Welcome to Clinical anatomy of the head, neck and neuronal pathways Lecture #7 Department of Anatomy MUNI, MED Alemeh Zamani, Ph.D. Spring 2023 Future Lectures Somatosensory and viscerosensory; pain pathways and connections of stress analgesia Pathways of the somatomotor system, connections of the cerebellum and basal ganglia; spinal reflex motoric; eye movements Arrangement and function of the autonomic nervous system Today’s lecture will cover: 1- Nervous System Barriers 2- Plasticity and Regeneration of Nervous System 3- Visual and Auditory Pathways 4- Vestibular, Olfactory, and Gustatory Pathways Today’s lecture will cover: 1- Nervous System Barriers 2- Plasticity and Regeneration of Nervous System 3- Visual and Auditory Pathways 4- Vestibular, Olfactory, and Gustatory Pathways Nervous System Barriers o Blood-Brain Barrier o Blood-Spinal Cord Barrier o Blood-Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier o Blood-Nerve Barrier o Blood-DRG Barrier Blood-Brain Barrier Blood-CSF Barrier Blood-spinal cord BarrierBlood-retinal barrier Blood-arachnoid Barrier Blood-Brain Barrier -Tatiana Barichello Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) Blood-Brain Barrier -Tatiana Barichello Neurovascular unit ➢ BBB is formed by a tight monolayer of brain endothelial cells. ➢ Function of BBB is maintaining brain homeostasis by regulating transport to the brain. ➢ The plasticity of BBB is regulated within a dynamic system called Neurovascular unit. ➢ BBB represents a significant roadblock in delivering drugs to brain. Blood-Brain Barrier ❖ Junctional proteins and transporters: Junctional Proteins Transporter Proteins Neuroscience Online, the Open-Access Neuroscience Electronic Textbook small inorganic molecules (O2, CO2, NO, and H2O) ions, peptides, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, hormones, vitamins, etc. Non-barrier regions (hormonal control) o Pituitary gland o Median eminence o Area postrema o Preoptic recess o Paraphysis o Pineal gland o Endothelium of choroid plexus Ufnal, Neuropeptides 2014 Circumventricular organs (CVOs) Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction Dysregulated BBB transport in Alzheimer’s disease BBB dysfunction is associated with neurological disorders: Neurodegenerative diseases, Cerebrovascular diseases, Brain infections, Inflammatory diseases, Brain tumors, Neurotrauma, Mental or psychological stress Disruption of BBB can lead to: o Changes in permeability o Modulation of immune cell transport o Trafficking of pathogens into the brain Storck, Neuroforum 2017 Blood-Spinal Cord Barrier (BSCB) Bartanusz, Annals of Neurology, 2011 Composed of continuous type of microvessels More permeable for cytokines and tracers compared to BBB: o Lower level of occludin and ZO-1 o Less number of pericytes o Spinal cord injury o Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis o Radiation‐induced myelopathy Pathological conditions: Blood-CSF Barrier Lun, Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2015 Epithelial cells of choroid plexus: o Secrete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) o Form blood-CSF barrier Role of blood-CSF barrier o To restrict the passage of substances from blood into CSF Blood-CSF Barrier Dysfunction Pathogen invasion through B-CSF barrier Solár, Fluids Barriers CNS, 2020 Blood-CSF barrier permeability alteration: o Infectious disease o Stroke o Trauma o Neurodegenerative disease o Autoimmune disorders o Tumors of choroid plexus o Schizophrenia and chronic stress Reinhold, Experimental neurology 2020 Blood-Nerve Barrier (BNB) Endoneurial fluid = CSF Blood-nerve exchange is maintained by endothelial cells of endoneurial vessels. ❖ Perineurial cells interaction with Schwann cells critical for nerve development and regeneration Wallerian Degeneration Injury of nerves and axons o Proliferation of Schwann cells o Invasion of circulating macrophages o Alteration of the blood-nerve barrier o Changes in the endoneurial extracellular matrix o Elevation of cytokine production Blood-Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) Barrier Reinhold, Experimental neurology 2020 Present in DRG o Somata of sensory nerves o Nociceptive neurons More permeable than the BNB Peripheral nerve injury induces cellular and molecular changes in the DRG that contribute to induction and maintenance of neuropathic pain. Today’s lecture will cover: 1- Nervous System Barriers 2- Plasticity and Regeneration of Nervous System 3- Visual and Auditory Pathways 4- Vestibular, Olfactory, and Gustatory Pathways Plasticity and Regeneration of Nervous System Brain never stops changing …❖ Neuronal plasticity is defined as the ability of NS to modify the activity and organization of neuronal circuitry according to internal or external stimuli: o Alterations in the level of the neurotransmitters o Change in the protein content at synapses Short-term and long-term potentiation and depression, milliseconds to hours or even longer o Adaptational plasticity Continuous adjustment in response to environmental challenges o Reparation