Acid – base balance Homeostasis Homeostasis, compartments • Blood plasma • Interstitial fluid • Intracellular fluid Functions: • transport of nutrients, oxygen, hormones, antibodies • transport of catabolites, CO2, hormones • cell migration (cellular immunity) • maintenance of pH, osmolality and ionic composition • temperature stability Body water Human body contains approx. 50-80 % of water (depending on age) • 80 % - newborns • 60 % - adults • 50 % - elderly people Distribution of water in the body • Intracellular (ICF) 40 % body weight • Extracellular (ECF) 20 % body weight Interstitial 15 % Intravascular 5 % Transcellular fluid Physiologically • GIT (after eating 2-3 liters) • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 120 -180 ml in adults Pathologically • Abdominal cavity (ascites) • Thoracic cavity (hydrothorax) • Intestine (ileus) • Hematomas Water balance Intake (ml) Excretion (ml) Drinking 1500 Urine 1500 Food 700 Perspiration 400 Oxidation of nutrients 300 Breath 400 Sweat 100 Faeces 100 Total 2500 2500 Can be measured Can be estimated Osmolality The ratio of water to all dissolved substances, regardless of their size. Normal ranges: 280 - 300 mmol/kg H2O Influenced by concentration of Na+, urea, glucose Calculation of plasma osmolality (approximately) 2[Na+] + [Glucose] + [Urea] 2 * 140 + 5 + 5 = 290 mmol . kg –1 Osmolal gap • Difference between measured and calculated osmolality OsmGap = POsmmeasured - POsmcalculated • Detection of the presence of volatile substances (alcohol, ethylene glycol) • If OsmGap > 10 mmol/kg, the presence of volatile substances is very likely • 1 g of ethanol per litre of plasma (1 per mille of alcohol) increases osmolality by about 23 mmol/kg. Regulation of osmolality • Osmoreceptors • Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) – regulation of clean water excretion in the kidneys Hyperosmolality Lack of water, many solutes • Dehydration • Temperatures, burns (loss of clean water), inability to drink (reduced intake of clean water) or •  concentration of substances in the blood (glucose, urea, alcohol) but without dehydration Reaction:  ADH secretion → increase in resorption of clean water in the kidneys (a decrease in urine production that will be more concentrated) + feeling thirsty Hypoosmolality Too much of water and lack of solutes • „Poisoning with the water“ • Inappropriate infusion treatment (glucose) • Brain injury, ADH oversecretion Reducing the concentration of substances in the blood (Na+, albumin, proteins) → risk of water leakage into interstitium and the development of edema Reaction:  ADH secretion and increase in production of urine that will be less concentrated Osmolality in urine 50 - 1400 mmol/kg H2O • in old age: max. 800 (decreased renal concentration capacity) It depends on: • renal concentration capability • diuresis (water intake) Hydration disorders Natrium and water are regulated together. However, the organism reacts differently to the loss or excess of clean water and water with solutes. Like a pond... • Clean water • Solutes (Na+) are fish Hydration disorders Hydration dysbalance appears as a result of an excess or lack of: • Clean water • Water with solutes (water + Na+) Basic rules • The resulting disorder depends on the type of missing / excess fluid • Accordingly, the body reacts by activating the appropriate regulation system • Natrium is osmotically active. The water follows Na+. Basic rules The body regains what it has lost and gets rid of what it has excess • Loses clean water, resorbs clean water... (ADH) • Loses water with solutes, resorbs water with solutes... (aldosterone) And vice versa... has an excess of water with solutes, excrets water with solutes (natriuretic peptide) Basic rules Hydration disorders (dehydration and hyperhydration) are divided according to what the resulting disorder is, i.e. whether it leads to: • Isoosmolality – isotonic hyper/hypohydration • Hypoosmolality – hypotonic hyper/hypohydration • Hyperosmolality – hypertonic hyper/hypohydration ... not depending on which fluid is lost or dwells (isotonic, hypotonic or hypertonic). Basic rules