Světlana SKUTILOVÁ University Hospital Brno  De (without) - Mens (sense) COGNITIVE DISTURBANCE  (memory,orientation,speech, attention, delusions, hallucination )   BEHAVIOUR DISTURBANCE  (personality, emotion- apathy,aggression,depression)  LOSSOF SELF-SUFFICIENCY  (employment …..take care about himselfs)  silent epidemic of the 21. century  illness of the all familly – objectiv anamnesis!  150.000 patients now in the Czech republic  (10 million inhabitants…)   A. PRIMARY DEGENERATIVE DEMENTIA   B.VASCULAR DEMENTIA   C. SECONDARY DEMENTIA  WHO makes diagnosis of dementia in CZ ?  Neurologist +psychiatrist +geriatrist  in cooperation with neuropsychologist  TARGET:  - examinate of all the brain lobes  The most exact tests for F lobe  The less exact tests for T lobe  The least exact test for O+P lobe  Standardization (comparison each other)  Senzitivity (detection of minimum deficit)  Repeatable ( result during time)  Quantification (score)  Absence of neuropsychologist  Examination takes o few hours  Bed – side tests  Short, orientational assessment of cognitive function ever by general practitioner or ambulatory specialist  The typ of dominant lobe impairment help us with  diferential daignosis of dementia kind F ( behavior function) FTD T….P (memory function) AD P + O (visuallconstructive function) DLBD multiple impairment VD  The most used test (1975)  WHY??  ADVANTAGE:  - quick  - easy administration  - requirement of Czech insurance company  - monitoration of dementia progression  DISADVANTAGE:  Not enough sufficient for  - early stage of dementia ( MMSE oft normal)  - diagnosis of FTD (no examination of F lobe)  - diagnosis of DLBD ( no examination of  O + P lobe)  Mild 25 - 18 p.  Medium 17 – 6 p.  Serious 5 – 0 p.   Standard score 28-30 p.  ?? IMPORTANCE – therapeutic strategy !  SCORE  Maximum 100 points ( MMSE is a part of )  Less than 82 p.  : senzitivity of dementia 84%  : specifity of dementia 100%  MMSE ACE   10-15 min 25 -30 min   - EARLY dementia  - FTD, DLBD  -MONITORATION  of developed  dementia       1. ACE:  Suspicion of the dementia  Expected another kind of dementia than AD orVD  2. MMSE:  Already developed dementia  Monitoration of dementia  The causes of dementia : about 60 various diseases A/ Primary NEURODEGENERATIVE Dementia  B/VASCULAR Dementia  C/ SECONDARY Dementia attending basic  NEUROLOGIC or INTERNAL diagnosis  (disturbance of metabolism,nutrition, endocrinopaty, toxic brain disturbance)  Exclude SECONDARY Dementia (TRETABLE)  EVERY!! NEUROIMAGING (CT,MRI,PET MRI)  - BloodTests : blood count, renal/liver biochemistry, vitamine B12, thyroid function tests (Cu +ceruloplasmin, serology HIV + syphilis)  - CSF (basic, triplet, protein 14-3-3)  - (EEG)  - (genetic)  1. Minimal cognitive impairment (MCI)  10-15% transformation to AD  2. DEPRESSION (pseudodementia)  - therapeutic test with antidepressant  3. DELIRIUM  - sudden starting, fluctuating,duration days  + quantitative consciousness failure  4. Side effects of FARMAKOTREATMENT  in old age  Anticholinergic ( Akineton, tricyclics antidepressant)  opiates  hypnotic  HISTOLOGIC CRITERIA:  1. AMYLOIDOPATHIES - ALZHEIMER´S D.  Amyloid plaques… deposits of B amyloid  2.TAUOPATHIES - FRONTOTEMPORAL D.  - CBD, PSP  Pick bodies …. deposits ofTau protein /ubiquitin protein/  3. SYNUKLEINOPATHIES – DLBD, PDD  Lewy bodies… deposits of synuklein MOST OFTEN!!  60% of all the kinds of dementia  Preclinic stadium even 15 years  Neuropsychologic exam : The first sign  DISTURBANCE OF RECENT MEMORY  T-P lobe  HISTOLOGY: AMYLOIDOPATHIES AGE !!!! 65 years - 5%  85 years - 50%  Low education  Low intelect and physic activity  Social izolation  female gender (3,1 x)  genetic factors (early onset)  1. AD with early onset ( to 60 years age) 5%  - genetic risk faktors …APO E4 ( alela E4 for apolipoprotein E )  2. AD with late onset (most of patients) !  -sporadic form  1.PROBABLY  - disturbance 2 or more cognitive function, progression between 60-90 years, depression, anxiety, delusion,hallucination, emotion instability, incontinency  Possible neurologic signs (epilepsy, parkinsonism)   2. DEFINITIVE  Histologic verification by brain biopsy (post mortem)  (BRAIN CT ):  - atrophy T lobe (P ), extension of lateral ventricles  BRAIN MRI:  - hippocampal atrophy (high specifity)  i.v.aplication of radioactive isotopes  - FDG (fluorodeoxyglukoza) – decreased glukose metabolism MEDIOTemporal LOBE  (gyrus cinguli, precuneum)…late T-P lobe  University Hospital Brno 2017  AMYLOID BRAIN PET MRI :  In vivo detection of amyloid plaques  Prague 2015 expanzive /1800 dollars/  ADVANTAGE: MCI….start of therapy  early diagnostic  negative result exclude,no risk  clinical trials  NO: asymptomatic patient with + genetic  + familial history  NORMAL