plasticity Positive or negative changes during functional or structural recovery of damaged neuronal circuits The correction of developmentally miswired neuronal connections or rehabilitation after stroke or traumatic brain injury depend crucially on the adult brain’s capacity for plasticity. Reparation Plasticity Reaction to injury differs in neurons of CNS and PNS CNS o Damage to neurons, glial, and endothelial cells o Breakdown of the blood-brain barrier o Activation of glial cells and a robust inflammatory response Adult mammalian CNS has a limited regenerative capacity Silver, Cold Spring Harb Prospect Biol 2015 CNS Pathology after a Traumatic Injury Mietto, Mediators of Inflammation 2015 Inhibitory molecules for CNS regeneration: o Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans (from astroglial scar) o Myelin-Associated Inhibitors (from oligodendrocytes) o Inhibitory Signaling Pathways (Ibuprofen inhibits RhoA ) Pro-regenerative molecules NGF, TGF-𝛽, PDGF, EGF, BDNF, and oncomodulin Glial environment of the adult CNS presents a major hurdle for successful axon regeneration Peripheral Nerve Pathology after a Traumatic Injury Regeneration of PNS neurons depends on o type of injury o age of the organism o localization and function of neurons Schwann cells: overexpress a broad panel of inflammatory mediators Macrophages: phagocytosis of cellular debris Navarro, Progress in Neurobiology 2007 Cellular and molecular mechanisms during PNS regeneration Regeneration-Associated Genes o c-Jun o activating transcription factor-3 (ATF-3) o SRY-box containing gene 11 (Sox11) o small proline-repeat protein 1A (SPRR1A) o growth-associated protein-43 (GAP-43) o CAP-23 Huebner, Results Probl Cell Differ 2009 ❖ Neuroma = Result of disorganized growth of cone branches in an unsuccessful search of a receptor or endoneurial tube is not reached, = painful lump Grinsell, BioMed Research Internationall 2014. Today’s lecture will cover: 1- Nervous System Barriers 2- Plasticity and Regeneration of Nervous System 3- Visual and Auditory Pathways 4- Vestibular, Olfactory, and Gustatory Pathways Visual Pathways Perception of motion, depth, form and color Boron, Medical Physiology, 2003 Joukal, Anatomy of the Human Visual Pathway Neuronal elements of visual pathway v v Photopic vision perception of shape and color Photopsin Cone (5 -7 million) Scotopic vision dim light Rhodopsin Rod (100-130 million) P cells (80%) o ganglion cells that monitor cones o color-specific o terminate on P-neurons of the lateral geniculate body M cells (10%) o ganglion cells that monitor rods o provide information about a general form of an object o terminate on M-neurons of the lateral geniculate body non-P non-M cells (10%) o projection to subcortical nuclei, koniocellular cells of LGN Neuronal elements of visual pathway Joukal, Anatomy of the Human Visual Pathway L L RR Ipsilateral fibers Contralateralfibers Pimary Visual Pathway Joukal, Anatomy of the Human Visual Pathway Monocular blindness ❖ 10% of axons at LGN terminate in the tectum of the mesencephalon.These fibers are important for optic reflexes, such as pupillary reflex or vestibulo-ocular reflex. Optic nerve ❖ Ipsilateral input enters layers 2,3 and 5 of LGN ❖ Contralateral input enters layers 1, 4 and 6 of LGN Fibers crossing temporal lobe: inferior lateral fibers or meyer's loop Fibers crossing parietal lobe: superior retinal fiber Joukal, Anatomy of the Human Visual Pathway Primary Visual Cortex The Visual Cortex Extrastriate Visual Cortex Joukal, Anatomy of the Human Visual Pathway The ventral stream Information about object identification including shape, contrast, and color, “what” pathway The dorsal stream Information about spatial features and movement, “where” pathway Bitemporal hemianopsia Homonymous hemianopsia Scotoma Lesions of the visual pathway Joukal, Anatomy of the Human Visual Pathway Optic chiasm Optic tract Striate area Auditory Pathways The perception of sound; the most important means of communication organ of Corticross section of the cochlea Diagram of the major auditory pathways 2nd order neuron o Dorsal cochlear nucleus → nucleus of lateral lemniscus o Ventral cochlear nucleus: ➢ VPCN → ? ➢ AVCN → superior olivary nucleus (trapezoid body) 3rd order neuron o nucleus of inferior colliculus 4th order neuron o medial geniculate nucleus (brachium of inferior colliculus) 1st order neuron o Spiral ganglion cells Auditory pathway: o Sensory hair cells o Cochlear branch of vestibulocochlear nerve (C.N. VIII, Auditory Nerve): Spiral ganglion cells → o Brainstem: cochlear nucleus: DCN → nucleus of lateral lemniscus → VPCN → nucleus of inferior colliculus AVCN → superior olivary nucleus → o Midbrain: nucleus of inferior colliculus → o Thalamus: medial geniculate nucleus → o Auditory cortex Temporal superior gyrus (Heschl gyrus) In Wernicke's area speech is comprehended. Auditory cortex Sound localization Two functionally significant features of ascending pathway: o tonotopical organization o bilateral projection Ascending and Descending pathways Descending