed physical and neurological examination, ̶ (3) electrophysiological studies, which not only confirm the presence of a peripheral nerve disorder but also shorten the list of diagnostic possibilities, ̶ (4) later, further laboratory studies to determine a specific diagnosis are usually performer based on the outcome of the initial evaluation (blood tests, nerve biopsy, skin biopsy…) It is possible to establish a specific diagnosis in up to 75% of patients evaluated in tertiary referral centers by experts in neuromuscular disorders. 7 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES NCS/ EMG ̶ Confirm the presence and clinical distribution of neuropathy (and disclose subclinical abnormities) ̶ Distinguish between pure sensory/ pure motor/ sensory-motor abnormities ̶ Disclose the presence and extent of axonal/ demyelinating changes (see next slides) ̶ A needle EMG of distal muscles may show acute, subacute or chronic denervation/reinnervation changes ̶ Only LARGE FIBERS (see next slide  ) According to : Misulis KE. CHAPTER 30 – Sensory Abnormalities of the Limbs, Trunk, and Face. In Bradley WG, Daroff RB, Fenichel GM, Jankovic J. Neurology in Clinical Practice, 5th ed. London: Elsevier 2008. 8 SENSORY NERVE FIBERS – REMINDER  ̶ small myelinated and unmyelinated fibers (A-delta + C) are NOCICEPTIVE and responsible for thermal perception (both warm and cold) – prominent impairment of these nerve fibers leads to SMALL FIBER NEUROPATHY (SFN) ̶ large-diameter myelinated fibers (A-alfa, A-beta) are NON-NOCICEPTIVE (proprioception, vibration sense, discriminative touch, pressure) – impairment leading to LARGE FIBER NEUROPATHY CLASS (OLDER TERMINOLOGY) DIAMETER CONDUCTION VELOCITY MODALITIES Ia (Aα) (myelinated) 12-20 μm 70-100 m/sec Proprioception (muscle spindles) Ib (Aα) (myelinated) 12-20 μm 70-100 m/sec Proprioception (Golgi tendon organs) II (Aβ) (myelinated) 5-12 μm 30-70 m/sec Touch and pressure from skin; proprioception from muscle spindles III (Aδ) (myelinated) 2-5 μm 10-30 m/sec Pain and temperature; sharp sensation; joint and muscle pain sensation IV (C, unmyelinated) 0.5-2.0 μm 0.5-2.0 m/sec Pain, temperature No need to know it in detail (just to know the basic classification and get some idea about the principles ) MOTOR NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES STIMULATION ARTEFACT DML CMAP distal AREA CMAP prox. AREA PML DISTAL STIMULATION SITE PROXIMAL STIMULATION SITE The response to the electrical stimulation = ACTION POTENCIAL (mV) = CMAP (compound muscle AP) DISTAL STIMULATION PROXIMAL STIMULATION AMPLITUDE AMPLITUDE THE NERVE CONDUCTION VELOCITY is computed from the difference between PML and DML and the distance between distal and proximal stimulation site DML = distal motor latency PML = proximal motor latency 10 MOTOR NCS – CONDUCTION BLOCK ̶ In acquired demyelination (i.e., inflammatory or compression demyelination, but not hereditary myelinopathies) the presence conduction block and temporal dispersion of CMAP represent typical abnormity ̶ Conduction block is defined as a reduction of either amplitude or area of the compound motor action potential elicited by proximal vs. distal motor nerve stimulation ̶ The block results in a loss of the ability of the nerve AP to reach the muscle, thereby producing weakness, though the axon remains intact (= little muscle atrophy) PHYSIOLOGICALLY, THE RESPONSES HAVE THE SAME SIZE AND SHAPE IN DISTAL AND ANY PROXIMAL STIMULATION 11 SENSORY NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES The response to the electrical stimulation = ACTION POTENCIAL (mV) = SNAP (sensory nerve AP) SNAP AREA DSL THE NERVE CONDUCTION VELOCITY is computed from the DSL and the distance between the active electrode and the stimulation site AMPLITUDE Picture taken from: https://www.intechopen.com/books/electrodiagnosis-in-new-frontiers-of-clinical- research/overview-of-the-application-of-emg-recording-in-the-diagnosis-and-approach-of-neurological-disorders NEEDLE EMG ̶ detects the electric potential generated by muscle cells at rest or during the activity (muscle unit potentials – MUPs, MUAPs). ̶ Evaluation of MUP parameters helps to distinguish between myopathic/ neuropathic changes (reinnervation) ̶ Evaluation of the presence/ absence of spontaneous activity at rest may disclose denervation changes, myotonic discharges, fasciculations and other specific abnormities DENERVATION REINNERVATIONNORMA NEEDLE EMG - AT REST (IN RELAXED MUSCLE) PHYSIOLOGICAL CONDITIONS No electrical activity ACUTE DENNERVATION (AXONAL LESION) Abnormal spontaneous activity – fibrilations, positive sharp waves (PSW) NEEDLE EMG: ABNORMAL SPONTANEOUS ACTIVITY MYOTONIC DISCHARGE FASCICULATIONS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-3PP_S-Q8I NEEDLE EMG – DURING ACTIVITY The evaluation of MUPs (motor unit potentials) and the interference pattern Reinnervation (chronic neurogennic changes) Myogennic changes Force Minimum Moderate Maximum Force Minimum Moderate Maximum 