Evolutionary physiology of hard tissues and comparative physiology of adaptations Miriam Nývltová Fišáková Department of Physiology homotherium Bone (os) is among the binder and the type of tissue. It is composed of minerals (50-70%), to a lesser extent of organic substances (20-40%), -10% is water and about 3% lipids. kostpazni Bone cells 1.Osteoprogenitor cells 2.Osteoblasts 3.Osteocytes 4.Osteoclasts Osteoblasty Dobrý den, dnes se podíváme na kostní tkáň. Kostní tkáň je tvořena buňkami. Osteoblasty - produkují organické komponenty kostní matrix - kolagen typ I, glykosaminoglykany, proteoglykany, glykoproteiny. Dále ovlivňují ukládání anorganických látek do kostní matrix. Tyto buňky se nedělí a jakmile se obalí mezibuněčnou hmotou, stávají se z nich osteocyty. Osteocyty - po resorpci (opětovné pohlcení) kostní tkáně degenerují, nebo se přemění zpět na osteoblasty. Osteocyty a osteoblasty tedy syntetizují (vyrábějí) novou kostní tkáň. Osteoklasty - jsou volné a pohyblivé buňky. Pocházejí z buněk monocytomakrofágové řady. Jejich hlavním úkolem je odbourávání kostní tkáně, jsou částečně řízeny signály z osteoblastů. Na tento proces mají dále vliv některé hormony - parathormon, estrogeny, kalcitriol, kalcitonin, růstový hormon, inzulin, glukokortikoidy, hormony štítné žlázy. Samozřejmě velký vliv má celkové zatížení kostní tkáně, například obézní lidé mají menší výskyt řídnutí kostí, jedním z faktorů je jejich váhové statické zatížení. Ideálnější je, ale pravidelné odporové zatížení. Pro lepší vizualizaci procesu zjednodušený a vtipný obrázek. Hezký večer, Jarda Øthe skeleton of an adult and other mammals is on average 80% compact bone and 20% trabecular. However, this ratio is different in different parts of the skeleton, which is due to the biomechanics of the part of the skeleton and due to evolution in vertebrates. For example, in vertebrae, the ratio is 25:75, in the femoral head 50:50, and in the vertebral shaft 95: 5, Ø Øthe spine and the head of the femur and humerus dampen shocks arising during movement and, thanks to the beam, they spring and in the case of the spine it does not compress. On the contrary, the vertebrae and tibia have a strong compact or carry the weight of the whole body, Ø Øcompact bone is less metabolically active than trabecular bone. Its porosity is less than 5%, which is related to the ratio of active and inactive osteons, Ø Øcompact has outer periosteal and inner endostal surface, on periosteal surface bone formation predominates over resorption, on ondostal surface bone reconstruction is more intense, Ø ØOn the surface of compact bone is the periosteum (periosteum) is formed by fibrous ligament, contains blood vessels, receptors, nerve fibers, osteoblasts, osteoclasts and is close to the external environment of coarse bundles of collagen fibers, so-called Sharpey fibers, which extend into the bones. The same fibers anchor the roots of the teeth in the alveolus. Bone matrix -makes up 90% of the total bone mass. It is composed of inorganic and organic components. The inorganic component represents 99% of calcium reserves, 85% of phosphorus and 40-60% of magnesium and sodium occurs in the form of hydroxyapatite Ca10 (OH) 2 (PO4) 6, provides bone strength, stiffness and resistance to pressure - -the organic component is a product of osteoblasts, it consists of proteins as well as glycoproteins, growth factors and proteoglycans - -of the proteins, 85-90% are type I. collagen, 10-15% are non-collagen proteins present - kost1 kost2 Teeth (dentes) Three mineralized tissues are involved in tooth structure: 1)enamel that covers the crown 2)dentin, which forms the main mass of the tooth 3) cement that covers the neck and root of the tooth The following formations are recognized on the tooth: 1)crown (corona dentis) 2)neck (collum dentis) 3)root (radix dentis) Inside the tooth is the pulp (pulpa dentis), which is a soft tissue containing blood vessels and nerves. The tooth is fixed in the alveolus by a system of fibers called periodontin. Human tooth - Wikipedia Evolution of bones Život bez hlavy - Časopis Vesmír The first reinforcement of vertebrates - dorsal string (spina dorsalis) Bone ossification (growth) is two: •direct (desmogenic), i.e. the bone is formed. From the ligament of osteoblast activities. This ossification