Tumours Júlia Medina Ioanna Phanaris GENERAL TERMS! First some generic terms that you might all be familiar with already General Terms Tumor, oris, m Meaning: tumor Declension: 3rd Cancer, cri, m Meaning: Diseased characterized by abnormal and uncontrolled growth through their division. Declension: 2nd OncPrefix definition: Swelling, tumor Such as in Oncologia, f (medical specialty that deals with malignant pathologies, includesclinical, surgical, pediatric, and radiation oncology.) Neoplasma, matis, n. Meaning: abnormal growth of cells :. Tumor. Neoplasmatic diseases cause tumour growth Greek: neo (new) + plasma (formed, molded) 01 02 03 04 Blastoma, matis, n. Meaning: cancer caused by embryonic cells (of primitive differentiated cells). Greek: blastos (=sprout, germ) -oma (suffix meaning a state ora condition) Carcinoma, matis, n. Meaning: type of malignant tumor consisting of transformed epithelial cells. Greek: καρκίνος/carkinos(=crab) +oma (=suffix denoting mass growth) Examples Retinoblastoma = tumor or retina Nephroblastoma = Wilms tumor of kidney Medulloblastoma= types of brain tumor Hepatoblastoma - liver tumor Examples Adenocarcinoma = occurs anywhere in the body, starts in glands inside the organs, forming originally in glandular epithelial cells (secretes mucus, fluids, etc.) 05 06 Sarcoma, matis, n. Gree: sarc- (=flesh) + -oma (suffix) Meaning: type of malignant tumor originating from transformed connective tissue cells (bone, cartilage, fat) originated by embryonic mesoderm. Examples Lymphosarcoma = malignant tumor of lymphatic tissue Angiosarcoma = rare cancer in the lining of blood and lymph vessels. Most often occurs in the head and neck. 07 CONDITIONS RESEMBLING TUMORS PSEUDOTUMOR, is, m. Pseudo- : Greek pseudēs = false, deceptive,resemblance Meaning = false tumor, an abnormality (such as temporary swelling) that resembles a tumor EXAMPLE Pseudotumor cerebri Caused by increased pressure around the brain usually due to excess cerebrospinal fluid. It has same symptoms as a brain tumor, headaches, vision problems, nausea, dizziness, however it is not a tumor. HYPERTROPHIA, ae, f. Hyper- : Greek hyper, over, above, excessive; -trophia: nourishment, cell size Meaning = general increase in bulk of a part or organ that is NOT caused by a tumor formation EXAMPLE Hypertrophia musculorum vera Inheritable condition that leads to loss of control of body movements. Symptoms include fasciculations, cramps, absent sensorynerve action potentials, an increased creatine kinase level, dramatic enlargement of calf muscles, and true muscle fiber hypertrophy HYPERPLASIA, ae, f. Hyper: something is excessive, above normal -plasia: formation, cell proliferation Meaning: The enlargement or overgrowth of an organ or tissue due to abnormal proliferation of cells (in contrast to cells increasing in size as in hypertrophy). EXAMPLE Hyperplasia endometrialis Endometrium becomes unusually thick because of having too many cells (hyperplasia). It’s not cancer, but in certain women, it raises the risk of developing endometrial cancer CYSTIS, is, f. cystis: pouch or anatomical sac,such as bladder (cyst- in this meaning only in compounds!) Meaning: A close pouch or sac inside the body as an abnormal structure although its etymology is referred to a normal anatomical sac. EXAMPLE Spermatocystis From Greek: sperma = seed It is a cystic distention of the epididymis containing spermatozoa. TERMS DENOTING REAL TUMORS FIBROMA, matis, n. íνωμα/fibra: fibre, filament Meaning: a benign fibrous tumor formed of connective tissue.They can grow in all organs,arising from mesenchyme tissue but are usually found in the oral cavity or on the skin. EXAMPLE DERMATOFIBROMA Latin: fibra+ -oma, noun (dermatofibroma= dermat- + fibr-) It is an accumulation of extra cells within the deep layers of the skin. The exact cause of theses growths is unknown but they usually don’t require treatment or removal. MELANOMA, matis, n. Melan-: “black” or withpigment Meaning: a type of skin cancer that develops from the pigment producing cells known as melanocytes. Melanomas are typically found on the skin but can rarely occur in the mouth, intestines or eye. EXAMPLE MELANOMA UVEALE Latin: uvea, ae, f. noun (grape shape) Uveal melanoma is a cancer of the eye involving the iris, ciliary body and choroid with are collectively referred to as