16 AXONAL NCS/EMG CHANGES ̶ Axonopathies result in low-amplitude sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs) and compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) with no major impact on latencies and velocities. ̶ denervation/ reinnervation changes are proven by needle EMG. NORMAL FINDING DEMYELINATION CHANGES AXONAL DEGENERATION 17 Demyelination results in: ̶ the reduction of motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities (NCVs) with relative preservation of response amplitudes. ̶ marked prolongation of distal motor/sensory latencies ̶ In acquired demyelination the presence conduction block (and temporal dispersion of CMAP) represent typical abnormities ̶ No major needle EMG changes unless there is secondary axonal damage DEMYELINATING NCS/EMG CHANGES NORMAL FINDING DEMYELINATION CHANGES AXONAL DEGENERATION CONDUCTION BLOCK TEMPORAL DISPERSION 18 LABORATORY TESTS ̶ The clinical neuropathic patterns and the results of electrodiagnostic studies guide the experienced clinician to select the most appropriate laboratory tests ̶ Some laboratory tests should be obtained routinely in all patients with peripheral neuropathy. These include: ̶ complete blood count ̶ sedimentation rate (or C-reactive protein) ̶ chemistry profile (fasting blood sugar, thyroid studies, vitamin B12 level, and serum protein electrophoresis with immunofixation electrophoresis). ̶ If inherited neuropathy is considered, an ever-increasing number of molecular genetic tests is available. ̶ Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination is helpful in the evaluation of suspected demyelinating neuropathies and polyradiculopathies related to meningeal carcinomatosis or lymphomatosis 19 NERVE BIOPSY ̶ Not performed routinely ̶ Mainly important in asymmetric forms causing significant functional disability (weakness or sensory deficit), deteriorate rapidly and is not explained by other methods ̶ Most frequently sural nerve (tibial, superficial peroneal, superficial radial or obturatory) ̶ Used mainly to confirm/ (exclude): ̶ Vasculitis, perineuritis ̶ Systemic disorders (amyloidosis, leprosy, sarcoidosis) ̶ Demyelinating or some hereditary neuropathies (mostly not needed) Picture taken from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and dentistry/ nerve-biopsy 20 SMALL FIBER NEUROPATHY TESTING ̶ A gold standard to document small fiber neuropathy = skin biopsy with the evaluation of intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD, loss of small nerve fibers in skin) ̶ Thermal threshold testing (TTT/QST) – see the presentation on sensory system ̶ Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) – direct visualisation of corneal small nerve fibers QST QST QST CCM CCM CCM IENFD IENFDIENFD IENFD 21 THE CLINICAL MANIFESTATION The first step in the examination of patients with neuropathy is to determine the anatomical pattern and localization of the disease process (see next slides), and whether motor, sensory, or autonomic nerves are involved. Both the POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE symptoms may occure. ̶ Positive symptoms of motor dysfunction: muscle cramps, fasciculations, myokymia ̶ Negative motor symptoms include weakness (in polyneuropathies, negative sensory symptoms usually start with early distal toe and ankle extensor weakness, resulting in tripping on rugs or unevenground. If the fingers are weak, patients may complain of difficulty in opening jars or turning a key in a lock). ̶ Positive sensory symptoms include paresthesias, dysesthesias, and neuropathic pain (and possibly allodynia). ̶ Negative sensory symptoms include the numbness and sensory ataxia (which contributes to the walking difficulty) 22 THE CLINICAL MANIFESTATION – AUTONOMIC SYMPTOMS Their presence can be helpful in directing attention toward specific neuropathies that have prominent autonomic symptoms (HSAN, GBS, some of the diabetic neuropathies). It is important to ask the patient about: ̶ the symptoms of orthostatic intolerance (lightheadedness), repeated faintness or fainting spells as symptoms of the cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy, ̶ reduced or excessive sweating, and heat intolerance ̶ well as bladder, bowel, and sexual dysfunction ̶ anorexia, early satiety, nausea, and vomiting are symptoms suggestive of gastroparesis ̶ The degree of autonomic involvement can be documented by noninvasive autonomic function studies 23 ANATOMIC PATTERNS ̶ MONONEUROPATHY means focal involvement of a single nerve and implies a local process (most frequently trauma or compression/entrapment…) ̶ MULTIPLE MONONEUROPATHY, OR MONONEUROPATHY MULTIPLEX, signifies simultaneous or sequential damage to multiple noncontiguous nerves. Usually axonal. The most frequent cause is vasculitis or diabetic microangiopathy. ̶ Single nerve root (MONORADICULOPATHY) is a typical manifestation of spondylogennic disorders and similar to brachial or lumbar PLEXOPATHIES, they may be caused