The organism has 3 basic control systems that affect the metabolism of clean water or water with solutes: • ADH - clean water resorption • Aldosterone – resorption of Na+ which is followed by water • BNP (natriuretic peptide) – inhibits Na+ resorption leading to natriuresis. Na+ is followed by water. Changes in the volume of clean water Loss of clean water → hypertonic dehydration Hypertonic dehydration Loss of clean water → increase in osmolality • Causes: insufficient water intake (elderly people), unconsciousness, polyuric phase of renal failure – loss of low concentrated urine, diabetes insipidus. • Consequences: ↑ concentration of Na+ in ECT and osmolality • Reaction: clean water is missing → clean water must be resorbed (ADH system used). Activation of osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus, ↑ ADH and increase the resorption of clean water. Excess clean water → hypotonic hyperhydration Hypotonic hyperhydration Excess clean water → decrease of osmolality • Causes: inability to excrete clean water (cardiac patients, oliguria / anuria). Rarely "water poisoning", SIADH (syndrome of inadequate ADH secretion), tumors, brain damage. Excessive water resorption occurs, urine is hyperosmolal. • Consequences: hypoNa and hypoosmolality, • Reaction: ↓ ADH, production of unconcentrated urine • Treatment: restrictions on water intake. Changes in water volume with solutes Loss of isoosmolar fluid → isotonic dehydration Isotonic dehydration Loss of isotonic fluid (water + Na+) • Causes: vomiting, bleeding, burns, shock • Consequences: osmolality does not change, haemoconcentration is present, rise of haemoglobin and protein concentrations. • Reaction: osmoreceptors do not react. Organism reacts when BP decreases and renal perfusion is reduced. Activation of the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidneys and secretion of renin (centralization of circulation). • Renin → angiotensinogen → angiotensin I, which, using ACE is converted into angiotensin II → angiotensin III (peripheral vasoconstration and aldosterone production) – ↑resorption of Na+ which is followed by the water Excess isoosmolar fluid → isotonic hyperhydration Isotonic hyperhydration Excess isotonic fluid (water + Na+) • Causes: cardiac failure, hypoproteinemia (nephrotic syndrome). • Consequences: osmolality does not change (↑ water and Na+), ECF volume is increasing. The development of oedema in hypoproteinemic patients (fluid moves to extravasal compartment) → reduced volume of circulating fluid in blood vessels activates RAAS → secondary hyperaldosteronism. • Reaction: secretion of natriuretic peptides (BNP) from LA and LV in response to increased preload of the heart. Osmoreceptors don‘t react. Inhibition of Na+ resorption in the distal tubule → natriuresis with the water excretion. Acid-base balance pH definition Def.: pH is a negative decimal logarithm of activity (concentration) of hydrogen cations. pH = -log10[H+] pH stability in the organism • pH is strictly regulated (pH = 7,35 – 7,45) • pH < 6,80 or > 7,80 is dangerous! • pH stability is necessary to maintain the stability of the homeostasis • Distribution of substances in the organism, ion and water balance, pH optimum of enzymes, changes in protein structure when pH changes, etc. • pH stability is a priority needed to survive, therefore effective compensatory mechanisms are available: buffers, kidneys, lungs (+ liver activity – urea synthesis) Maintaining physiological pH 3 systems: • Extracellular buffers1) • Lungs2) • Kidneys2) --- 1) primary quick compensation 2) secondary slow compensation AB dysbalance Acidosis • pH < 7,35 • Severe… pH < 6,80 Alkalosis: • pH > 7,45 • Severe… pH  7,70 Basic AB disorders • Acidosis • Alkalosis Metabolic Respiratory Metabolic Respiratory + combined AB disorders Metabolic acidosis - causes Acid accumulation: • Ketosubstances - starvation, diabetes • Acid metabolites - renal failure • Poisoning (methanol, strong acids) Loss of bicarbonate (diarrhea) or ↑chloridemia Lactate acidosis • overproduction of lactate •  lactate utilization (liver failure, sepsis, biguanide poisoning) Metabolic