1 Theoretical Bases of Clinical Medicine 2-3 Learning outcomes TBL LESSON #13 Lucie Grabačová – Headaches [Eva Vlčková] Upon completion of this learning unit, the student will be able to: • list the most significant types of primary and secondary headaches. • describe the clinical picture and possibilities of diagnostics and therapy for the most common types of primary and secondary headaches, and ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. • identify the most significant data from medical history and objective clinical neurological findings allowing the differentiation of various types of headaches. • define high-risk clinical pictures that alert clinicians to the possibility of a serious cause of a patient's headache • apply knowledge to distinguish different types of headaches. • use the information obtained to choose an appropriate approach for a patient with a change in the character of headache. • combine acquired knowledge with information from open sources to design an optimal prophylactic therapy for primary headaches. • plan an appropriate solution for the occurrence of possible adverse effects of drugs - utilizing open sources. • list risk factors for ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accidents.