also by infectious diseases or diabetes mellitus…. ̶ POLYNEUROPATHY is most commonly characterized by symmetrical, distal motor and sensory deficits that have a graded increase in severity distally and by distal attenuation of reflexes. Wide range of causes should be considered with diabetes mellitus as the most prominent one in „western world“. Picture taken from: https://www.lecturio.com/magazine/polyneuropathies/ 24 POLYNEUROPATHIES ̶ most commonly characterized by symmetrical deficits that have a graded increase in severity distally ̶ most polyneuropathies produce mixed sensorimotor deficits and some degree of autonomic dysfunction. ̶ Typical clinical features: ̶ Distal (or even general) attenuation of reflexes. ̶ The sensory deficits generally follow a length-dependent stocking-glove pattern. ̶ Predominantly small/ large or both types of nerve fibers may be affected (see the presentation focused on sensory deficits) leading to the dominant impairment of pain + temperature sensation or vibration sense + proprioception (+ sensory ataxia) or both ̶ Motor weakness is greater in extensor muscles than in corresponding flexors (walking on heels is affected earlier than toe walking in most polyneuropathies). ̶ Autonomic symptoms mentioned above may also be present in some polyneuropaties 25 POLYNEUROPATHIES ̶ classified according to several criteria. Vice versa, these aspects may help to establish what´s causing neuropathy. ̶ Classification based on the DURATION OF SYMPTOMS: ̶ acute (the symptoms develop within few days up to 4 weeks) ̶ subacute (4-12 weeks) ̶ chronic (the symptoms develop more than 12 weeks) ̶ Classification based on the COURSE OF THE DISEASE: ̶ monophasic ̶ relapsing ̶ progressive (slowly / rapidly / stepwise) SLOWLY PROGRESSIVE STEPWISE PROGRESSIVE RELAPSING- REMITTING 26 POLYNEUROPATHIES ̶ Classification based on the PREDOMINANT PATHOLOGICAL PROCESS in peripheral nerves: ̶ Axonal (more frequent, limited treatment options) ̶ Demyelinating = autoimmune inflammatory (less frequent, treatable) or hereditary ̶ Classification based on the TYPE OF THE NERVE FIBERS AFFECTED: ̶ Small fiber neuropathies ̶ Large fiber neuropathies (among others most demyelinating neuropathies, where the small fibers are relatively preserved) ̶ Mixed fiber neuropathies Sural nerve biopsy, transverse section, toluidine blue staining = 55-68% of the nerve fibers are small (those without dark blue edging)↓↓ 27 ACUTE POLYNEUROPATHIES – GBS The most frequent acute PNP = Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) ̶ an immune-mediated rapidly progressive polyneuropathy whose aetiology and pathogenesis are not yet fully understood ̶ Usually preceeded by infection (campylobacter, viruses) or vaccination, auto-antibodies against nerve gangliosides are suggested to play a central role in the pathogenesis incidence of GBS increases linearly with age, peaking at 70-80 years, with a maximum of 4- 5 cases per 100,000 person years ̶ GBS can be subclassified into a number of variants, depending on clinical presentation and electrophysiological findings: ̶ Demyelinating forms (Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy/polyradiculoneuropathy, AIDP). ̶ Axonal forms (Acute Motor or Motor/Sensory Axonal Neuropathy – AMAN or AMSAN) 28 ACUTE POLYNEUROPATHIES - GBS AIDP x AMAN/AMSAN clinical picture: ̶ rapid progression (over days to 4 weaks) ̶ symmetrical weakness of both legs and arms (flaccid para- or tetraparesis) ̶ in the peak phase of the disease, about 75% of patients can no longer walk unaided, 30% are tetraparetic, 35-50% show cranial nerve involvement, and 15- 20% have respiratory failure and/or autonomic dysfunction. ̶ up to 70% suffer from neuropathic pain Recovery begins 2-4 weaks after progression ceases even in non-treated patients (sooner in treated patients) Picture taken from: Pieter A. van Doorn. Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). La Presse Médicale 2013: 42(6). 29 ACUTE POLYNEUROPATHIES - GBS ̶ Diagnosis: clinical picture, NCS/EMG (AIDP/AMAN) and CSF (albuminocytological dissociation) ̶ Treatment: ̶ Immunomodulatory therapy with plasmapheresis (PE) or intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) has been proven effective in GBS, namely by accelerating the improvement of weakness. ̶ No response to corticosteroids ̶ Improvement follows a plateau phase that ranges from days to weeks and runs an extremely variable course, regardless of whether a specific therapy has been applied or not ̶ Physical therapy, venous thromboembolism prophylaxis, nursing 30 ACUTE POLYNEUROPATHIES - OTHER ̶ Other acute neuropathies (very rare!!!) ̶ Acute porphyria ̶ Some types of diabetic neuropathy or some toxic neuropathies ̶ Vasculitic neuropathy can cause hyperacute (multiple) mononeuropathies usually occurring by 24–72 h Vasculitic neuropathy, picture taken from Gwathmey KG, Burns TM, Collins MP, Dyck PJB. Vasculitic neuropathies. Lancet Neurology. 