Calcium Metabolism, homeostasis disturbances Physiology of Calcium • 98% of the body calcium is in the skeleton • Only 2% is in circulation and only half of this is free calcium (ionized Ca2+) • This only is physiologically active • The 1% is bound to proteins Multiple biological functions of calcium •Cell signaling •Neural transmission •Muscle function •Blood coagulation •Enzymatic co-factor •Membrane and cytoskeletal functions •Secretion •Biomineralization Blood Calcium - 10mgs/100 mls (2.5 mmoles/L) Diet Non diffusible - 3.5 mgs Albumin bound - 2.8 Globulin bound - 0.7 Diffusible - 6.5 mgs Ionized - 5.3 Complexed - 1.2 mgs bicarbonate - 0.6 mgs citrate - 0.3 mgs phosphate - 0.2 mgs other Close to saturation point tissue calcification kidney stones Dietary calcium Milk and dairy products (1qt = 1gm) Dietary supplements Other foods Other dietary factors regulating calcium absorption Lactose Phosphorus Urinary Calcium Regulation of Urinary Calcium Daily filtered load 10 gm (diffusible) 99% reabsorbed Two general mechanisms Active - transcellular Passive - paracellular Proximal tubule and Loop of Henle reabsorption Most of filtered load Mostly passive Inhibited by furosemide Distal tubule reabsorption 10% of filtered load Regulated (homeostatic) stimulated by PTH inhibited by CT vitamin D has small stimulatory effect stimulated by thiazides Urinary excretion 50 - 250 mg/day 0.5 - 1% filtered load Hormonal - tubular reabsorption PTH - decreases excretion (clearance) CT - increases excretion (calciuretic) 1,25(OH)2D - decreases excretion Diet Little effect Logarithmic Other factors Sodium - increases excretion Phosphate - decreases excretion Diuretics - thiazides vs loop thiazides - inhibit excretion furosemide - stimulate excretion Calcium in urine Hypocalciuria • drugs can decrease urine calcium, including thiazide diuretics, benzothiadiazide diuretics (like chlorthalidone), and estrogen. • hypoparathyroidism, pseudohypoparathyroidism, • rickets, • hypothyroidism, • steatorrhea, and • nephrosis. Hypercalciuria • hyperparathyroidism, • diseases include multiple myeloma (or any osteolytic neoplasm), • osteoporosis, • severe vitamin D overdose, • renal tubular acidosis, • hyperthyroidism, • Paget’s disease, • Sarcoidosis, and • drugs containing calcium (such as some antacids) and calcium supplements can lead to direct increases in urine calcium. Balance per day COMMENTARY| VOLUME 81, ISSUE 11, P1057-1059, JUNE 01, 2012 Calcium Homeostasis  Bone Resorption  Intestinal Absorption  Renal Excretion 8 Calcium Homeostasis Parathyroid Hormone 1,25 DHC or Vitamin D3 Calcitonin 9 Control of Ca2+ Levels Hormone Effect Bone Gut Kidney PTH  Ca2+  Po4 Increases Osteoclasts Indirect via Vit. D Ca reab Po4 exr. Vitamin D3  Ca2+  Po4 No direct action  Ca2+  Po4 absorption No direct effect Calcitonin  Ca2+  Po4 Inhibits Osteoclasts No direct effect Ca2+ & Po4 excretion 10 Regulation of Ca2+ in ECT • The parathyroid gland detects calcium levels in the ECT by the calcium sensing receptor – CaSR • a member of the G proteincoupled receptor family with seven hydrophilic transmembrane helices anchored in the plasma membrane. Expression of calcum sensor • Parathyroid cells, thyroid C cells (control of PTH and calcitonin production). • Kidney cells, osteoblasts, hematopoietic cells, mucosal cells of GIT. • All these cells respond to calcium levels in the blood. Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism volume 3, pages122–133(2007) Functional consequences of the calcium sensor • CaSR is found throughout the tubular system • CaSR in the thick part of the ascending arms of the Henle loop can respond to increased calcium levels in ECT by activating phospholipase A2, and a reduction in calcium and magnesium paracellular rebsorption. • The increase in calcium in ECT antagonizes the effect of PTH on this segment of the nephron, so that calcium itself cooperates to maintain its own homeostasis. Journal of Translational Medicine volume 9, Article number: 201 (2011) Activation of the calcium sensor has two major signal transduction effects: • Activation of phospholipase C, which leads to activation of second messengers of diacylglycerol and inositol