Coronary Circulation Coronary Heart Disease Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Markéta Bébarová, Ph.D. Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Coronary Circulation • a. cor sinistra • a. cor dextra 02 diffusion directly from the blood situated in the cardiac cavities placing of coronary arteries and capillaries in the cardiac walls; consequences! Epicardial coronary arteries ^-X Cardiac muscle | Subendocardial arterial plexus Right coronary artery Left coronary artery Circumflex branch Anterior descending branch Septal branches Marginal branch Marginal branch Posterior descending branch Ganong's Review od Medical Physiology, 23rd edition Guyton and Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th edition z Coronary Circulation Coronary angiography Coronary Circulation TABLE 34-4 Pressure in aorta and left and right ventricles (vent) in systole and diastole. Pressure (mm Hg) in Pressure Differential (mm Hg) between Aorta and Aorta Left Vent Right Vent Left Vent Right Vent Systole 120 121 25 -1 95 Diastole 80 0 0 80 80 intramural vessels left vs. right ventricle high heart rate 120 QJ=E 100 a- £ 0.4 0.6 Time (s) 1.0 Ganong's Review od Medical Physiology, 23rd edition Coronary Circulation 02 extraction is almost maximal already at rest, capillaries are open The only possibility how to increase 02 supply (for example during exercise) is the coronary vasodilation! Coronary Circulation Control of coronary blood flow 1) reduction/interruption of the blood flow or increased demands hyperaemia (reactive or active) based on the metabolic vasodilation Coronary Circulation Control of coronary blood flow 2) the neural regulation of the vessel diameter-secondary impact a) indirect effects w Y (mostly opposite) b) direct effects ,x Coronary Circulation Control of coronary blood flow 2) the neural regulation of the vessel diameter-secondary impact a) indirect effects sympathetic system (NE, E) t HR + contractility -»• rate of cardiac metabolism -»• increased 02 consumption ->■ activation of local vasodilating mechanisms parasympathetic system (ACH) opposite changes -> vasoconstriction Coronary Circulation Control of coronary blood flow 2) the neural regulation of the vessel diameter-secondary impact a) indirect effects b) direct effects vasospastic sympathetic system (NE, E) myocardial ischemia epicardial vessels - mostly a-rec. ->• vasoconstriction intramural vessels - mostly |3-rec. ->• vasodilation parasympathetic system (ACH) vasodilation, but not significant (only few fibers) f\/|W ^r. Coronary Circulation Control of coronary blood flow 2) the neural regulation of the vessel diameter secondary impact a) indirect effects b) direct effects Whenever the direct effects alter the coronary blood flow in the wrong direction the metabolic control overrides them within seconds! Coronary Reserve • ability of coronary vessels to adapt blood flow to the actual cardiac work (ergometry) • the maximal blood flow / the resting blood flow • reduction of the coronary reserve: - relative coronary insufficiency - absolute coronary insufficiency (~ coronary heart disease) Reduced coronary reserve is a limiting factor of the cardiac output, thus, also of the effort of organism! Coronary Heart Disease ischemic heart disease, coronary artery disease the most often cardiac disease in Western culture about 1/3 of all deaths vs. myocardial ischemia Coronary Heart Disease • pathogenesis: atherosclerotic process of one or more branches of the coronary circulation Coronary Heart Disease • symptoms: - pain behind the sternum (angina pectoris) - changes of ST segment and T wave on ECG ; character of the changes Symptoms are usually provoked by physical exertion, cold, rapid increase of the blood pressure, etc. Coronary Heart Disease Myocardial infarction = sudden closure of a coronary branch, usually by a thrombus originating on the strength of a rupture of the atherosclerotic plate, changes are irreversible • symptoms: - severe unremitting pain behind sternum heart failure (in the case of a bigger extent) - on ECG: ST elevation followed by T wave without any decrease to the isoelectric line (the Pardee's sign) healing by a scar (deep Q wave) index.php/Popis_EKG Coronary Heart Disease Myocardial infarction Ganong's Review od Medical Physiology, 23rd edition A. Physiological tracing in lead I B. Myocardial infarction - acute phase - hours from infarction C. Many hours till days from infarction. D. Late pattern - many days till weeks from infarction. E. Very late pattern - months till years from infarction. Coronary Heart Disease The degree of damage of the heart muscle is determined to a great extent by the degree of collateral circulation! Guyton and Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th edition Vein Coronary Heart Disease • Treatment with drugs - Vasodilator/ drugs - Beta-blockers Coronary Heart Disease Surgical treatment Coronary Angioplasty obnovení normálního krevního pro Jdu 1005912 Aortic-Coronary Bypass Aorta Bypass (štěp z kryté ží Closure of a coronary artery avene-srdce-po-trech-letech/ z