Qualitative Research Zlata Kapounová, PhD Victoria Hawk, PhD, MPH, RD April 28, 2022 Why Do Research? Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) 2002 DPP Brno –Generalizable Results –Through Lifestyle Change Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented –Czech Republic has increasing prevalence of pre-diabetes in adults –WHAT IF we conducted the DPP in Brno –We Followed research protocols and collected quantitative data –BUT the results were DIFFERENT –Compared to other groups, Lifestyle Counseling was not more effective at preventing diabetes for people in Brno –But WHY…… How can you find out? What is Qualitative Research? Qualitative and Quantitative Research –Video Link Today’s Plan Group Activity Stack of magazines on table Qualitative Articles: Journals and Titles Where to find the name of the journal and the article title Journal name at bottom of the page Title on first page Journal name at top of page 2 Research Questions Qualitative Research Questions Where to find the research question End of Introduction Section Abstract Research Snapshot Typebar ready to print a question mark Qualitative Research Questions How to collect qualitative data Open Ended Questions: Definition, Characteristics, Examples, and Advantages | QuestionPro What are Interview Guide –Demographic Data –Open Ended Questions Use Open-Ended Questions MI - Interviewing Skills: Open-Ended Questions-3: Family Medicine Clerkship 2016-17 - Companion Site Participants How to Recruit Participants –Recruitment is the process of finding, screening, and scheduling qualified candidates for the study –Methods to contact candidates include: –sending letters, emails or telephone calls –hanging posters –In-person - visiting places where candidates may be found –Referrals from study participants –Goal is to identify qualified participants without introducing bias through the selection process Method of Data Collection and Participants Stages of Data Analysis Research Findings How are Qualitative Results Presented in Articles Table of Themes Theme and Representative Quotes Table of Categories and Descriptions Child holding basket of treats Study Results How can Qualitative Findings be used DPP in Brno Qualitative & Quantitative Research Work Together What Questions do you have?