trisphosphate. • Inhibition of adenylate cyclase, which leads to a decrease in intracellular cAMP concentration. • The sensor can also activate mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) JASN February 2011, 22 (2) 216-224 Cell and calcium • neuron – concentration 50 – 100 nM • Calcium buffers – reguation of calcium dynamics • intracelular • parvalbumin, calbindin-D28k, calretinin Calcium in the cell Distribution of Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium Total body content, g % in skeleton % in soft tissues Calcium 1000 99 1 Phosphorus 600 85 15 Magnesium 25 65 35 Magnesium • Magnesemia negatively affects PTH secretion • However, the rate of secretion activation is up to 3 times less than that of calcium Kidney International Volume 82, Issue 11, 1 December 2012 Calcium-phosphate equilibrium • The role of FGF-23 • a hormone predominately produced by osteoblasts/osteocytes • major function – • inhibition of renal tubular phosphate reabsorption and • suppressing circulating 1,25 (OH)(2)D levels by decreasing Cyp27b1mediated formation and • stimulating Cyp24-mediated catabolism of 1,25(OH)(2)D. Parathyroid glands Parathormon (PTH) raises blood calcium levels in 3 main ways: • stimulates the production of the biologically active form of vitamin D by the kidneys. • supports mobilization of calcium and phosphate from bone. To maintain the calcium phosphate balance, it promotes the excretion of phosphates by the kidney (phosphaturic effect). • It maximizes tubular reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys, resulting in minimal urinary calcium loss (in healthy kidneys). • An increase in calcium increases PTH degradation, a decrease in calcium levels in ECT results in a decrease in intracellular PTH degradation. • Bioinactive fragments of PTH, which can also be formed in the liver, are digested in the kidney. • Low levels of calcium in ECF result in increased transcription of the PTH gene and increased mRNA stability for PTH. • Chronic hypocalcaemia can lead to the proliferation of parathyroid glands and increase its secretory capacity. JASN February 2011, 22 (2) 216-224 • PTH has little effect on modulating calcium fluxes in the proximal tubule where 65% of the filtered calcium is reabsorbed, coupled to the bulk transport of solutes such as sodium and water. • PTH binds to its cognate receptor, the type I PTH/PTHrP receptor (PTHR), a 7-transmembrane-spanning G protein-coupled protein which is linked to both the adenylate cyclase system and the phospholipase C system. Stimulation of adenylate cyclase is believed to be the major mechanism whereby PTH causes internalization of the type II Na+/Pi- (inorganic phosphate) cotransporter leading to decreased phosphate reabsorption and phosphaturia. • About 20% of filtered calcium is reabsorbed in the cortical thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle (CTAL) • 15% is reabsorbed in distal tubules, after PTH binding to PTHR, via signal transduction via cAMP. • In the thick parts of the ascending arms of the Henle loop, the activity of Na / K / 2Cl co-transporter increases, which controls NaCl reabsorption and also stimulates paracellular reabsorption of calcium and magnesium. 1. Kidney and PTH 1. Kidney and PTH In the distal tubule, PTH affects transcellular calcium transport. This process involves several steps: • transfer of luminal Ca2+ to the renal tubular cell via the transient receptor potential channel (TRPV5) • translocation of Ca2+ across tubular cell from apical to basolateral surface by proteins like calbindine-D28K • active Ca2+ excretion from the tubular cell into the blood via the Na+ /Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1). PTH apparently stimulates Ca2+ reabsorption in the distal tubule by increasing the activity of NCX1 by a cAMP-dependent mechanism. 1. Kidney and PTH • PTH, upon binding to PTHR, can also stimulate 25(OH)D3-1-alpha hydroxylase, resulting in increased synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D3. PTH can also inhibit the reabsorption of Na+ and HC03- in the proximal tubule by inhibition • Na+/H+ apical exchanger typ 3, • Na+/K+-ATPase on basolateral membrane • Na+/Pi--cotransport on the apical side of the proximal tubular cell. Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Diabetes (Second Edition), 2019 2. Bone and PTH • In bone, the PTHR is localized on cells of the osteoblast phenotype which are of mesenchymal origin but not on osteoclasts which are of hematogenous origin. • In the postnatal state the major physiologic role of PTH appears to be to maintain normal calcium homeostasis by enhancing osteoclastic bone resorption and liberating calcium into the ECF. • This effect of PTH on increasing osteoclast stimulation is by PTH binding to the PTHR on pre-osteoblastic stromal cells and enhancing the production of the cytokine RANKL (receptor activator of NFkappaB ligand), a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family. 2. Bone and PTH • Levels of a soluble decoy receptor for RANKL, termed osteoprotegerin, are diminished facilitating the capacity for increased stromal cellbound RANKL to interact with its cognate receptor, RANK, on cells of the osteoclast series. • Multinucleated osteoclasts are derived from hematogenous precursors which commit to the monocyte/macrophage lineage, and then proliferate and differentiate as mononuclear precursors, eventually fusing to form multinucleated osteoclasts. These can then be activated to form bone-resorbing osteoclasts. • RANKL can drive many of these proliferation/differentiation/fusion/activation steps although other cytokines, notably monocyte-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) may participate in this process. Hyperparathyreoidism - primary • Parathyroid adenoma – solitary • 70 - 80% primary • Idiopathic primary hyperplasia of PT • Carcinoma PT - rare • Familial hyperparathyroidism • Multiple Adenomas (MEN) • Familial benign hypocalciuric hypercalcemia • Severe neonatal primary hyperparathyroidism • Inactivation mutations for CaSR - AR Hyperparathyreoidism - secondary • Renal insuficiency • Chronic hypovitaminosis D • Malasorption syndromes • Celiac disease • Disorders of bile and pancreatic secretion Hypoparathyreoidism - primary • Parathyroid damage during thyroid surgery • Radiation • Damage in metabolic diseases • Wilson's disease - defect of Cu metabolism • hemochromatosis - defect of Fe metabolism • Autoimmune hypoparathyroidism • Gradual decline in function • Congenital familial hypoparathyroidism • AD, AR and X-linked disorder • DiGeorg syndrome • parathyroid aplasia Hypoparathyreoidism - seconadry • Magnesium deficiency/ hypomagnesaemia - chornic! • Hypervitaminosis D • due to attenuation of PTH secretion due to high Ca levels! • Increased production of PTHrP • the level of PTH alone is low! Nutrients 2013, 5(8), 3022-3033 Hypoparathyreoidism - Hypocalcemia - Rise of neuromuscular excitability - Parestezia - Spazmus and contractions - hyperphosphatemia PTH vs FGF 23 Vitamin D (calcitriol) Copyright ©2006 American Society for Clinical Investigation Holick, M. F. J. Clin. Invest. 2006;116:2062-2072 Nomenclature Vitamin D Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] Ercalcidiol [25(OH)D2] Calcidiol [25(OH)D3] 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] Ercalcitriol [1,25(OH)2D2] Calcitriol [1,25(OH)2D3] Vitamin D receptor agonist (synthetic analogues) Paricalcitol [19nor,1,25(OH)2D2] Maxacalcitol [22oxa,1,25(OH)2D3] Vitamin D receptor agonist prodrugsa Doxercalciferol [1(OH)D2] Alfacalcidol [1(OH)D3] The Metabolic Activation of Vitamin D • Vitamin D from the diet or the conversion from precursors in skin through ultraviolet radiation (light) provides the substrate of the indicated steps in metabolic activation. • The pathways apply to both the endogenous animal form of vitamin D (vitamin D3, cholecalciferol) and the exogenous plant form of vitamin D (vitamin D2, ergocalciferol), both of which are present in humans at a ratio of approximately 2:1. • In the kidney, 25-D is also converted to 24-hydroxylated metabolites which may have unique effects on chondrogenesis and intramembranous ossification. • The many effects of vitamin D metabolites are mediated through nuclear receptors or effects on target-cell membranes Cellular bone mineral transport • For calcium, the transcellular transport is ferried by the interaction among a