MINITASK 3 You are the doctor on duty. In quick succession 3 patients are brouhgt to you by the emergency services Determine the diagnosis in all the patients, and suggest the management and treatment (ambulatory x hospitalization, standard x intensive care unit, paraclinical examinations including their timing). A) A 15-month-old boy without perinatal risk factors, 3 days lasting viral subfebrile/febrile upper respiratory tract infection During the uprise of the temperature to almost 39°C, a fit of convulsion of the whole body accompanied by loss of contact and tonic upgaze occurs, with spontaneous termination in less than 2 minutes On the examination the boy is fully conscious, without meningeal irritation, after the administration of antipyretics the temperature has dropped B) A 11-month-old boy with the history of perinatal asfyxia, but so far normal psycho-motor development, 2-3 days teething period, subfebrile Today at home sudden eye deviation to the left, followed by progressive loss of contact and rhytmic jerks of the left-sided extremities, lasting untill the i.v. administration of Apaurin 5mg – in total about 25 minutes C) 8-year-old girl, without the history of perinatal complications, with normal psychomotor development Currently 2-3 days lasting fever (without response to antipyretics) with intermittent headache and vomiting Today during the febrile period the fit of convulsions of the whole body with impaired consciousness and loss of sphincter control, spontaneous termination in less than 2 mins During the examination the girl is fully conscious, tired, photosensitive, with a painful reaction to the head anteflexion Shortly after the initial exam, the seizure recurs