pathway functions (superior olivary complex): o feedback system processing ascending information o enhance signals o supress noise o focus on a particular speaker o inhibit other voices Bilateral lesions in cortical deafness o Hearing impairments o Impairments of speech comprehension o Speech repetition impairment o Impairment in recognition of familiar sounds and music Pathology Today’s lecture will cover: 1- Nervous System Barriers 2- Plasticity and Regeneration of Nervous System 3- Visual and Auditory Pathways 4- Vestibular, Olfactory, and Gustatory Pathways Vestibular Pathways Vestibular information is used for: o Control eye movements o Maintain statice and dynamic equilibrium o Conscious awareness of ourselves in “space” 3 afferent sources: o Eyes o General proprioceptive receptors throughout the body o Vestibular receptors in the inner ear Vestibular Apparatus o Receptors of static apparatus (linear acceleration- gravity) o macula utriculi – orientation in horizontal position o macula sacculi – orientation in vertical position o Receptors of dynamic apparatus (angular acceleration- rotation of the head) o cristae ampullares of semicircular ducts Static organ Kinetic organ Vestibular pathways Connections with the spinal cord To motoneurons that innervate axial and proximal limb muscles o Lateral vestibulospinal tract o from lateral vestibular nucleus o uncrossed o terminating at all levels of the spinal cord o excitatory influences for extensors Support body against gravity o Medial vestibulospinal tract o from medial vestibular nucleus o uncrossed o terminates mainly at cervical levels o coordination of head position and eye movements Marc, Fundamental Neuroscience 2013 Connections with the cerebellum o Vestibular nucleus inferior cerebellar peduncles vestibulocerebellum (Fastigial nucleus) o Fastigial nucleus inferior cerebellar peduncles vestibular nucleus (vestibulospinal tract ) Maintenance of balance Connections with the brain stem Medial vestibular nucleus CN VI Coordination of eye movements in response to head movements CN III CN IV Eye’s muscle horizontal ventricle Connections with the cortex Conscious perception of movement and gravity Thalamus: Ventral posteromedial nucleus o Area 2v at the tip of the intraparietal sulcus o Parieto-insular vestibular cortex (PIVC) at the posterior end of the insula o Area 7 in the inferior parietal lobule No primary vestibular cortex Brant, Vestibular cortex: its locations, functions, and disorders Natural stimulation of the vestibular system during head motion and locomotion is always multisensory (visual, vestibular, somatosensory) Distributed among several multisensory areas in the parietal and temporal cortices Vestibular Impairment Cortical representation of vestibular information is important for cognition, emotion and the sense of self. Disturbance in the body's balance system Symptoms: Dizziness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, intolerance to head motion, nystagmus, unsteady gait, and postural instability. Acoustic Neuroma Age-related dizziness and imbalance Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction Cognitive and emotional disorders Symptoms: feeling “spaced out”, “body feeling strange” and “not feeling in control of self” Olfactory Pathways Humans are capable of discriminating a great variety of odors and flavors. 1st order neuron: bipolar olfactory neurons Olfactory Pathways Olfactory neurons are distinctive among neurons in that they are short-lived, with an average life span of only 30-60 days, and are continuously replaced from the basal stem cell population. Kandel, Samell and tatste; the chemical senses 2nd order neuron: mitral cells lateral olfactory tract Olfactory Pathways Olfactory information is processed in several regions of the cerebral cortex. 3rd order neuron: olfactory tubercle 4th order neuron: dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus Olfactory Pathways Olfactory Pathways Olfactory nerve is divided to: o Lateral olfactory stria o Medial olfactory stria Pathology Gustatory Pathways Sense of taste The distribution and types of human lingual papillae Taste buds o receptor cells (replaced about every 9-10 days by differentiating basal cells) o supportive columnar cells o basal cells 1st order neuron o CN VII (facial nerve) – geniculate ganglion (chorda tympani) o CN IX (glossopharyngeal) – inferior ganglion of CN IX o CN X (vagus)– nodose ganglion (inferior ganglion of CN X) 2/3 1/3 Gustatory pathway 2nd order neuron - rostral part of the solitary tract nucleus 3rd order neuron – ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus Gustatory pathway Primary gustatory cortex o a. 43 in the postcentral gyrus o insula Gustatory pathway Oral sources of altered taste function are common and can be evaluated by a dentist. Gustatory impairment Gustatory dysfunctions: o quantitative disorders a. Ageusia b. Hypogeusia c. hypergeusia o qualitative disorders a. Dysgeusia b. phantogeusia Maheswaran, J Pharm Bioallied Sci 2014 Reading list Thank you very much for your attention