family of proteins that include calmodulin, calbindin, integral membrane protein, and alkaline phosphatase; the latter three are vitamin D dependent. • Cytoskeletal interactions are likely important for transcellular transport as well. Exit from the cell is regulated by membrane structures similar to those that mediate entry. Pharmacological Reviews April 2017, 69 (2) 80-92; 1,25(OH)2D-initiated gene transcription • 1,25(OH)2D enters the target cell and binds to its receptor, VDR. • The VDR then heterodimerizes with the retinoid X receptor (RXR). This increases the affinity of the VDR/RXR complex for the vitamin D response element (VDRE), a specific sequence of nucleotides in the promoter region of the vitamin D responsive gene. • Binding of the VDR/RXR complex to the VDRE attracts a complex of proteins termed coactivators to the VDR/RXR complex. The coactivator complex spans the gap between the VDRE and RNA polymerase II and other proteins in the initiation complex centered at or around the TATA box (or other transcription regulatory elements). • Transcription of the gene is initiated to produce the corresponding mRNA, which leaves the nucleus to be translated to the corresponding protein. Immunity and Inflammation in Health and Disease, 2018 Genomic and non-genomic effect Vitamin D Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] Ercalcidiol [25(OH)D2] Calcidiol [25(OH)D3] 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] Ercalcitriol [1,25(OH)2D2] Calcitriol [1,25(OH)2D3] Vitamin D receptor agonist (synthetic analogues) Paricalcitol [19nor,1,25(OH)2D2] Maxacalcitol [22oxa,1,25(OH)2D3] Vitamin D receptor agonist prodrugsa Doxercalciferol [1(OH)D2] Alfacalcidol [1(OH)D3] Non-genomic actions of vit D • Besides gene regulation activities, vitamin D also exerts rapid nongenomic actions through cell surface receptors. • VDR is required for rapid nongenomic effects of 1,25(OH)2 D3 on chloride and calcium channels in osteoblasts. • VDR was localized in caveolae-enriched plasma membranes of intestinal, lung, kidney cells and osteoblasts, where it efficiently binds 1,25(OH)2 D3 BioMed Research International 2015:1-11 Inhibition, degradation • takes place in the kidneys, liver, bones and intestines • Conjugation with glucuronic acid, sulphation and hydroxylation (in positions 23, 24, 26) • The products are excreted in urine and bile • 24-hydroxylase • 1,24,25-(OH)3-D - Nonactive metabolite • 24,25-(OH)3-D – Active form, in plasma Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2013 8(4) Regulation of 1-alfa hydroxylase (CYP27B1) • mainly occurs in the proximal tubule cells of the kidney, and its activity is positively regulated by parathyroid hormone (PTH), parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP), calcitonin, growth hormone (GH) and insulinlike growth factor I (IGF-I) • negatively by FGF23 and klotho or minerals - negative regulation by Ca and phosphate levels. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2014 Vit D and immune reaction • both VDR and RXR are expressed in several types of cells, e.g., keratinocytes, fibroblasts, monocytes, macrophage, DCs, and T lymphocytes • modulate other components of innate immunity, such as immune cell proliferation/development and inflammatory cytokine production • Vitamin D has been shown to inhibit the development and function of Th1 cells, which are mainly involved in activating macrophages and inflammatory responses, and Th17 cells Front. Immunol., 12 October 2015 Hydroxylation – immune system • The figure depicts intracrine production 1,25(OH) 2 D from circulating 25OHD in macrophages and DCs, as well as the effects of 1,25(OH) 2 D signaling on expression of several classes of proteins implicated in innate immune signaling. October 2018. Endocrine Reviews 40(4) Acquired immune system • In antigenpresenting cells (including DCs), 1,25(OH) 2 D 3 inhibits the surface expression of major histocompatibility complex II (MHC-II)-complexed antigen and of costimulatory molecules, in addition to production of the cytokines IL-12 and IL-23, thereby indirectly shifting the polarization of T cells from a Th1 and Th17 phenotype toward a Th2 phenotype. • Additionally, 1,25(OH) 2 D 3 