Kopie fig2Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav fig4Uprav fig5Uprav Kopie fig6Uprav Kopie fig7Uprav Imaging the brain at multiple size scales - Scienmag | Brain drawing, Brain images, Surreal artwork Upper motor neuron definition, disease, upper motor neuron signs & symptoms MOTOR (DESCENDING) PYRAMIDAL (DIRECT) Kopie fig6Uprav Imaging the brain at multiple size scales - Scienmag | Brain drawing, Brain images, Surreal artwork Kopie fig2Uprav MOTOR (DESCENDING) EXTRAPYRAMIDAL (INDIRECT) Kopie fig6Uprav fig4Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav SENSORIC (ASCENDING) EPICRITIC AND PROTOPATHIC SENSATION Kopie fig2Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav fig4Uprav fig5Uprav Kopie fig6Uprav Kopie fig7Uprav SENSORIC (ASCENDING) PROPRIOCEPTION A) The dorsal (posterior) spinocerebellar tract. (B) The cuneocerebellar tract. See text for det… | Nervous system parts, Nervous system anatomy, Medical knowledge The Spinal Cord (Organization of the Central Nervous System) Part 3 Spinocerebellar Pathways - Tracts of Spinal Cord and Brainstem A) The dorsal (posterior) spinocerebellar tract. (B) The cuneocerebellar tract. See text for det… | Nervous system parts, Nervous system anatomy, Medical knowledge Kopie fig3Uprav img282 img283 img284 Obsah obrázku diagram Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku diagram Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Fossa cranii anterior Fossa cranii media Fossa cranii posterior anatomyEXPERT - Middle cranial fossa - Structure Detail Anterior cranial fossa (Fossa cranii anterior); Image: Yousun Koh ... Middle cranial fossa (Fossa cranii media); Image: Yousun Koh Fossa cranii anterior Fossa cranii media Fossa cranii posterior porus acusticus internus foramen stylomastoideum vomer lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis Fossa infratemporalis (Unterschläfengrube) || Med-koM Textové pole: skul skul Pterygopalatine Fossa | Anesthesia Key Pterygopalatine Fossa | Anesthesia Key No Image Available! No Image Available! No Image Available! Parapharyngeal space Retropharyngeal space Koniotomie sejmout0010 mandibula mandibula Os hyoideum Os hyoideum Venter anterior m.digastrici Venter anterior m.digastrici Venter posterior m.digastrici Venter posterior m.digastrici n.hypoglossus m.mylohyoideus Trigonum Pirogovi Beclard´s angle WOCHE 3: Trigonum caroticum, Regio colli media, Regio brachii ... Thrombendarteriektomie der A. carotis mit boviner Pericardpatch ... Regio scm Platysma v. subclavia- neprochází fissurou a. subclavia Plexus brachialis m. scalenus ant. m. scalenus med. Costa I.