Josef Bednařík Department of Neurology, University Hospital Brno and Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Brno 8.11.2019 Headache and pain PHYSIOLOGICAL MEANING OF PAIN  Pain is said to be one of nature´s earliest symptoms of morbidity.  Pain is one of the most frequent symptom; only a few maladies do not have painful phases and in most of them pain is a characteristic without which diagnosis must always be in doubt.  At the very beginning, pain serves as a signal while in the chronic stage it becomes disease itself. ACUTE AND CHRONIC PAIN  Acute pain: it lasts several days or weeks and is usually well localised. It is a sign of tissue involvement caused by a trauma or disease. In higher intensity it serves as a great psychic burden to the patient. Therapy directed against the original cause together with analgesic therapy leads usually to the diminution or replacement of acute pain.  Chronic pain: the relation between the cause and the pain is not usually seen; it lasts longer (more than 3 or 6 months), is unproportional to the evoked stimulus, badly localised. Social and psychological factors play important roles. It has no signal meaning but becomes the disease itself and the therapy is directed exclusively against the pain. NOCICEPTIVE AND NEUROPATHIC PAIN  Nociceptive pain: pain arises from actual or thereatened damage to non-neural tissue. Nervous system function is normal. The pain tends to be episodic and poorly localized. It is usually time limited, meaning when the tissue damage heals, the pain typically resolves. It tends to respond well to treatment with opioids. Example is inflammation or trauma. NOCICEPTIVE AND NEUROPATHIC PAIN  Neuropathic pain: it is the result of lesion or disease of the peripheral or central nervous system. The pain may persist for months or years beyond the apparent healing of any damaged tissues. In this setting, pain signals no longer represent an alarm about ongoing or impending injury, instead the alarm system itself is malfunctioning.  Neuropathic pain is frequently chronic, and tends to have a less robust response to treatment with opioids, but may respond well to other drugs such as anti-seizure and antidepressant medications. Usually, neuropathic problems are not fully reversible, but partial improvement is often possible with proper treatment. DEFINITION AND DIAGNOSIS OF NEUROPATHIC PAIN Definition (IASP 2012): “….pain caused by a lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory system.” Diagnosis: 1. the pain has a neuroanatomically plausible distribution (corresponding to a peripheral or central territory of innervation or representation), 2. the history suggests a lesion or underlying disease that can damage the somatosensory system, and 3. both (1) and (2) have been securely demonstrated either clinically or by ancillary testing. 8.11.2019 8.11.2019 PHARMACOTHERAPY OF NEUROPATHIC PAIN 8.11.2019 Binder and Baron, 2016 Painful clinical syndrome 1. Choice drugs 2.Choice drugs 3.Choice drugs Painful polyneuropathy incl. Painful diabetic polyneuropathy Calcium blocker modulators (A) pregabalin tramadol/opioids: Independently or in combination with paracetamol/ Drugs of 1. choice (A) tramadol antiepilep- tics phenytoin (C) gabapentin morphin TCA (A) amitriptylin oxycodon Carbamazepine (C) nortriptylin fentanyl imipramin NMDA receptor inhibitors dextromethorfane (B) klomipramin SNRI (A) duloxetin venlafaxin Thioctic acid (B) CZECH NATIONAL GUIDELINE FOR PHARMACOTHERAPY OF NEUROPATHIC PAIN 2011 SPECIFIC PAIN NERVE FIBERS In terms of peripheral pain mechanisms there is indeed a high degree of specificity, though not an absolute specificity in the von Frey sense. There are two types of afferent fibers, i.e. the distal axons of primary sensory neurons, that respond maximally to noxious stimuli. One type is the very fine, unmyelinated, so called C fibre and the other is the thinly myelinated A-delta fiber. The peripheral terminations of these fibers, or receptors, are the free profusely branched nerve endings in the skin and other organs. PAIN RECEPTORS Receptor characteristics Histology Type Adequate stimulus Nerve fiber type Sensory quality Naked endings Mechano- sensitive Noxious mechanical stimuli Small myelinated Sharp fast pain Naked endings Polymodal Noxious stimuli: 1.mechanical 2.thermal-above 43o C and below 14o C 3. various chemicals Unmyelinated Dull or burning sloww pain, itch Naked endings Thermal 34-50o C Unmyelinated Warmth Naked endings Termosensi- tive Thermal Small myelinated Cold PERIPHERAL SENSORY NEURON The peripheral afferent fibers have their cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglia; central extensions of these nerve cells project, via the dorsal root, to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (or , in the case of cranial nerve afferents, to the nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, i.e. the medullary dorsal horn). The fine myelinated and unmyeli-nated fibers occupy mainly the lateral part of the root entry zone and form the tract of Lissauer. The lateral division of the posterior root contains mainly the small pain fibers. THE DORSAL HORNThe afferent pain fibers, after traversing Lissauer´s tract, terminate in the posterior gray matter or dorsal horn. From the cells of termination (mostly in laminae I,II and V of Rexed), secondary neurons connect either with ventral and lateral horn cells in the same and adjacent spinal segments and subserve both somatic and autonomic reflexes, or project contralaterally and to a lesser extend ipsilaterally to higher levels and subserve pain sensation. A-delta pain afferents, when stimulated, release several peptide neuro-transmitters; among them is substance P. Opiate receptors have been found on both presynaptic terminal axons and postsynaptic dendrites. Opiates heave been found to decrease substance P. Small neurons in lamina II, capable of releasing enkefalin (i.e. endogenous morphine-like substance), are presumably inhibitory in nature and modulate nociceptive input in the spinal segments. AFFERENT TRACTS FOR PAIN  lateral spinothalamic tract - a fast conducting pathway that projects directly to the thalamus; it subserves the sensory-discriminative aspect of pain, i.e., processes that underlie the localization and identification, and possibly the intensity, of the noxious stimuli.  spinoreticulothalamic or paleospinothalamic pathway contains a more slowly conducting, medially placed system of fibers, which projects via short interneuronal chains to the reticular core of the medulla and the midbrain, and then to the medial and the intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus; it subserves the affective-motivational aspects of pain. ANTEROLATERAL MEDULLAR FUNICULUS Unilateral section of the anterolateral funiculus produces a relatively complete loss of pain and thermal sense on the opposite side of the body, extending to a level three or four segments below the lesion. After a variable period of time, pain sensation usually returns, perhaps because of the presence of pathways, that lie outside the anterolateral quadrants of the spinal cord and that gradually assume the capacity to conduct pain impulses. It has been suspected that a longitudinal polysynaptic bundle of small myelinated fibers in the center of the dorsal horn (the dorsal intracornual tract) constitutes an ancillary pain conducting pathway. Unilateral medullar hemisection syndrome Brown-Sequard THALAMIC TERMINUS  The direct spinothalamic fibers segregate into two bundles.  The lateral division terminates in the ventrobasal and posterior groups of nuclei;  The medial contingent terminates mainly in the intralaminar complex of nuclei and in the nucleus submedius;  Spinoreticulothalamic fibers (paleospinothalamic tract) project onto the medial intralaminar thalamic nuclei (the same as the medially projecting direct spinothalamic pathway);  Projections from the dorsal column nuclei, which have a modulating influence on the pain transmission, are mainly ventrobasal and posterior group of nuclei. INHIBITORY DESCENDING PAIN PATHWAYS There are also descending fibers from the brainstem structures that have an inhibitory effect on pain.  One such pathway emanates from nuclei in the periaqueductal region of the midbrain and descends in the anterolateral columns of the spinal cord to the posterior horns;  Other goes from the mesencephalic reticular formation, dorsal raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus, and nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis. THALAMOCORTICAL PROJECTIONS The ventrobasal complex and posterior group of nuclei send their axons to two main cortical areas: the postcentral cortex (S1) and the upper bank of the sylvian fissure (S2). These areas are concerned mainly with the reception of tactile and proprioceptive stimuli and with discriminative sensory function, including pain. The extend to which either area is activated by thermal and painful stimuli is uncertain. Stimulation of these cortical areas in a normal, alert human does not produce pain. Some pain afferents project to subcortical structures, e.g. amygdaloid nuclei, the hypothalamus, and the limbic brain. ENDOGENOUS PAIN CONTROL MECHANISMS There exists an endogenous neuronal system for analgesia, which can be activated by the administration of opiates or by naturally occurring brain substances with the pharmacological properties of opiates. This endogenous analgesia system was first demonstrated by Reynolds in 1969, who found that stimulation of ventrolateral periaqueductal gray matter produced a profound analgesia without altering behavior or motor activity. Stimulation produced analgesia (SPA) produces its effect by inhibiting the neurons of laminae I and V of the dorsal horn, i.e., the neurons that are activated by noxious stimuli. Opiates act at several loci in the brainstem, as well as on the neurons of the dorsal horn, suppressing the input from both the A-delta and C fibers. It appears that their sites of action correspond with the sites that produce analgesia when stimulated electrically. ENDOGENOUS PAIN CONTROL MECHANISMS The endogenous, morphine-like compounds are generically referred to as “endorphins”, meaning “the morphine within”. Spinal interneurons containing enkefalin synapse with the terminals of pain fibers and inhibit the release of the presumptive transmitter, substance P. A deficiency of endorphins in a particular region would explain persistent or excessive pain. Beta-endorphins not only relieve pain, but suppress withdrawal symptoms. The mysterious effects of placebos and perhaps of acupuncture are due to activation of an endogenous system that shuts off pain through the release of endorphins. The descending pain control systems probably contain noradrenergic and serotoninergic as well as endorphin-producing links. Peripheral and central mechanisms of neuropathic pain Meacham et al. 2017 8.11.2019 TERMINOLOGY Pain can be spontaneous or evoked Evoked pain:  The term hyperalgesia referrs to an increased sensitivity and a lowering of the threshold to painful stimuli.  The term allodynia referrs to pain evoked by a stimulus that usually doesnot evoke pain (i.e. light touch). HEADACHE - EPIDEMIOLOGY  Migraine is one of the most prevalent and disabling medical illnesses in the world.  WHO ranks migraine as the third most prevalent medical condition and the second most disabling neurological disorder in the world.  The 1-year prevalence of migraine in the general population is 12%.  The annual and lifetime prevalence are 18% and 33% in women, respectively, and 6% and 13% in men.  Migraine affects approximately 10% of school-aged children (5–18 years), and at prepubertal ages (<13 years) the rate of onset of migraine is slightly higher in boys than in girls.  Although, for half of patients with migraine onset occurs before age 20 years, onset can occur at an early age—eg, infantile colic has emerged as perhaps the earliest manifestation of migraine. Migraine is most prevalent between the ages of 25 and 55 years, and the prevalence rises through early adult life and then falls after midlife (ie, 55 years). HEADACHE - EPIDEMIOLOGY CLASSIFICATION OF HEADACHE 3rd INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF HEADACHE DISORDERS (2018) 1. Migraine 2. Tension type headache 3. Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (incl. Cluster headache) 4. Other primary headache disorders 5.-12. Secondary headaches 13. Painful lesions of the cranial nerves and other facial pain (incl. Trigeminal neuralgia) 14. Other headache disorders CLASSIFICATION OF MIGRAINE CLASSIFICATION OF MIGRAINE DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR MIGRAINE I.1 Migraine without aura I.2 Migraine with aura VISUAL MIGRENOUS AURA Positive symptoms:  Photopsia  Teichopsia (fortification spectra) Negative symptoms:  Scotoma Combined:  Scotoma scintillans 8.11.2019 PHASES OF MIGRAINE AND CHANGES OF BRAIN ACTIVITY 8.11.2019 Premonitory: Fatigue, Cognitive difficulty, Heightened sensory Awareness, Food craving, Mood changes, Anorexia Aura: Scotoma, Fortification spectrum, Paresthesia, Weakness, Vertigo Headache phase: Headache, Nausea and vomiting, Photophobia, PhonophobiaPostdrome: Fatigue, Cognitive difficulty, Heightened sensory awareness, Food craving PREMONIOTORY: ACTIVATION OF MENINGEALS NOCICEPTORS BY INCREASED PARASYMPATHETIC TONE 8.11.2019 Dodick: Headache 2018 8.11.2019MECHANISM OF AURA Dodick: Headache 2018 8.11.2019 Dodick: Headache 2018 TRIGGERING OF PAIN VIA ACTIVATION OF TRIGEMINOVASCULAR PATHWAY 8.11.2019 Dodick: Headache 2018 CRGP SIGNALLING IN THE TRIGEMINOVASCULAR SYSTEM SEROTONINE RECEPTORS AND TRIPTANS 8.11.2019 COMPLEX PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF MIGRAINE Charles: Lancet Neurol 2018 PET FINDINGS Migraine is a brain disease, maybe progressive OPHTHALMOSCOPIC FINDING IN RETINAL MIGRAINE TREATMENT OF MIGRAINE I. Non-pharmacological treatment of migraine The avoidance of identified aggravating (long-term effect) or triggered (shortterm < 48 hours) factors:  stress  the menstrual cycle  certain foods  trauma  caffeine withdrawal  If there is a reproducible trigger than its elimination will reduce the frequency of headaches. Unfortunately, this is often not possible because of the lack of a single reproducible trigger.  Other non-pharmacological treatments has been suggested for migraine patients, including relaxation exercises, biofeedback, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, and naturopathy, but their effect is not proven. TREATMENT OF MIGRAINE I. Non-pharmacological treatment of migraine Coppola et al.: Cephalalgia 2015 TREATMENT OF MIGRAINE IIII. Drug treatment A. Preventive treatment  beta blockers (propranolol, metoprolol, atenolol  calcium blockers (verapamil, flunnarizine)  anticonvulsants (gabapentin, topiramate, valproic acid)  antidepressants (tricyclic antidepresants, venlafaxin)  angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (lisinoprin, candesartan, cyproheptadine, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, naproxen)  No one drug is superior to the other; the choice of suitable treatment is often a case of selecting from drugs on the basis of their side effects. TREATMENT OF MIGRAINE: PREVENTIVE TREATMENT OF MIGRAINE II. Drug treatment B. Treatment of acute attacks 1. Non-specific treatment  Analgesic drugs  paracetamol  codeine phosphate  Anti-inflammatory drugs  acetylosalicylic acid  ibuprofen  diclofenac  naproxen  ketorolac  Anti-emetics  metoclopramide 2. Specific antimigraine treatment  Ergotamines  ergotamine  dihydroergotamine  Agonists of 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D  sumatriptan  zolmitriptan  naratriptan  rizatriptan  eletriptan  almotriptan  frovatriptan TREATMENT OF MIGRAINE: ACUTE CGRP TREATMENTS 8.11.2019 Gepants: účinné, ale toxické mABS bindings to CRPR:  Galcanezumab  Eptinezumab  Frenezumab mAB binding to the CGRP receptor:  Erenumab This mABS proved to be efficient in reduction of both number and severity of both headache attacks in recurrent migraine, and in reduction of days with headache in chronic migraine 8.11.2019 Tension-type headache:  is not of pulsating quality  Is not unilateral  Is not aggravated by physical activity  Is not of severe intensity  Is not accompanied by nausea, vomitting, photofobia or phonofobia Paroxysmal hemikrania: respond absolutely to indomethacin!!! 3.1 CLUSTER HEADACHE 8.11.2019 4.OTHER PRIMARY HEADACHE DISORDERS THE SECONDARY HEADACHES 8.11.2019 Secondary headache Type Prevalence (%) Systemic infection 63 Head injury 4 Drug-induced headache 3 Subarachnoid hemorrhage <1 Vascular disorders 1 Brain tumor 0-1 Rasmussen et al. 1995 TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA: EPIDEMIOLOGY Prevalence is 150/milion, women:men = 3:2 (3:1), mostly > 60 years. Arterial hypertension is established risk factor. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA  Etiology 1. Classical TN (neurovascular conflict – NCV - with morphological changes of trigeminal nerve due to compression) 2. Idiopathic TN (no NCV or NCV with no morphological changes of trigeminal nerve) 3. Secondary TN (other pathology or disease as a cause)  Clinical form (phenotype): 1. Pure paroxysmal form 2. TN with concomitant continuous pain 8.11.2019 CLASSICAL TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA  It involves mostly 2. and 3. trigeminal branch, 1. branch is involved in 5% only.  Pain is sharp, lancinating, like electrique shocks, sometimes continues as ongoing dull pain.  Pain is mostly unilateral (bilatera in 3% only).  Trigger zone is present in 50% of patients. Pain could be triggered by chewing, cleaning the tooth, speaking, washing, yawning, laughing, blowing one‘s nose.  There is no motor or sensory deficit in trigeminal zone.  Remisions could last months or years. TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA: DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA Diagnostic criteria are based onthe characteristics of pain, normal neurological findings and the absence of clear cause of pain. A. Attacks of pain lasting from a fragment of second to 2 minutes in an area of one or more trigeminal branches and complying with criteria B and C. B. Pain has to have one of the following characteristics:  Intense, sharp, superficial, stabbing  Induced from a trigger zone or triggeering factors C. Atacks are stereotypic in an individual patient D. No other pathology or disease as a cause of pain. CLASSICAL TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA Neurovascular confict is a cause – a compression of trigeminal nerve by a vessel (mostly a. cerebelli superior, less frequently by a. cerebelli anterior inferior or a. basilaris) 4-6 mm after the exit from the brainstem (transitional zone from central – oligodendroglia – to peripheral – Schwann cells – myelin. NEUROVASCULAR CONFLICT NEUROVASCULAR CONFLICT SECONDARY TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA It is a symptom of another disease.  Is is possible to reliably clinically distinguish secondary and classical TN? There are samo clues to secondary TN:  younger age  worse therapeutical response  involvement of 1. trigeminal branch  sensory deficit  According to last guideline it is NOT possible to clinically differentiate classical and secondary TN!!! MRI focused on NCV and other causes of TN should be a part of routine diagnostic algorithm. SECONDARY TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA  3% of TN is caused by multiples sclerosis (MS), especially between 20-40 years; 1% of MS patients develop TN  Painful ophthalmoplegia syndrome (Tolosa-Hunt) – granulomatous inflammation of the cavernous sinus)  Compression of the trigeminal nerve in the cerebellopontine angle – schwannoma of n.VIII, V, meningeoma  Other brainstem lesions – syringobulbia, basilar aneurysm  Postherpetic neuralgia (herpes zoster ophthalmicus) THERAPY OF TN A. Acute treatment 1. I.v. phenytoin or lidocain (low evidence) B. Chronic treatment 1. Carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine (high evidence) 2. Lamotrigine, baclofen, phenytoin, pregabalin, gabapentin, Botox (low evidence) 3. Microvascular decompression 4. Gamma knife radiosurgery 5. Ablative neurosurgical techniques C. Causative treatment in secondary TN