2014;13(1):67-82 31 CHRONIC POLYNEUROPATHIES - CAUSES ̶ diabetes mellitus – the most common cause in the western world (see next slides); ̶ other metabolic diseases (thyroid disorders, liver or kidney diseases); ̶ inflammatory demyelinating conditons Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropaty (CIDP); Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) ̶ vasculitis and rheumatic diseases (mostly asymmetric, nerve biopsy needed); ̶ paraneoplastic (S-M, axonal, ⁓5% of cancer patients, or autonomic or sensory neuronopathy), antibodies in some); ̶ deficiency states (B12 – posterior columns dysfunction, folic acid, B1, B2, B6); ̶ infections (leprosy, lyme disease, varicella zoster virus, HIV, hepatitis C, Zika - AMAN); ̶ toxins (see next slides); ̶ inherited polyneuropathies (see next slides). 32 CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY DEMYELINATING POLYNEUROPATHY (CIDP) ̶ Rare neurological disorder, suspected autoimmune basis ̶ Caused by the inflammation of nerve roots and peripheral nerves and destruction of the myelin sheath of the nerve fibers = demyelinating ̶ The prevalence of CIDP ranges from 1 to 2 per 100,000 ̶ Seen at all ages, with the peak incidence in the fifth and sixth decades ̶ Similar to GBS (AIDP), but: ̶ (1) the clinical course is more protracted in CIDP ̶ (2) CIDP is rarely associated with preceding infections ̶ (3) there is a response to corticosteroids in CIDP patients 33 CIDP: CLINICAL PICTURE ̶ symmetrical weakness of both legs and arms (flaccid para- or tetraparesis) Muscle wasting is rarely pronounced, generalized hyporeflexia/areflexia is the rule Proximal limb weakness is almost as severe as distal limb weakness, indicating a nonlength dependency of the neuropathy (note difference from other types of PNP!) ̶ sensory disturbance is frequent (but some cases with predominantly motor involvement) Numbness or tingling in stocking-glove distribution, pain occurs less frequently ̶ The degree of severity and the course of disease may vary from person to person. ̶ Two patterns of temporal evolution of CIDP can be seen: ̶ continuous or stepwise progressive course over months to years (> 60%) ̶ relapsing course with partial or complete recovery between recurrences (1/3) 34 CIDP: DIAGNOSTICS ̶ clinical picture ̶ NCS/EMG (demyelination!!!) ̶ CSF (albuminocytological dissociation) ̶ ultrasound: nerve enlargement of at least 2 proximal sites and/or the brachial plexus ̶ MRI: enlargement and/or increased signal intensity of nerve root(s) on T2 MRI ̶ response to treatment (IVIg, plasma exchange, corticosteroids) ̶ Sural nerve biopsy suggesting demyelination Lehmann HC, Burke D, Kuwabara S. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: update on diagnosis, immunopathogenesis and treatment. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2019;90(9):981-987. https://www.sciencephoto.com/k eyword/mri-of-cidp 35 CIDP: TREATMENT ̶ Daily single-dose oral prednisone (started at 60 to 80 mg, improvement can be anticipated within 2 months; by 3 months 88% improve. Following improvement, the dose may be converted to an alternate-day, single-dose schedule) ̶ Alternative treatment with high-dose, intermittent, intravenous methylprednisolone ̶ Therapeutic plasma exchange (improvement faster – within days) ̶ IVIG using 0.4 g/kg/day on 5 consecutive days (improvement already during the first week, maximal in 6 weeks). When secondary deterioration occurs, patients are retreated with single IVIG infusions (0.4 to 1.0 g/kg), depending on the severity of the relapse ̶ Alternative forms of immunosuppressive treatment should be considered for patients with CIDP who are refractory to corticosteroids, plasma exchange, and IVIG, or asused as corticosteroid-sparing, adjunctive agents (no control trial available) 36 DIABETIC NEUROPATHY ̶ Microvascular complication ̶ Earlier and slightly higher prevalence in type 2 DM vs. type 1 ̶ Prevalence depends on the confirmatory methods used: ̶ 7.5% at the disease onset ̶ 50% 25 years after onset ̶ Risk factors for developing diabetic neuropathy ̶ Glycemic control: Higher glycosylated hemoglobin ̶ Cardiovascular risk factors = Metabolic syndrome (hypertension, smoking, obesity, high triglyceride levels) ̶ Presence of the cardiovascular disease ̶ Type 2 diabetes 37 TYPES OF NEUROPATHY IN DM PATIENTS ̶ Symmetric neuropathies ̶ Chronic Distal sensory/autonomic Autonomic Sensory-motor ̶ Acute Painful Reversible ̶ Immune PN: predisposition ̶ CIDP ̶ Asymmetric neuropathies ̶ Lumbosacral plexopathy ̶ Radiculopathies ̶ Mononeuropathies (acute e.g cranial or ↑ susceptibility to entrapment) ̶ Mononeuritis multiplex Distal symmetric polyneuropathy (small/large fibers) Radiculopathy (truncal) Plexopathy (lumbosacral) Mononeuropathies (acute or entrapment) Autonomic neuropathy Picture taken from: Feldman EL, Callaghan BC, et al. Diabetic neuropathy. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2019;5(1):41. 