Fever is an elevation of body temperature above normal circadian variation as a result of change in thermoregulatory centre, located in anterior hypothalamus. Effects: oInhibits growth of some microbial agents oIncreases heart rate oIncreases respiration oIncreases the use of body proteins as a source of energy What is fever? Causes: infections, including the flu and pneumonia some inflammatory diseases food poisoning Latin terms: Febris, is, f. oMeaning: Fever oInflection: 3rd declension noun, follows the paradigm (dosis – EXCEPTION!) Calor, oris, m. oMeaning: Heat oInflection: 3rd declension noun, follows the paradigm (dolor) General terms Greek components: Pyret- Meaning: relating to pyros which means fire or fever. Example: antipyretic which is a drug reducing fever. Therm- Meaning: heat. Example: hypothermia which means low body temperature. General terms oBody temperature is controlled in the hypothalamus. oThe normal 'set-point' of core temperature is tightly regulated within 37 ± 0.5°C. oTemperature: Rectal>Oral>Axillary oThe body may raise its temperature to help fight off an infection. When the body is hotter, it makes it harder for viruses or bacteria to survive. Body temperature 01 02 Body temperature 01 02 Hypothermia, ae, f. oMeaning: the condition of having a dangerously low body temperature (below 35 C). oSymptoms: shivering, exhaustion or feeling very tired, confusion, or fumbling hands. oCauses: exposure to cold-weather conditions or cold water. Subfebris, is, f. oWhen the body temperature is above normal but not within the range to be classified as fever, i.e. between 37 and 37.9 C. 03 Subfebrilis, e orelated to subfebris febris, is, f./pyrexia, ae, f. oMeaning: an abnormally high body temperature, i.e. between 38 and 39.9 C oSymptoms: rise in temperature, weakness, fatigue, cough or sore throat afebrilis, e onot related to fever, non-feverous febrilis, e orelated to fever, feverous Body temperature 03 04 05 06 febricula, ae, f. oA mild fever of short duration, of indefinite origin, and without any distinctive pathology. hyperpyrexia, ae, f oMeaning: a very high fever (more than 40 C) oSymptoms: increased or irregular heart rate, muscle spasms, rapid breathing, seizures. Body temperature 07 08 F. continua: oContinuus, a, um otemp. remains above normal during day & there will be little/no change in the temp. F. intermittens: oIntermittens, entis ofeverous state alternates with non-feverous state Types of fever named after progression 01 02 Continuous Improvement Not Continuous Solutions: Leveraging Data and a Change Mindset - FourPoint Education Partners Radionomy – Hot Cold Radio | free online radio station F. remittens: oRemittens, ntis otemp. remains above normal during day & it will fluctuate more than 1°C in the day oOscillating F. recurrens: oRecurrens, entis oHaving multiple fevers during a specific time period. Types of fever named after progression 04 03 Free Icon | Recurring appointment Fluctuations Vector Images (over 5,800) F. ephemera: oEphemerus, a, um oLasting a day F. inversa: oInverse fever, oWhen the temperature is higher in the morning than in the evening, which is not usual Types of fever named after progression 05 06 Time PNG Clipart | PNG All F. undulans: oUndulans, antis oResults in the rise and fall of temp., looks like a wave. F. biphasica: oBiphasicus, a, um oCharacterised by an early elevation in body temperature followed by a later one. Types of fever named after progression 07 08 Top To Bottom, Low Frequency To High - Waves Physics , Free Transparent Clipart - ClipartKey Sound Waves PNG HD Image | PNG All f. herpetica Herpetic disease f. glandularis Mononucleosis f. gastrica Typhoid fever SATURN JUPITER Types of fever accompanied with a particular disease Typhoid Fever Outbreaks in the United States - GIDEON - Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network Infectious Mononucleosis Mouth Pharyngitis Epsteinbarr Virus Stock Vector (Royalty Free) 703313044 Herpes | The Doctors TV Show Typically seen in malaria, repeating itself each 3/4/5 days Rheumatic fever Inflammation of mammary gland Types of fever accompanied with a particular disease f. pallida f. tertiana, quartana, quintanna f. lactea Diagram Description automatically generated Repeat Symbol Vector Images (over 96,000) A close up of a child Description automatically generated with medium confidence 01 Diseases f. flava = yellow fever Headache, jaundice, muscle spasms 03 f. puerperalis = childbed fever, due to post-partum infection of reproductive organs f. rheumatica = inflammatory disease painful joints, muscle spasms Egypt Yellow Fever Certificate Requirements | Egypt eVisa Another reason to wash your hands - Puerperal fever - Microbiology Nuts & Bolts Five foods that are known to cause inflammation | PhillyVoice Thank you!