Čeština pro cizince IV aZLCJ0484

Week 6: Conversation: Characteristics.(U 13/3)Grammar: Revision of conditional. Dentistry: Periodontology I

1.Kontrola HW:

Revision of oral hygiene - Jak používáme dentální nit?


TB - adjectives page 112 - read and observe

Make pairs, choose 3 adjectives and create sentences with them ( one adjective - one sentence)

Ex. 2 page 111 - Do you understand all adjectives? - If not, translate them together. 

Listen and mark, what you hear.

Jaký/á jste vy a jaký/á je váš kolega nebo kolegyně - ex. 3 

Exercises 4,5,6 page 111

3.Revision of conditional - ex. 8,9 page 111

Exercise 9 also in version Kdybych byl nespolehlivý, chodil bych všude pozdě.


Read the article. Memorize the information.



Fashion vocabulary TB strana 136