38 TOXIC NEUROPATHIES ̶ Many agents, mostly axonal ̶ Alcoholic = direct toxic effect + nutritional defficiency (mainly B1 - associated also with Wernicke´s (acute delirium + ataxia + ocular palsy) – Korsakoff´s encefalopathy (chronic psychosis). ̶ Frequent in anticancer chemotherapy (vinca-alcaloids, taxanes, cisplatine, oxaliplatine, thalidomide, bortezomib, brentuzumab vendotine…) ̶ Rarely others ̶ including rare side offect of some other medicines (amiodarone, chloroquine, chloramphenicol….) ̶ or metallic poisoning (lead – mostly industrial exposure, motor neuropathy) (lithium, arsenic, cobalt…) 39 HEREDITARY NEUROPATHIES Heterogeneous group of diseases, which usually share the clinical features of insidious onset and indolent course over years to decades. ̶ Typical skeletal abnormalities such as hammer toes, high arches, or scoliosis ̶ Common paucity of positive symptoms - may not be aware of any problem for many years ̶ → The diagnosis is frequently established in adulthood ̶ The most frequent types are autosomal dominant less frequently autosomal recessive or X-linked ̶ Mostly positive family history, sometimes new mutations ̶ Typical electrophysiological abnormities in particular types (demyelinating x axonal x intermediate) ̶ Diagnosis confirmed by genetic testing 40 HEREDITARY NEUROPATHIES Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy) (CMT, HSMN) ̶ Type I demyelinating, type II axonal, others rare ̶ Large fibers - common paucity of positive symptoms, peroneal weakness ̶ Frequent skeletal abnormities (hammer toes, high arches, or scoliosis) Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies (HNPP) - quite frequent, AD ̶ condition leading to increased peripheral nerve susceptibility to mechanical traction or compression ̶ Patients have recurrent episodes of isolated mononeuropathies, typically affecting, in order of decreasing frequency, the common peroneal, ulnar, brachial plexus (painless!), radial, and median nerves. Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathy (HSAN) ̶ Rare!!!, affects small fibers - pain or paresthesias in some (not all) patients ̶ Sensory loss: initially pain + temperature (with progression to all modalities) ̶ unnoticed, recurrent trauma, leading to neuropathic (Charcot) joints, nonhealing ulcers, infections, and osteomyelitis resulting in acral mutilations Definujte zápatí - název prezentace / pracoviště41 CURRENT LIST OF HSMN TYPES ̶ With particular genetic defects ̶ No need to know – just to get an idea, how heterogennic the disease is . Adopted from: https://neuromuscular.wustl.edu/ time/hmsn.html 42 OTHER INHERITED DISEASES PRESENTING (AMONG OTHERS) WITH NEUROPATHY Mostly the storage diseases – mutisystem involvement (cardiac, renal, ocular… etc.) ̶ Some of them treatable! (enzyme replacement therapy – mainly prevents further progression, partial regression of the symptoms/signs is also possible) Some examples: ̶ Familiar transthyretin (TTR) amyloid neuropathy (AD, polyneuropathy (frequent autonomic symptoms) + CTS + ̶ Fabry disease (XR, α-Galactosidase deficiency, males afected, painful feet, precipitated by fever or hot weather or physical aktivity + other organs→→→) 43 TREATMENT OPTIONS IN POLYNEUROPATHIES ̶ In demyelinating inflammatory neuropathies: corticosteroids, IVIG, plasmaferesis, other immunosupressive drugs (see above) ̶ In axonal neuropathies – management of the underlying disease (if possible) ̶ In DM: good compensation + lifestyle interventions + vascular risk factor management ̶ In others: substitution of vitamine deficiency, cessation of toxine exposure, treatment of particular infecious disease (leprosis, HIV, lyme….)…. ̶ In inherited neuropathies only symptomatic In some storage diseases (TTR amyloidosis, Fabry) enzyme replacement therapy ̶ Symptomatic treatment ̶ Neuropathic pain treatment (antiepileptics or antidepressants or opioids) ̶ Physical therapy (to restore, or maintain muscle strength, and prevent muscle shortening and deformity) ̶ Orthotic management (angle-foot orthosis in peroneal palsy), orthopedic surgery (CMT) ̶ The prevention of painless traumas in SFN 44 MONONEUROPATHIES ̶ THE MOST COMMON CAUSES: ̶ direct trauma, ̶ compression or entrapment, ̶ vascular lesions, ̶ neoplastic compression or infiltration. ̶ SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS limited to the distribution of one peripheral nerve ̶ ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES: ̶ provide a more precise localization of the lesion than may be possible by clinical examination ̶ can separate axonal loss from focal segmental demyelination. ̶ may reveal a more widespread change, indicating an underlying neuropathy that has made the nerve susceptible to entrapment as occurs in diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, acromegaly, alcoholism, and HNPP. Source: https://www.spineorthoc enter.com/conditions/car pal-tunnel-syndrome/ Poage C, Roth C, Scott B. Peroneal Nerve Palsy: Evaluation and Management. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2016;24(1):1-10. 