directly affects T cell responses by inhibiting the production of Th1 cytokines (IL-2 and IFN-g) and Th17 cytokines (IL-17 and IL-21), as well as by stimulating Th2 cytokine production (IL-4). Moreover, 1,25(OH) 2 D 3 favors Treg cell development via modulation of DCs and by directly targeting T cells. Finally, 1,25(OH) 2 D 3 blocks plasma-cell differentiation, IgG and IgM production, and B cell proliferation. October 2018. Endocrine Reviews 40(4) Cytokine storm PLOS: September 18, 2020 Effect on respiratory system Arch. Endocrinol. Metab. vol.64 no.5 São Paulo Sept./Oct. 2020 Epub Aug 28, 2020 Vitamin D and RAAS? Rev Med Virol. 2020 Jun 25 : 10.1002/rmv.2119. Mechanisms of Vitamin D Tumor Suppression October 2018. Endocrine Reviews 40(4) Country (health authority) United States and Canada (IOM) Europe (EFSA) Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DACH) UK (SACN) Nordic European countries (NORDEN) DRV/DRI EAR RDA AI AI RNI RI Target 25(OH)D in nmol/L 40 50 50 50 25 50 Age group Vitamin D intakes in µg (international units, IU) per day (1 µg = 40 IU) 0–6 months 10 (400) 10 (400) 8.5–10 (300–400) 7–12 months 10 (400) 10 (400) 10 (400) 8.5–10 (300–400) 10 (400) 1–3 years 10 (400) 15 (600) 15 (600) 20 (800) 10 (400) 10 (400) 4–6 years 10 (400) 15 (600) 15 (600) 20 (800) 10 (400) 10 (400) 7–8 years 10 (400) 15 (600) 15 (600) 20 (800) 10 (400) 10 (400) 9–10 years 10 (400) 15 (600) 15 (600) 20 (800) 10 (400) 10 (400) 11–14 years 10 (400) 15 (600) 15 (600) 20 (800) 10 (400) 10 (400) 15–17 years 10 (400) 15 (600) 15 (600) 20 (800) 10 (400) 10 (400) 18–69 years 10 (400) 15 (600) 15 (600) 20 (800) 10 (400) 10 (400) 70–74 years 10 (400) 20 (600) 15 (600) 20 (800) 10 (400) 10 (400) 75 years and older 10 (400) 20 (600) 15 (600) 20 (800) 10 (400) 20 (800) Pregnancy 10 (400) 15 (600) 15 (600) 20 (800) 10 (400) 10 (400) Lactation 10 (400) 15 (600) 15 (600) 20 (800) 10 (400) 10 (400) Dietary reference values (DRV)/dietary reference intakes (DRI) for vitamin D (reproduced from Pilz et al. (81) under the terms of the CC Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence). IOM, Institute of Medicine; EFSA, European Food Safety Authority; DACH, Germany, Austria and Switzerland; SACN, Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition; EAR, Estimated Average Requirement; RDA, Recommended Dietary Allowance; AI, Adequate Intake; RNI, Reference; Nutrient Intake; RI, Recommended Intake; 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency • In children rickets-deformation of long bones due to increased bone softness. • In adults, osteomalacia. • Genetic defects in VDR (hereditary resistance syndromes to vitamin D). • Severe liver and kidney diseases. • Insufficient exposure to sunlight Vitamin D deficiency • Sunscreens (SPF more than 8) effectively block the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin. Usually balanced by quality nutrition. • Vitamin D Toxicity: Excessive sun exposure does not lead to excessive vitamin D production. Causes of rickets/osteomalacia • Lack of calcium and/or phosphates • Malabsorption of calcium and/or phosphates in GIT • Celiac disease, Crohn's disease • Absorption-inhibiting substances (eg fiber binding) • Increased losses of calcium and/or phosphates in the kidneys • Failure of mineralization process Vitamin D deficiency rickets • Vitamin D deficiency in diet • Insufficient vitamin D absorption in GIT • Insufficient vitamin D production in the skin Rickets from disorders of vitamin D activation and effect • Hepatic or renal failure • Mutation of gene for 25-hydroxylase (CYP2R1) - rare • Vitamin D dependent rickets type I • Mutation of gene for 1-alphahydroxylase (CYP27B1) - AR • Insufficient conversion of calcidiol to calcitriol • Vitamin D dependent rickets type II • Tissues do not respond to vitamin D • AR defect of vitamin D receptor Rickets from phosphate loss • Familial hypophosphatemic rickets • Urinary phosphate loss • Vitamin D resistant rachitis - do not respond to vitamin D treatment • X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets - mutation in PHEX leads to accumulation of FGF23 • AD hypophosphatemic rickets - mutation in the FGF23 gene • AR hypophosphatemic rickets - mutation in gene for DMP1 (nuclear protein of dental and bone tissue) - affecting osteoid mineralization, accumulation of FGF23 • Tubulopathy with hyperphosphaturia • Acquired states • Diuretics • Hyperparathyreosis • PTHrP X-linked hypophosphatemic osteomalacia • The condition is characterized by low tubular reabsorption of phosphate in the absence of secondary hyperparathyroidism. • X-linked hypophosphatemia occurs in about 1 in 25,000 and is considered the most common form of genetically induced rickets. Parathyroid Hormone Relation Peptide (PTHrP) • PTHrP was discovered as the mediator of the syndrome of "humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy" (HHM). • In this syndrome a variety of cancers, essentially in the absence of skeletal metastases, produce a PTH-like substance which can cause a constellation of biochemical abnormalities including • hypercalcemia, • hypophosphatemia and • increased urinary cyclic AMP excretion. • These mimic the biochemical effects of PTH but occur in the absence of detectable circulating levels of this hormone. PTH and PTHR gene families: PTHrP, PTH and TIP39 appear to be members of a single gene family. The receptors for these peptides, PTH1R and PTH2R, are both 7 transmembrane-spanning G protein-coupled receptors. PTHrP binds and activates PTH1R; it binds weakly to PTH2R and does not activate it. PTH can bind and activate both PTH1R and PTH2R. Effects of PTHrP • to ion homeostasis • to smooth muscle relaxation; • associated with cell growth, differentiation and apoptosis. • necessary for normal fetal calcium homeostasis The majority of the physiological effects of PTHrP appear to occur by short-range ie paracrine/autocrine mechanisms rather than long-range ie endocrine mechanisms.. In the adult the major role in calcium and phosphorus homeostasis appears to be carried out by PTH rather than by PTHrP in view of the fact that PTHrP concentrations in normal adults are either very low or undetectable. This situation reverses when neoplasms constitutively hypersecrete PTHrP in which case PTHrP mimics the effects of PTH on bone and kidney and the resultant hypercalcemia suppresses endogenous PTH secretion. Effect of PTHrP to • cell growth, differentiated function and programmed cell death in a variety of different fetal and adult tissues. The most striking developmental effects of PTHrP however have been in the skeleton. The major alteration appears to occur in the cartilaginous growth plate where, in the absence of PTHrP, chondrocyte proliferation is reduced and accelerated chondrocyte differentiation and apoptosis occurs. • increased bone formation, apparently due to secondary hyperparathyroidism and the overall effect is a severely deformed skeleton. • normal development of the cartilaginous growth plate. In the fetus PTH has predominantly an anabolic role in trabecular bone whereas PTHrP regulates the orderly development of the growth plate. In contrast, in postnatal life, PTHrP acting as a paracrine/autocrine modulator assumes an anabolic role for bone whereas PTH predominantly defends against a decrease in extracellular fluid calcium by resorbing bone. Production of bone resorbing substances by neoplasms. Tumor cells may release proteases which can facilitate tumor cell progression through unmineralized matrix. Tumors cells can also release PTHrP, cytokines, eicosanoids and growth factors (eg EGF) which can act on osteoblastic stromal cells to increase production of cytokines such as M-CSF and RANKL. RANKL can bind to its cognate receptor RANK in osteoclastic cells, which are of hepatopoietic origin, and increase production and activation of multinucleated osteoclasts which can resorb mineralized bone. Calcitonin • The main source in mammals are parafollicular (C) thyroid cells. Furthermore, other tissue - lungs, GIT. • Peptide of 32 AK. • Alternative splicing results in the production of a "calcitonin-gene-related peptide" that has functions in the nervous system and circulation. • The calcitonin receptor is again a member of the 7-transmembrane G proteincoupled receptor family The most important driving stimulus is the extracellular level of ionized calcium. Thank you for your attention