PATOLOGY  TRIPLET : 3 biomarkers, proteins  BETA-AMYLOID decreased  TAU-PROTEIN increased  P/TAU-PROTEIN increased - most exact  Negativ result exclude AD  University Hospital Brno (2019)  SYMPTOMATIC : NO CURE, NO STOP  BUT SLOW DOWN  A/ ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS  I: Mild and medium stage of AD (MMSE 25-13 )   - Donepezil 10mg 1x1  - Rivastigmin 6mg 2x1 (9,5 mg patch 1x1)  - Galantamin Side effects: impaired digestion, parkinsonism   B/ MEMANTIN – influence on NMDA receptors  Medium stage of AD (MMSE 17-6 )  A+B/ DUALTHERAPY ( MMSE 17-13)  Mild stadium .. Memory Late stadium… Behaviour  DO NOT Prescribe : nootropics, vasodilatans  Parallel therapy !!: cognitive training  physical training  (only to swallow a pill is insufficiently)  We have got yet no new drug since 2004  New trials : biologic therapy - monoclonal antibody against amyloid TREATMENT of DEPRESSION + ANXIETY: SSRI, SNRI BZD  cave tricyklics (AMT, Prothiaden ) – anticholinergic side effect  TREATMENT PSYCHOTIC SYMPTOMS:  Neuroleptics  HISTOLOGY: SYNUKLEINOPATHIES 20% of dementia! underdiagnosticed HISTOPATOLOGY: Lewy bodies (brain stem, limbic cortex, neocortexT-F DAT scan – asym. hypofunction in striatum PET MRI – sym cortical hypoperfusionT-P-O Neuropsychologic exam: vizuokonstructive dysfunction T-P-O CLINICAL F.: fluctuate cognitive disturbance visual hallucination parkinsonism TREATMENT: - CAVE neuroleptic hypersenzitivity ( rapid deterioration of parkinsonism) - Only atypic neuroleptic - Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors - L-Dopa in early stadium  HISTOLOGY:TAUOPATHIES (ubiquitinopaties)  Neuropsychologic exam. : 1. SYMPTOM –  BEHAVIOUR OR LANGUAGUE DISTURBANCE  F +T lobe  YOUGER AGE of onset - (45 -65 )  FAMILIAR OCCURENCE ( 30-50% )  RAPIDLY PROGRESSION  1. BEHAVIOURAL (Frontal) -55%  2. LANGUAGE (PPA)  And combination of both  DOMINANT symptoms:  Early change of behaviour ( perseverative, stereotyp)  Early change of personality  Early emotional changes (apathy, verbal or physical impulsivity)  LATE somatic signs :  Parkinsonism, MND (10-15 % )  NEUROIMAGING ( MRI, PET MRI) : - sym atrophy F + frontT lobe  TREATMENT :  Deficit of serotonin and dopamin transmiter system  - SSRI (Triticco)  - atypic neuroleptic  ( cognitiv drugs rather no)   Subtypes: non- fluent aphasia  semantic  logopenic DOMINANT signs: APHASIA  NEUROIMAGING: asym atrophy T lobe (dominant)  TREATMENT : Logopedics  - 2o% of dementia  - after stroke 5x higher risk of onset  - men more disabled than women  - diagnosis is problematic, differentiation of AD often only histologic, oft mixed dementia ( AD +VD)  Brain MRI (CT)  Neuropsychologic exam.: more than 1 lobe is  impared  SONO cerebral vessels  CSF: biomarkers negativ  1. D. due to mikroangiopathy ( 90% because of HT)  - Binswanger´s disease (subcortical leukoencefalopathy) 2. D. due to strategic lokalizated infarct (F,T ) 3. Multiinfarct D. (multiply small and large infarcts) 4. D. due to difusse hypoxic-ischemic encefalopathy (KPR) ( 5.) D. familial : AMYLOID angiopathy ( frequent stroke) CADASIL (AD, mutation on 19. chromozom) - young age, migraine, skin biopsy   Primary and secondary PREVENTION of cerebrovascular disease  Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors  Memantin  DO NOT Prescribe : nootropics, vasodilatans  Very often!  - DominantAD + vascular changes  - DominantVD + alzheimer changes   1. Following BASIC NEUROLOGIC DG:  Normal pressure hydrocephalus  Brain tumors  Kraniocerebral injury – chronic SDHematoma  Epilepsy  Neuroinfection - JCD, neurosyphilis, AIDS  SM late stadium  Huntington´s disease  Wilson´s disease  Prion disease  Incidence 1-2 per million  100% mortality  Incubation time more than 10 years  The most infectious tissues: BRAIN!  - cerebral dura, cornea, blood?  RISK: -Transplant from deseased  (from 2007 mandatory testing cornea donor)  - NCH operation ( contaminated instrument)  Disinfectant, UV radiation – DO NOT DESTROY  Rapidly progressive dementia  Cerebelar or visual signs (ataxia)  Extrapyramidal signs ( myoclonus)  Pyramidal signs  Akinetic mutism  AUTOPSY MANDATORY  EEG - periodic sharp wave complexes  CSF: 14-3-3 protein detection  Brain MRI: high signal abnormalities in caudate nucleus + putamen  NO TREATMENT  1. SPORADIC 85%  50-70 years  Duration 6 months  2. GENETIC (mutation) 10-15%   3. NEW variant (infectious) 2-3%  19-39 years  Duration 1-1,5 years  Due to consumption of infectious animal (BSP)  KURU ( kanibalism, Papua N. Guinea)  FFI Fatal familiar insomnia  (+ dementia)  Gerstman-Straussler-Scheiner d.  (dementia)  2. Following BASIC INTERNAL DG:  Hepatal encephalopathy  Renal (uremic) encefalopathy  Endocrinopathy (hypothyreodism)  Deficiency B12,B1,B6,folat acid  Alcohol abuse