45 ENTRAPMENT NEUROPATHY ̶ defined as a focal neuropathy caused by restriction or mechanical distortion of a nerve within a fibrous or fibro-osseous tunnel (or less commonly by other structures such as bone, ligament, other connective tissues, blood vessels, or mass lesions). ̶ Far the most frequent cause of peripheral mononeuropathies ̶ compression, constriction, angulation, and stretching are important mechanisms that produce nerve injury at certain vulnerable anatomical sites (see next slides). ̶ In chronic entrapment, mechanical distortion of the nerve fibers leads to focal demyelination or, in severe cases, to wallerian degeneration ̶ In contrast, ischemia plays a more significant role in nerve injury associated with acute compression secondary to space-occupying lesions such as hematoma or compartment syndromes. 46 ENTRAPMENT NEUROPATHIES OF UPPER LIMBS NERVE SITE OF COMPRESSION PREDISPOSING FACTORS MAJOR CLINICAL FEATURES Median Wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome) Tenosynovitis, arthritis, etc. Paresthesia, pain, thenar atrophy Anterior interosseous Strenuous exercise, trauma Abnormal pinch sign, normal sensation Elbow (pronator teres syndrome) Repetitive elbow motions Tenderness of pronator teres, sensory loss Ulnar Elbow (cubital tunnel syndrome) Elbow leaning, trauma Clawing and sensory loss of fourth and fifth fingers Guyon's canal Mechanics, cyclists Hypothenar atrophy, variable sensory loss Radial Axilia Crutches Wrist drop, triceps involved, sensory loss Spiral groove Abnormal sleep postures Wrist drop, sensory loss Posterior interosseous Elbow synovitis Paresis of finger extensors, radial wrist deviation Superficial sensory branch Wrist bands, hand cuffs Paresthesias in dorsum of hand Suprascapular Suprascapular notch Blunt trauma Atrophy of supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles Dorsal scapular Scalene muscle Trauma Winging of scapula on arm abduction Lower trunk of the brachial plexus or C8/T1 roots Thoracic outlet Cervical rib, enlarged C7 transverse process Atrophy of intrinsic hand muscles, paresthesias of hand and forearm No need to know all of them - just those in the blue boxes (will be described more in detail later) 47 ENTRAPMENT NEUROPATHIES OF LOWER LIMBS NERVE SITE OF COMPRESSION PREDISPOSING FACTORS MAJOR CLINICAL FEATURES Sciatic Sciatic notch Endometriosis, intramuscular injections Pain down thigh, footdrop, absent ankle jerk Hip Fracture dislocations Piriformis muscle Popliteal fossa Popliteal Baker's cyst Fibular Fibular neck Leg crossing, squatting Footdrop, weak levators, sensory loss in dorsum of foot Anterior compartment Muscle edema Footdrop Posterior tibial Medial malleolus (tarsal tunnel syndrome) Ankle fracture, tenosynovitis Sensory loss over sole of foot Femoral Inguinal ligament Lithotomy position Weak knee extension, absent knee jerk Lateral femoral cutaneous Inguinal ligament (meralgia paresthetica) Tight clothing, weight gain, utility belts Sensory loss in lateral thigh Ilioinguinal Abdominal wall Trauma, surgical incision Direct hernia, sensory loss in the iliac crest, crural area Obturator Obturator canal Tumor, surgery, pelvic fracture Sensory loss in medial thigh, weak hip adduction No need to know all of them - just those in the blue boxes (will be described more in detail later) 48 ENTRAPMENT NEUROPATHIES ̶ DIAGNOSIS – mainly based on history + neurological examination ̶ Confirmed by NCS/EMG - either short segment conduction slowing or conduction block across the site of entrapment. Secondary axonopathy is frequently present. ̶ Imaging methods (US, MR, CT) may help for exact localisation of the lesion, and a diagnosis of possible underlying lesions (tumor…), but in typical cases, they are not necessary. ̶ TREATMENT: splints in neutral position, physical therapy, NSAIDs (and possibly local corticosteroid injection or local anesthetic block of the nerve) often suffice. ̶ Some lesions typically recover spontaneously (radial nerve compression) ̶ In patients with positive sensory symptoms – neuropathic pain treatment ̶ In severe cases surgical nerve release CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME Source: https://www.spineorthoc enter.com/conditions/ carpal-tunnel-syndrome/ ̶ by far the most common entrapment neuropathy ̶ lifetime prevalence about 3-5% of the general population ̶ Several predisposing factors had been identified (see next slide) ̶ entrapment occurs at wrist in the tunnel through which the median nerve and flexor digitorum tendons pass under the transverse carpal ligament (more frequent in tenosynovitis or arthritis in this area) ̶ Symptoms consist of nocturnal pain and paresthesias, most often confined to the thumb, index, and middle fingers. ̶ Patients complain of tingling numbness and burning sensations, often awakening them from sleep. ̶ Referred pain may radiate to the forearm and even to the shoulder. ̶ Symptoms are often worse after excessive use of the hand or wrist 50 CTS – PREDISPOSING