Physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation Topics for examination (1.3.2024) 1. Medical rehabilitation - definition 2. Components of medical rehabilitation 3. Prevention in medical rehabilitation: primary, secondary, tertiary 4. Medical rehabilitation team and it´s components 5. Medical rehabilitation plan (short-term, long-term) 6. Examination methods most frequently used in medical rehabilitation 7. Therapeutic methods most frequently used in medical rehabilitation 8. Definition of functional anatomy 9. Manifestation of functional disorders 10. Definition of muscle imbalance 11. The types of functional disorders of muscles 12. Definition of muscle hypertony 13. Muscle strength testing in medical rehabilitation 14. The types of functional disorders of joints 15. Definition and types of hypermobility 16. What does facilitation mean? Which facilitation procedures do you know? 17. The cause of functional disorders – in the muscles and joints 18. Clinical expression of functional disorder in the neck area 19. The types of examination methods used at the vertebrogenic disorders 20. The types of therapeutic methods used at the vertebrogenic disorders 21. Facial musles, their innervation and function 22. Facial nerve paralysis and its symptoms 23. Physiotherapeutical methods used in the therapy of facial nerve paralysis 24. Muscles of mastication, their innervation and function 25. Definition and types of temporomandibular disorders 26. Physiotherapeutical methods used in the therapy of temporomandibular disorders 27. The back school and it´s methods