alkalosis - causes Chloride loss: • Vomiting HCl (hypoCl MAlk) • Nasogastric tube – suction of gastric juices • Diuretics Excess bicarbonate • Overdose in the treatment of acidosis Respiratory acidosis - causes Accumulation of carbonic acid in insufficient breathing (CO2 accumulation) • diseases of the lungs, diaphragm, respiratory nerves, respiratory center (drug poisoning!) Respiratory alkalosis - causes Lack of carbonic acid due to excessive breathing (decrease in CO2) • Hyperventilation syndrome (anxieta, hysteria, stress) • Cerebral lesions (encephalitis, meningitis, tumors, trauma) • Pulmonary embolization Maintaining a normal pH Limiting the influence of acids and bases using the buffers • Reaction with acids, bases • Maintaining physiological pH • Binding excess H+ ions (temporary solution) Permanent solution = excretion of H+ ions by the lungs and/or kidneys Main buffers Blood • Sodium hydrogen carbonate: NaHCO3 • Hemoglobin • Proteins Intracellular fluid • Phosphates Hydrogencarbonate buffer H+ + HCO3 -  H2CO3  CO2 + H2O • Synthesis in the kidneys • Blood concentration: 24  2 mmol/l Dissolution CO2 in the blood CO2 + H2O  H2CO3  H+ + HCO3 - 800 : 1 : 0.03 Lungs (intensity of exhalation CO2 ) Kidneys (excretion of H+, synthesis HCO3 -) Hydrogencarbonate (HCO3 -) • Deficiency (decrease in concentration) → acidosis • Excess (increase in concentration) → alkalosis Compensation of AB dysbalances The compensation of alkalosis and acidosis (the body's reaction to deflection) takes place in the opposite way to the one that triggered the pathological condition. Respiratory disorders are compensated metabolically (by the kidneys) and vice versa. Pulmonary compensation Change in the pCO2 → change in concentration of H2CO3 Pulmonary compensation for metabolic acidosis Reaction: hyperventilation, Kussmaul's breathing exhalation CO2,  H2CO3 • effective mechanism • Pulmonary compensation for metabolic alkalosis Reaction: hypoventilation  pCO2 ,  H2CO3 but  pO2, hypoxia • low-effective mechanism • Kidneys HCO3 - returned to blood Bicarbonate regeneration Exclusion hydrogen ions Kidney compensation Acidosis •  synthesisHCO3 •  synthesis and excretion NH4 +, H2PO4 - Alkalosis •  resorption HCO3 •  synthesis NH4 + ( exkrece H+),  synthesis HPO4 2- AB balance parameters examination • pH Measurement H+ • pCO2 Measurement of the resp. component • HCO3 - Measurement of metabolic component AB balance parameters Anion gap (AG) • difference between the main cations and plasma anions (Na++K+) – (Cl-+HCO3 -) • is used to assess the proportion of lactate, ketosubstancces, oxalate in the AB disorder. Strong ion difference (SD) • (Na++K++Ca++Mg+) - Cl• used to assess Cl ions on the AB dysbalance When to examine AB balance parameters Metabolic disorders • Metabolic disorders (ketoacidosis, DM not well compensated) • Poisoning drugs • Ion dysbalance Respiratory disorders • Respiratory insufficiency • COPD Taking the blood sample • The sample is taken from the artery without the access of the air Selected ions and their relationship to AB dysbalance Ions in blood and cells ECF (blood) mmol/l ICF (cells) mmol/l Na 140 10 K 4,0 155 Cl 102 8 Ca 2,2 0,001 Mg 1,0 15 P 1,0 65 Cations (mmol/l) Na+ 140 Anions (mmol/l) Cl- 100 K+ 4,5 Ca2+ 2,5 Mg2+ 1,0 RA- 8 P- 2,0 Prot. (albumin)- 11 HCO3 - 24 The most significant ions in connection with AB dysbalance • Potassium • Chlorides • Calcium Potassium • Physiological concentration K = 3,7 - 5,1 mmol/l • Main ICF ion (98 % protein binding and polysaccharides), stock about 3 500 mmol Concentration • plasma 3,7 – 5,1 mmol/l • cells 110 - 160 mmol/l (ery 95 mmol/l) → in strongly hemolytic samples we do not measure the concentration of potassium. Potassium Source: plant-based diet Losses • Urine: 45 - 90 mmol/24 hrs • Faeces: 5-10 mmol/24 hrs Fundamental relationship to the pH of the organism. K-pH dependency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6,9 7 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 7,7 pH K(mmol/l) K+H+ H+ H+ H+H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ H+ H+ K+ K+ K+ K+ H+ H+ H+ H+ K+ K+ K+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ H+ Acidosis (↑[H+] → ↓pH) Increase in extracellular concentration of H+. H+ move into the cell in exchange for K+ → hyperkalemia Alkalosis (↓[H+] → ↑pH) Reduction of extracellular concentration H+ opposite process→ hypokalemia Attention! • Decompensated diabetics experience diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperkalemia (see the mechanism above). • When you start to treat the diabetes, the situation reverses (K+ returns to the cell, and H+ out). In the meantime, however, due to osmotic diuresis (hyperglycaemia), a significant amount of K+ leaves the urine → hypokalemia While treating the diabetes, it is necessary to check the ions and substitute eventual hypokalemia Hyperkalemia • Increased intake (also iatrogenous) • Reduced renal excretion (oliguria, anuria) • K+ is leaving the cells when: acidosis, haemolysis, catabolism. Symptoms • Arrhytmia Dangerous values: • > 6,5 mmol/l • > 9-10 mmol/l → ventricular fibrillation • HD is required Hyperkalemia - treatment Treatment in the patients with functional kidneys: • Diuretics (furosemide) Treatment if renal failure • Glucose infusion with insulin (insulin promotes glucose entry into cells together with K+) • Ion – Exchange (Calcium Resonium - CaR) • Hemodialysis Calcium Resonium (CaR) • Contains calcium polystyrene sulphonate • Redundant K+ is exchanged in the body for Ca2+ (especially in the large intestine). CaR resorption to systemic circulation does not occur • Redundant K+ is excreted by faeces • KI: ileus, hyperCa, hyperPTH, multiple myeloma, K < 5 mmol/l Hypokalemia • Increased losses: diuretics, GIT causes (diarrhoea) • Reduced intake (long-term) • Move into the cells (alkalosis, anabolism) Symptoms: • Arrhythmia • Muscle weakness, ileus Hemolysis Examination K+ (erythrocytes!) • watch out for hemolysis (ery contain a lot of potassium) Chlorides - Cl • Physiological concentration 97 - 105 mmol/l • Main anion of ECF • ICF 3 - 10 mmol/l Function: • osmolality • maintaining AB balance (change in concentration Cl- → change in concentration HCO3 - ) • gastric juice - HCl Intake in NaCl Losses • Urine 120 - 240 mmol/24 hrs • Faeces 10 mmol/24 hrs, sweat 10 - 20 mmol Hyperchloridemia • Reduced excretion — renal disease • Increased intake (NaCl) in renal disease • Increased NaCl by iatrogenous supply (cave FR) ↑Cl- → ↓HCO3 - (buffering system limited – is unable to bind H+) → accumulating H+ → ↓ pH (development of acidosis) Cations (mmol/l) Na+ 140 Anions (mmol/l) Cl- 100 K+ 4,5 Ca2+ 2,5 Mg2+ 1,0 RA- 8 P- 2,0 Prot. (albumin)- 11 HCO3 - 24 Anions (mmol/l) ↑ClRA- 8 P- 2,0 Prot. (albumin)- 11 ↓HCO3 - Hyperchloridemia Hyperchloridemic metabolic acidosis • Beware of long-term saline therapy (when hyperNa, hyperCl do not give more) – a more suitable is glucose infusion if there is no contraindications • HyperNa (water movements), hyperCl (MAc) Hypochloridemia Losses • Gastric juice (vomiting, suction by NGT) • Kidneys (diuretics, polyuria) • Excessive sweating ↓ Cl- → ↑ HCO3 - (buffering system in excess), ↓ H+ (bound with buffer) → ↑ pH (development of alkalosis) Cations (mmol/l) Na+ 140 Anions (mmol/l) Cl- 100 K+ 4,5 Ca2+ 2,5 Mg2+ 1,0 RA- 8 P- 2,0 Prot. (albumin)- 11 HCO3 - 24 Anions (mmol/l) ↓ClRA- 8 P- 2,0 Prot. (albumin)- 11 ↑HCO3 - Hypochloridemia Hypochloridic metabolic alkalosis • Patients with dyspepsia and vomiting • Suction of gastric juices by NGT Calcium • The largest depo in the bones (1,2 kg in the form of hydroxyapatite) Ca in the blood: • Ca bound to proteins (undiffusible), mainly albumin (46 %) • Ca free, ionized1) (48 %) – biologically active fraction • Ca in complex compounds1) (6 %), citrates, phosphates, lactate, sulfate Function: nerves, formation of bone mass --- 1) Diffusible forms of Ca Total vs. ionized calcium Total calcium is the sum of: • Ca ionized (cca 1/2 of total Ca) • Ca protein-bound (mainly albumin) • Ca bound to complex compounds Ionized calcium • Only ionized Ca has physiological effects (hypo/hyperCa symptoms therefore occur when this fraction changes) • Hypoalbuminemia → reduced concentration of total Ca (but normal levels of ionized Ca are often present, therefore the patient may not have typical symptoms). Together with the total calcium, ionized calcium should be examined as well Calcium • Physiological concentration: 2,1 - 2,6 mmol/l • Strict regulation in the organism (very strict reference range) • Relatively small dysbalance can lead to potential life-threatening conditions Ca protein binding Affected by: • Protein concentrations, in particular albumin (hypoalbuminemia → ↓total Ca) • pH value ✓ Acidosis → Ca release, free fraction increase ✓ Alkalosis → Ca binding, decrease in free fraction Changes in calcemia in AB dysbalances Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ Ca2+ H+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ Acidosis Alkalosis Ca changes in different situations • Albumin decrease of 10 g/l = Ca decrease of 0.25 mmol/l • decrease Ca ✓ drugs (furosemid, bisphosphonates) ✓ hyperP, hypoMg ✓ malabsorption, kidney disease, tumours Changes to AB balance • pH decrease (acidosis) → hyperCa • pH increase (alkalosis) → hypoCa Sampling kits: not into tubes with EDTA or Na-citrate (they bind Ca) Regulation of Ca levels in the blood • Calcitonin – parafolicular cells if thyroid gland, reduces Ca levels in the blood • Parathormon (PTH) – increases Ca levels in the blood (by releasing from the bones, increases reabsorption of Ca in the kidneys, stimulates the formation of calcitriol in the kidneys) • Vitamin D (active form – calcitriol) – support for resorption of Ca from the intestine Hypocalcaemia Causes: • Long-term depletion Ca • Absorption disorder: vitamin D deficiency (lipophilic vitamin, malabsorption syndromes) • Parathormone deficiency (iatrogenously, when the thyreoidectomy may accidentally remove the parathyroid glands) – a necessary check of Ca and PTH after surgery. Symptoms: • Paresthesia • Tetany, arrhythmia • Dyspnoea Phase of AP of the heart muscle fibers (changes in membrane conductivity for individual ions) • 0 - depolarisation • 1 - initial rapid repolarization • 2 - plato phase • 3 - late rapid repolarization • 4 - resting potential The plato phase (2) is triggered by a slow opening VOC Ca2+ (–30 až –40 mV) The final repolarization (3) on the resting potential (4) is the closure of VOC Ca2+. AP and mechanical response of heart muscle fibers ARP – absolute refractory period RRP - relative refractory period • During phases 0-2 and half of phase 3, the heart muscle cannot be re-excitated (ARP). The RRP then takes until phase 4. • Therefore, unlike skeletal muscle, tetany (under physiological circumstances) cannot be developed in the heart muscle → protection from malignant arrhythmia. Strict regulation of Ca in the body is absolutely crucial • Ca2+ ions play an essential role in maintaining ARP. HypoCa may lead to cardiac muscle tetany and life threatening arrhythmias • The need to maintain an optimal pH with regard to Ca concentration protects from malignant arrhythmia Hypercalcaemia Causes: • Increased absorption (excess vitamin D) • Excess parathormone (adenomas parathyreoid glands) Symptoms: • Myasthenia • Nausea • Polyuria Another ions (Na, P, Mg) + RA Minimal relationship to AB balance influence • Na – deviations lead to water dysbalance • P – phosphates affect Ca concentration product [Ca] x [P] = konst. • Mg – nerve irritation RA = residual anions (S, organic acids) Sodium Physiological concentration: 135 - 145 mmol/l • ECF 50 % • Bone tissue 40 % • ICF 10 % Na is osmotically active → water binding (retention Na → water retention). Intake NaCl 8-11 g/day (however, 1 g/day is sufficient) Losses: • Urine: 120 - 240 mmol/l • Sweat: 10 - 20 mmol, faeces 10 mmol Meaning of examination Na: hydration, osmolality Sodium • Na+ has an essential relationship to influencing the distribution and balance of water • The relationship with AB balance is negligible • Concentration disturbances Na+ → water management disorders (hyper/dehydration) • 3 regulatory systems: ADH, aldosterone, natriuretic peptide Phosphorus • Stock 600 g (85 % - bones, 15 % - soft tissues) • Main ion of ICF: organic phosphates (phospholipids, phosphoproteins, ATP, nucleic acids) • Inorganic phosphates (serum - mono and dihydrophosphate, protein binding, P – buffer), hydroxyapatite in the bones Fluctuations in phosphatemia • Increase - chronic renal failure • Reduction - absorption disorders, antacids Calciophosphate product [Ca] x [P] ≤ 4,4 mmol2/l2 Increased product Ca x P in plasma: • Leads to the precipitation of calcium salts in soft tissues → HypoCa • Inorganic P inhibits 1-hydroxylation → reducing creation 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D →↓ resorption of Ca in the intestine → HypoCa In patients with CKD who are supplemented with vitamin D(↑ Ca) ectopic calcification is a common complication if hyperphospatemia correction is not sufficient. Magnesium - Mg • 55 % in the bones (25 g) • 45 % intracellular (main ICF ion - ATP, GTP) • Blood ✓30 % protein binding ✓55 % ionized fraction ✓15 % complexes: citrates, phosphates, other anions • Function: nervous-muscle irritation, bone mass, enzyme cofactor. In the context of AB balance minimal importance. Residual anions • RA includes organic acids • Lactate (product of anaerobic glycolysis – examination is commonly available in the labs) – respiratory arrest, shock, post-resuscitation conditions, biguanides (metformin), etc. • Ketosubstances (acetoacetate, βhydroxybutyrate, aceton) Production of ketosubstances during the decompensation of DM Absolute (DM1) / Relative (DM2) Insulin deficiency ↓ Glucose entry failure in cell → hyperglycaemia ↓ Instead of glucose, cells utilize FA (β-oxidation) ↓ Production of ketosubstances →↓pH ↓ Diabetic ketoacidosis (complications - DM coma) Cations (mmol/l) Na+ 140 Anions (mmol/l) Cl- 100 K+ 4,5 Ca2+ 2,5 Mg2+ 1,0 RA- 8 P- 2,0 Prot. (albumin)- 11 HCO3 - 24 Anions (mmol/l) Cl- 100 ↑ RAP- 2,0 Prot. (albumin)- 11 ↓HCO3 - Combined AB disorders (1) The patient vomits for several days. What changes can I expect in ABB? • Loss of HCl → hypochloridemic MAlk + Due to nausea, the patient starves and does not want to receive food. • β-oxidation of FA → production of ketosubstances → metabolic ketoacidosis Development of combined AB disorder Type of AB disorder • Combination of metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis • pH can be normal, only pH is not enough to investigate • The proportion of ions must be determined (in particular Cl-) on AB disorder → always examine the ions! Combined AB disordes (2) Non-compliant patient, diabetic who forgets to inject insulin. What changes can I expect in ABR? • Hyperglycemia → β-oxidation of FA → DM ketoacidosis + • Hyperglycemia → osmotic diuresis → polyuria and dehydration (hypovolaemia) → tissue acidosis → lactic acidosis Type of AB disorder • Combination of two metabolic acidosis (ketoacidosis from DM + lactic acidosis from tissue hypoxia) Combined AB disorders (3) Patient with CP arrest. What changes can I expect in ABR? • Increase of CO2 due to respiratory insufficiency → respiratory acidosis + • Tissue hypoxia → lactic acidosis Type of AB disorder • Combination of respiratory acidosis and lactic acidosis Take home message • The stability of pH is a prerequisite for maintaining physiological processes in the organism • ABB disorders are associated with the movement of ions between the compartments as well as with changes in their concentrations • K+, Cl-, Ca2+ have a significant relationship to ABB disorders (K+ /pH dependency, Cl- /HCO3 - and Ca2+/pH relationship) • Na+, P-, Mg2+ dysbalances are primarily associated with other disorders (transfer of the water between compartments, neuromuscular excitability etc.) • Residual anions – their contribution to ABB disorders is very important and should be clarified as well Take home message • In case of AB dysbalances the basic ions should be examined: Na, K, Cl + better Ca, P, Mg. Without this, (especially combined ABB disorders) cannot be evaluated at all. • The measurement of lactate should be performed (it has a contribution to lactic acidosis) • Beware of hypokalemia when compensating DM, hyperglycemia should be trated very slowly (changes of K+ when pH changes) + brain edema • Do not forget to examine the ionized Ca (biologically active form)