FACTORS ̶ Diseases and conditions that have been found to predispose to the development of CTS include pregnancy, diabetes, obesity, age, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, amyloidosis, gout, acromegaly, certain mucopolysaccharidoses, arteriovenous shunts for hemodialysis, old fractures at the wrist, and inflammatory diseases involving tendons or connective tissues at the wrist level. ̶ More frequent in certain in work settings (repetitive forceful grasping or pinching, awkward positions of the hand and wrist, direct pressure over the carpal tunnel, and the use of hand-held vibrating tools) – meat packers, butchers, dental hygienists… ̶ Also a familial predisposition. ̶ The syndrome is frequently bilateral and usually of greater intensity in the dominant hand. ̶ objective sensory changes may be found in the distribution of median nerve ̶ thenar (abductor pollicis brevis muscle) atrophy may be present with prolonged entrapment ̶ Tinel's sign (percussion of the nerve at the wrist causes paresthesias in the distribution of the median nerve) ̶ Phalen´s maneuver (flexing patient's hand at wrist for 1 min. reproduce the symptoms) ̶ reversed Phalen's maneuver (the same with the hyperextension of the wrist) ̶ Diagnosis confirmed by NCS/ EMG (mostly demyelinating for a long time from onset) CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME ̶ In cases with only mild sensory symptoms, treatment with splints in neutral position, NSAIDs (and possibly local corticosteroid injection) often suffice. ̶ Severe sensory loss and thenar atrophy suggest the need for surgical carpal tunnel release - fiberoptic techniques are usually performed, with more than 90% of patients having prompt resolution of pain and paresthesias (open surgical sectioning of the volar carpal ligament is much less frequent). Picture adopted from: https://www.medicalexamprep.co.uk/uppe r-limb-nerve-lesions-part-4-ulnar-nerve/ ULNAR NERVE ENTRAPMENT ̶ the second most common compression mononeuropathy ̶ Causes: Compression of the nerve by a thickened fibrotic flexor carpi ulnaris aponeurosis at the entrance of the elbow's cubital tunnel, more frequent in some occupations + following traumas ̶ External pressure to the nerve (resting of the flexed elbow on a hard surface) ̶ Clinical picture: Prominent atrophy of the first dorsal interosseous muscle, with clawing of the fourth and fifth fingers (the result of lumbrical weakness, with secondary hyperextension of the metacarpophalangeal joints). ̶ Sensory loss or hypoesthesia involves the fifth finger, part of the fourth finger, and the hypothenar eminence and extends to the dorsum of the hand (but does not extend above the wrist). 53 ̶ The sensory loss may be associated with paresthesias and pain ̶ A Tinel's sign at the elbow may be elicited ̶ The weakness of the flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum profundus of the IV. and V. fingers, and the intrinsic hand muscles. Grip strength is reduced. Weakness of the interossei muscles results in an inability to forcefully extend the interphalangeal joints. Abduction and adduction of the fingers becomes more difficult. ̶ NCS/EMG: Focal ulnar nerve slowing +/- conduction block in the elbow segment ̶ Mostly also the reduction in the ulnar CMAP amplitude and needle EMG changes – frequent axonal loss (present together with the demyelinating changes or even predominant) ̶ MRI of the elbow or US may reveal abnormal structures compressing the nerve and/or thickening of the nerve ULNAR NERVE ENTRAPMENT 54 ̶ Conservative treatment should be attempted in patients with mild symptoms elbow protectors + avoidance of repetitive elbow flexion and extension or direct pressure on the elbow may alleviate the symptoms. ̶ Surgical approaches: include simple release of the flexor carpi ulnaris aponeurosis, anterior transposition of the nerve trunk, and resection of the medial epicondyle. ̶ Only approximately 60% of patients (especially those with symptoms of less than 1 year's duration), benefit from surgery and some experience worsening of symptoms. ULNAR NERVE ENTRAPMENT 55 RADIAL NERVE ENTRAPMENT ̶ compression in the axilla may result from crutches or from the weight of a sleeping partner's head (honeymoon palsy) ̶ weakness of the triceps brachii, brachioradialis, supinator, and extensor muscles of the wrist and fingers Picture adopted from: https://teesneuro.org/2019/09/26/cases- for-finals-12-examination/ ̶ compression at the spiral groove of the humerus (miduppper arm) during drunken sleep wherein the arm is draped over a chair (Saturdaynight palsy) ̶ the triceps brachii is spared, resulting in weakness confined to the brachioradialis, wrist, and finger extensors = wrist drop ̶ Hypoesthesia over the dorsum of hand, thumb, index finger, and middle finger in both ̶ Compressive radial nerve lesions caused by pressure lead to a conduction block in NCS/EMG and usually improve in 6 to 8 weeks. ̶ must be differentiated from radial nerve injury