Basic Medical Terminology II



Depending on how we manage in sessions, we will dedicate this week to complete the discussion and exercises on Greek roots.

In this week, you should make sure that you have completed all the ROPOTs related to Greek roots and that you prepared for the PROGRESS TEST 2 that will test the knowledge of issues covered from Week 6 on. Please complete also the MOCK test below.

In this quiz you can revise Greek roots from handout sections 6 to 8, including many questions formatted just like the upcoming second progress test. It will be available for individual play from now to April 23, 5 PM. Good quizing!

TOPICS - facial expressions

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.