is evolutionarily the oldest and was already present in fish-like vertebrates, where it formed head shields. These fish had a dorsal string (spina dorsalis) as reinforcement. Suitable for this arrangement for calm sea depths. • • •indirect (chondrogenic), where bone is formed from cartilage from ossification centers. This type of ossification is evolutionarily younger and originated for the first time in bony fish, which developed in the fresh waters of the Silurian and passed into the sea secondary. This type of bone originated as a reaction to the dynamic environment of fresh water, allowing better maneuvering in wild water Trnoploutví – Wikipedie Evolution of teeth Štítnatci – Wikipedie Ostracodermi Virtuální muzeum - Pancířnatí (Placodermi) Placodermi-Duncleosteus Conodonta | Reconstituição dos 1º invertebrados da fauna de … | Flickr Life Before the Dinosaurs: Conodonta. Conodonta-reconstruction Conodonta-teeth Origin of teeth can be seen in evolution of odontogenic capacity in neural crest-derived mesenchyme Ectoderm Endoderm Evolutionary physiology of adaptations Jantar uchoval peří z dob dinosaurů. Včetně barev a detailů | Týden.cz Anchiornis Sinosauropteryx Ubirajara jubatus Sinosauropteryx Based on findings from sites in China, we know that dinosaurs had feather coverings. We also know color based on decay products. Feathers show that these species were warm-blooded Birds, the successors of the dinosaurs, evolved from these lines Thanks to plumage and warm-bloodedness, dinosaurs inhabited all ecosystems, including the polar regions, although there were no polar caps during the Cretaceous period, but seasons changed, including snowfall Trachodon Nodosaurus We also know the skin of dinosaurs from mummies There were featherless dinosaurs with scaly skin, we know these dinosaurs from mummies. These dinosaurs were among the largest, so they maintained the temperature thanks to their size. However, the young of these species were warm-blooded in order to quickly grow to adult size in order not to become victims of predators Within one species existing physiological adaptations according to conditions Evolutionary physiology of adaptations Neanderthal - Homo Neanderthalensis - Page 3 - Carnivora Homo neanderthalensis -Krapina Homo sapiens - Sungir Neanderthal man was very well adapted to the cold climate of Europe. Modern man first acclimatized before coming to Europe. why did he win. The Neanderthal had a larger brain capacity, made very precise stone tools, decorated himself, took care of his loved ones and the infirm, buried his dead. So why did it become extinct? Metabolism of calcium Metabolism of calcium So why did it become extinct? Øthe reason is calcium metabolism. The Neanderthals only had access to food once in a while, they were not always successful in hunting, and they had to store large stocks of bones Ø Ømodern human began to behave like a superorganism, he began to domesticate and exploit animals. They lived in houses, e.g. in the Sungir locality. They had enough calcium in their diet Neanderthal dwelling in Lazaret cave Homo neandertalensis Homo sapiens-Sungir Modern human in the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age), in the period of about 34 thousand years BP, already domesticated animals such as dogs and reindeer. The dog made it possible to watch over herds of reindeer, and the reindeer mostly provided him with everything he needed, the rest was obtained by collecting and occasionally hunting mammoths, hares and other kinds of animals. This herding way of life allowed them to live a more settled way of life, groups of people grew and could raise more children and thus displaced the Neanderthals in a relatively short time. We interbred with the Neanderthals and we carry many genes in our own genome that help us survive (resistance to infections, light skin, etc.). With the growing population, there was also the construction of large log houses, which were previously considered to be a Neolithic invention (the period of the first farmers), but at the Sungir site, evidence of such long log houses was also found in the Paleolithic (25,000 years BP). All this resulted in thinning bones and so-called autodomestication, because we no longer needed strong bones to store calcium reflex2 Thank you for attention!