caused by fractures of the humerus, because the prognosis for recovery is poorer in the latter case (due to axonopathy) 56 COMMON FIBULAR (PERONEAL) NERVE ENTRAPMENT ̶ the most frequent entrapment neuropathy in the leg ̶ Nerve is vulnerable in the region of the fibular neck as it passes through the origin of the fibularis (peroneus) longus muscle. Near this opening, the nerve divides into two main terminal divisions: the superficial and deep fibular nerves ̶ lesion leads to weakness of foot and toe extension and foot eversion, with a footdrop and steppage gait. ̶ Sensory impairment is found over the lateral aspect of the lower leg and the dorsum of the foot. ̶ Caused by a direct pressure to the fibular head area (long taking squatting or kneeling possition, habitual leg crossing, improperly applied plaster casts or unrecognized pressure on the nerve in debilitated or unconscious patients) Picture taken from: http://www.southfloridasportsmedicine.co m/common-peroneal.html Picture taken from: https://clinicalgate.com/peron eal-neuropathy/ Lateral cutaneous nerve of the knee (a branch of the common peroneal nerve) Superficial peroneal Deep peroneal 57 COMMON FIBULAR (PERONEAL) NERVE ENTRAPMENT ̶ NCS/EMG: frequently focal conduction block or localized conduction slowing in the region of the fibular head (suggesting demyelinating process) ̶ the most frequent pathophysiological process is axonal loss regardless of the cause. ̶ EMG demonstrates the denervation potentials in anterior (or anterolateral) calf muscles ̶ The prognosis is uniformly good in cases of acute compression ̶ bracing with a custom-made plastic ankle-foot orthosis is necessary to improve the gait in the presence of severe footdrop. ̶ The few patients who do not improve spontaneously after 3 months, or those who have pain or a slowly progressive fibular nerve lesion, may require MRI studies and surgical exploration 58 POSTERIOR TIBIAL NERVE ENTRAPMENT (TARSAL TUNNEL SYNDROME) ̶ occurs behind and immediately below the medial malleolus (in tarsal tunnel). ̶ Burning pain occurs in the toes and the sole of the foot ̶ Examination usually reveals plantar sensory impairment and wasting of the intrinsic foot muscles + positive Tinel´s sign ̶ Confirmed by NCS/EMG (which also excludes other possible cases – e.g. polyneuropathy) ̶ Local injection with corticosteroids underneath the laciniate ligament may temporarily relieve the symptoms. ̶ Surgical decompression is mostly needed for permanent results. Source: wikipedia Picture taken from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and- dentistry/meralgia-paraesthetica59 LATERAL FEMORAL CUTANEOUS NERVE ENTRAPMENT (MERALGIA PARESTHETICA) ̶ pure sensory nerve ̶ passes medial to the anterior superior iliac spine under the inguinal ligament (usual site of entrapment) to enter the thigh under the fascia lata that it penetrates to supply the skin of the anterolateral part of the thigh. ̶ association with obesity, pregnancy, ascites… ̶ patients develop numbness, painful burning, and itching over the anterolateral thigh. ̶ Treatment consists of rest, analgesics (against neuropathic pain), and weight loss. Neurolysis is rarely beneficial. Source: Wikipedia 60 FEMORAL NERVE LESIONS LITHOTOMY POSITION ̶ The lesion leads to the weakness of m. quadriceps femoris and m. iliopsoas. ̶ Patients complain of difficulty in walking and of knee buckling (, depending on the severity of injury. ̶ There is also a numbness and/or positive sensory symptoms in anterior aspect of the thigh and anteromedial aspect of the calf. ̶ Causes: Sometimes seen as a complication of hip arthroplasty or other procedures performed in lithotomy position, or after direct trauma or in diabetic patients… ̶ Prognosis (with the exception of total transections) is quite good with almost complete recovery 61 OTHER CAUSES OF PERIPHERAL MONONEUROPATHIES/RADICULO-/PLEXOPATHIES ̶ Much less frequent comparing with entrapment ̶ Direct traumatic nerve injury (exclude from history and clinical examination) – the prognosis depends on the extent of trauma and nerve continuity – loss of continuity prevents from recovery ̶ Vasculitis (very rare, consider particularly in multiple mononeuropathy with very acute development and in patients with other symptoms/signs of autoimmune disease. Nerve biopsy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis). ̶ Infectious diseases ̶ Neuroborreliosis – frequently presents with radiculo/neuropathy (Banwarth syndrome lymphocytic meningoradiculitis) – often facial nerve or nerve roots ̶ Leprosy ̶ Herpes zoster (radiculitis) – may result in postherpetic neuralgia 62 MAIN SOURCES OF INFORMATION ̶ Harati Y, Bosch PE. CHAPTER 80 – Disorders of Peripheral Nerves. In Bradley WG, Daroff RB, Fenichel GM, Jankovic J. Neurology in Clinical Practice, 5th ed. London: Elsevier 2008. ̶ https://www.lecturio.com/magazine/polyneuropathies ̶ https://neuromuscular.wustl.edu/ THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION 