Digestive system 1.Teeth, general structure, sets of teeth (types of dentition), characteristic features of individual types of teeth of permanent dentition 2.Teeth formula of deciduous and permanent dentitions, teeth eruption and exchange 3.Oral vestibule (vestibulum oris): borders, content, communication with the oral cavity proper 4.Oral cavity proper (cavum oris proprium): borders, contents 5.Tongue (lingua): gross anatomy, blood supply 6.Tongue (lingua): muscles, nerves 7.Hard palate: structure, blood supply and nerves 8.Soft palate: muscles, blood supply and nerves 9.Major salivary glands: syntopy and courses of their ducts 10.Salivary glands: nerves 11.Pharynx: parts, general structure of the wall, syntopy 12.Pharynx: muscles, nerves 13.Oesophagus: wall structure, course, syntopy, physiological constrictions 14.Oesophagus: blood supply and nerves 15.Stomach (ventriculus, gaster): description, structure of the wall, syntopy 16.Stomach (ventriculus, gaster): blood supply and nerves 17.Small intestine (intestinum tenue): structure of the wall, division, blood supply 18.Duodenum: parts, position, relation to the peritoneal cavity, blood supply 19.Large intestine (intestinum crassum): parts, structure of the wall, relation to the peritoneal cavity, blood supply 20.Caecum: structure, appendix (appendix vermiformis), relation to the peritoneal cavity, blood supply 21.Rectum: structure, syntopy, blood supply 22.Liver (hepar): gross anatomy, structure, syntopy 23.Liver (hepar): nutritional blood supply 24.Liver (hepar): functional blood supply, portal vein 25.Liver (hepar): extrahepatic bile ducts 26.Gallbladder (vesica biliaris): structure, syntopy, flow of bile 27.Pancreas: structure, syntopy, blood supply 1.Abdominal regions and orientation lines 2.Structure of the abdominal wall 3.Projections of organs onto the anterior abdominal wall 4.Umbilical region (reg. umbilicalis) 5.Inguinal canal (canalis inguinalis) 6.Supracolic compartment of the peritoneal cavity (pars supramesocolica) 7.Infracolic compartment of the peritoneal cavity (pars inframesocolica) 8.Retroperitoneal space (spatium retroperitoneale) 9.Peritoneum: folds 10.Recesses of the peritoneal cavity 1.Spleen (lien): structure, blood supply, syntopy Describe the structure of the gastrointestinal tube: What is located on the inferior surface of tongue and on the floor of the oral cavity: Q 1.Oral vestibule (vestibulum oris): borders, content, communication with the oral cavity proper 2.Oral cavity proper (cavum oris proprium): borders, contents Q 1.Tongue (lingua): gross anatomy, blood supply 2.Tongue (lingua): muscles, nerves What innervates the muscles of the tongue? 52 36 Name the teeth: Describe differences betwen periodontium and parodontium: Q 1.Teeth, general structure, sets of teeth (types of dentition), characteristic features of individual types of teeth of permanent dentition 2.Teeth formula of deciduous and permanent dentitions, teeth eruption and exchange svalypatra Name the muscles of the soft palate: Q 1.Hard palate: structure, blood supply and nerves 2.Soft palate: muscles, blood supply and nerves Výsledek obrázku pro musculi pharyngis Q 1.Major salivary glands: syntopy and courses of their ducts 2.Salivary glands: nerves Where are the oppenings of the major salivary glands: SouvisejÃcà obrázek Name the pharyngeal muscles: Q 1.Pharynx: parts, general structure of the wall, syntopy 2.Pharynx: muscles, nerves Describe the styloid septum: img163 img163 Describe the constrictions of the esophagus: Q 1.Oesophagus: wall structure, course, syntopy, physiological constrictions 2.Oesophagus: blood supply and nerves img164 Describe the muscular layer of stomach: Q 1.Stomach (ventriculus, gaster): description, structure of the wall, syntopy 2.Stomach (ventriculus, gaster): blood supply and nerves Výsledek obrázku pro plica longitudinalis duodeni Name the parts of duodenum: img161 Q 1.Duodenum: parts, position, relation to the peritoneal cavity, blood supply Describe differences between jejunum and ileum: Q 1.Small intestine (intestinum tenue): structure of the wall, division, blood supply Describe the projection of the appendix on the anterior abdominal wall: Q 1.Caecum: structure, appendix (appendix vermiformis), relation to the peritoneal cavity, blood supply Describe differences- haustra and teniae: Q 1.Large intestine (intestinum crassum): parts, structure of the wall, relation to the peritoneal cavity, blood supply Describe the curvatures of rectum (in the sagital and frontal plane) : obr037 Q 1.Rectum: structure, syntopy, blood supply žaludek Describe impressions: Q 1.Liver (hepar): gross anatomy, structure, syntopy 2.Liver (hepar): nutritional blood supply 3.Liver (hepar): functional blood supply, portal vein 4.Liver (hepar): extrahepatic bile ducts Draw the projection of the gallbadder and papilla duodeni major: axial skeleton diagram no labels Q 1.Gallbladder (vesica biliaris): structure, syntopy, flow of bile Describe the exocrinal part of pancreas: Q 1.Pancreas: structure, syntopy, blood supply peritoneum 3 lien 1 Describe the impressions : Q 1.Spleen (lien): structure, blood supply, syntopy Projections of the organs on the anterior abdominal wall: Q 1.Abdominal regions and orientation lines 2.Structure of the abdominal wall 3.Projections of organs onto the anterior abdominal wall 4.Umbilical region (reg. umbilicalis) 5.Inguinal canal (canalis inguinalis) 6.Supracolic compartment of the peritoneal cavity (pars supramesocolica) 7.Infracolic compartment of the peritoneal cavity (pars inframesocolica) 8.Retroperitoneal space (spatium retroperitoneale) 9.Peritoneum: folds 10.Recesses of the peritoneal cavity Divisions of the abdominal cavity: 1. table: 1.Ventriculus (gaster) 2.Intestinum tenuae 3.Intestinum crassum 4.Duodenum 5.Ceacum 6.Rectum 1. 2. table : 1.Cavum oris 2.Palatum durum et mole 3.Lingua 4.Glandulae salivariae 5.Dentes 6.Pharynx 3. table : 1.Liver 2.Spleen 3.Pancreas 4. table : 1. peritoneum Q _last semester: What muscle is indicated by the arrow? triselny_vaz m.iliopsoas n.cutaneus femoris lateralis n.femoralis n.genitofemoralis a.femoralis v.femoralis