the uvea. The tumor arises from pigmented cells that reside in the uvea and give the eye it’s colour. LIPOMA, matis, n. Lip-: fat / to stick, adhere Meaning: a fatty tumor located just below the skin. It is usually benign and harmless. It feels doughy to the touch and moves readily with slight pressure. EXAMPLE ANGIOLIPOMA Latin: angi- + lip- + -oma= vessel + fat + tumor Angiolipomas are usually found in the forearm or upper arm. They are benign subcutaneous tumors composed of fat and blood vessels and usually have a dark purple colour. OSTEOMA, matis, n. Oste- = bone Meaning: A new piece of bone usually growing from or another piece of bone, typically the skull which are known as homoplastic osteoma. These tumors can be benign or malignant. EXAMPLE OSTEOMA OSTEOIDUM Bone like tumor Osteoid osteomas are benign tumors that usually develop in the long bones ofthe body for example the femur or tibia, they can cause pain and discomfort butdo not spread throughout the body. HEAMANGIOMA, matis, n. Haem- +angi- +oma= blood + vessel + tumor (2 roots and a suffix) Meaning: Non-cancerous growths of blood vessels. They are the most common tumors in children. EXAMPLE HAEMANGIOMA CAVERNOSUM Latin: cavus, a, um= hollow Cavernous hemangiomas are a type of benign vascular tumors where a collection of dilated blood vessels form a lesion. OTHER TERMS REFERRING TO CANCEROUS PATHOLOGIES Leucaemia, ae, f.: leuc- + -(h)aemMeaning: Malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues, characterised by abnormal rapid multiplication of leukocytes Praecancerosis, is, f.: prae = before Meaning: A lesion involving abnormal cells which are associated with an increased risk of developing into cancer Carcinomatosis, is, f.: carcinomat-+- osis Meaning: Carcinomatosis is described as a condition in which multiple carcinomas develop simultaneously. Carcinoidum, i, n.: Carcinomat-+- oidMeaning: A carcinoid is a slow growing type of neuroendocrine tumor originating in the cells of the neuroendocrine system. -OMA: NOT REFERRING TO TUMOR Glaucoma, matis, n.: glauk- = bluish green Meaning: A group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve . The damage is often caused by abnormally high pressure in the eye. Trachoma, matis, n.: trach- = rough Meaning: An infectious disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. The infection causes a roughening of the inner surface of theeyelid which could cause breakdown of the outer surface or cornea of the eyes. Thank you for your attention! Now moving on with Kahoot ... https://create.kahoot.it/details/c7ab9438-80f c-40ab-9fed-9bbf99b3684b Sources - https://www.webmd.com/brain/pseudotumor-cerebri#:~:text=% 22Pseudotumor%22%20means%20%22false%20tumor,pseud otumor%20from%20a%20real%20tumor. - https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/hypertrophia - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3947254/ - https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16569-atypical-e ndometrial-hyperplasia#:~:text=Endometrial%20hyperplasia%2 0is%20a%20condition,a%20type%20of%20uterine%20cancer. - https://bioetymology.blogspot.com/search?q=cystis - https://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/pseudotumor - https://www.etymonline.com - http://latindictionary.wikidot.com/noun:cancer - https://www.medicinenet.com/fibroma/definition.htm - https://pathos223.com/for_student/word_root_by_tsutsumi.htm - https://www.latin-is-simple.com/en/vocabulary/noun/17897/ Sources - https://slidesgo.com/pt/tema/cirurgia-cerebral#position-11 - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oncologia - https://bioetymology.blogspot.com/search?q=cancer - https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/neoplasma#Noun_2 - https://www.healthline.com/health/neoplastic-disease#:~:text= A%20neoplasm%20is%20an%20abnormal,t%20spread%20to %20other%20tissues. - https://medicalterminology.guide/medicalPrefixes/onc(o)-/onc9 9o - https://bioetymology.blogspot.com/2011/06/blastoma.html - https://bioetymology.blogspot.com/search?q=carcinoma - https://www.cancercenter.com/adenocarcinoma - https://bioetymology.blogspot.com/search?q=sarcoma - https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/angiosarcoma/ symptoms-causes/syc-20350244 - https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/pseudo- https://www.thefreedictionary.com/cystitis