Tooth development …from initiation until eruption 24. 4. 2024 Neural crest migration (towards the oral epithelium) Dental lamina formation (epithelial thickening) Bud stage Cap stage Bell stage Aposition (hard tissues formation) Root formation Eruption Dental development initiation Oral epithelium Direction of cell division change (Ecto)mesenchyme Epithelial thickening Dental vs. Vestibular lamina Ectodermal – to – (ecto)mesenchymal interactions Ectodermal – to – (ecto)mesenchymal interactions Complicated interaction system (reciprocal) • Inner enamel epithelium induces differentiation of odontoblasts from ectomezenchyme • Ectomezenchyme transplantation under oral ectoderm induces its conversion into enamel protein producing cells • Transplantation of ectomezenchyme of incisor under molar ectoderm – incisor • Transplantation of molar ectomezenchyme under cutter ectoderm – molar Odontogenesis (dental development) Primary dentition as well as permanent dentition develop from both ectoderm and ectomezenchyme • Ectodermal origin – enamel (ameloblasts), ERM • Ectomesenchymal origin – dental pulp, dentin, cementum, periodontium, alveolus • Similar morphogenesis • Proliferation, migration, embryonal induction, apoptosis Primary information for tooth development (number, size) originates from ectomezenchyme (damage to cranial neural crest or its removal causes anodontia) Ectomezenchyme induces proliferation and differentiation of oral ectoderm into odontogenic epithelium and primary dental lamina The interaction of ectomezenchyme and oral ectoderm ultimately leads to the formation of a complete organ Evolutionary conserved pathways Do birds have teeth? Do birds have teeth? • Recent birds lost the ability to form teeth around 70–80 million years ago • Still, birds retain the evolutionary conserved tooth-forming pathways in both oral epithelium and ectomesenchyme • In vitro co-culture and in vivo transplantation experiments Mouse ectomesenchyme Chicken oral epithelium Developmental stages of tooth - overview Primary dentition development Kondenzace ektomezenchymu pod ektodermem dásňového valu na budoucí horní a dolní čelisti (po založení předsíně - vestibulum oris) - ve druhé polovině 6. týdne nitroděložního života Ectomezenchymal condensation under the oral ectoderm in the upper and lower jaw in the second half of the 6th week of intrauterine life Ektomezenchyme stimulates the basal layer cells of the oral ectoderm to cell division which leads to primary dental lamina formation Bud stage After setting up the maxillary and mandibular dental lamina, 10 dental buds (primordia) are formed on both: maxilla and mandible The buds proliferate on the side neighboring with ectomesenchyme and increase in size Primordia formation: end of the 7th to the beginning of 8th week (mandibular - firstly) Cap stage 9. - 10. week of development Enamel knot formation in the middle of the bud leads to the epithelial overgrowth on sides and formation of the „Cap“ Ectomesenchyme is entrapped and forms dental papilla Histological differentiation of cells: cells on the surface of the dental follicle become cubic to low cylindrical, while the inner cells become polymorphic (the origin of future stellate reticulum) Similar process in dental papilla Basal membrane - lamina basalis ameloblastica lamina basalis ameloblastica Youtube channel Youtube channel Bell stage 10. - 12. week Enamel organ in contact with dental papilla Enamel organ have 4 layers Inner enamel epithelium – On the border with ectomezenchyme on dental papilla surface. Tall columnal cells (up to 50 µm) about 4 µm thick. Cells annealed to l. basalis ameloblastica. Stratum intermedium – contains 3-5 layers of flattened cells divided by intercellular space and connected with desmosomes Stellate reticulum – epithelial cell reticulum, star-shaped cells Outer enamel epithelium – have its own basal lamina, in the beginning cubical and later flattened cells Enamel knot 6 - 7. week 8. week 9. - 10. week 11. - 12. week Developmental stages (timing) Beginning of 4. m. intra-utero post partum Developmental stages (timing) • Period of hard tooth tissue formation • Begings during the second half of 4th month of foetal development Crown – formed firstly (dentin, enamel) Enamel and dentin aposition begins in the place of signaling center and spread apically Enamel formation = amelogenesis Dentin formation = dentinogenesis Root – emegres later (dentin and cementum) Cementum formation = cementogenesis Mineralization starting poing Aposition Chronology of primary and secondary dentition formation Crown development • Polarity change of cells in inner enamel epithelium (IEE) • Preameloblasts differentiate as a first ones (epithelium differentiate faster then ectomesenchyme) • Preodontoblasts differentiate based on mutual interactions with preameloblasts • Lamina basalis ameloblastica degradation • Maturation of preodontoblasts into odontoblasts = dentin synthesis initiation • Followed by maturation of preameloblasts into ameloblasts = enamel synthesis initiation Repolarization of inner enamel epithelium → preameloblasty Repolarization of dental papilla cells → preodontoblasty Lamina basalis ameloblastica degradation – by maturation of preameloblasts into ameloblasts Amelogenesis Apexes of differentiated ameloblasts after repolarization are directing towards the deposited dentin matrix and odontoblasts. Base (with nuclei) is located next to the stratum intermedium Thin and long cells (50 µm), apical part of cells contain Golgi aparatus and rER (secretory grain formation) Ecrine secretion of granules above the junction complexes Granules contains proteins essential for enamel backbone formation: a) Amelogenins (90 %) - Main product of ameloblasts secretory stage - Spherical polymers, regulation of enamel prisms growth b) Non-amelogenins - Enamelin – Nucleation and direction of growth regulation of crystals - Ameloblastin – Adhesive molecule - Kalikrein 4 – Protease secreted by ameloblasts in the final sectretory stage - Tuftelin – Stabilizes connection to dentin c) Proteins with enzymatic activity - Metaloproteases (MMP20) – amelogenin degradation - Alkalic phosphatase, phosphomonoesterase and serinprotease 1 Amelogenesis All ameloblasts are gradually engaged in enamel secretion and each creates single prism. Prisms grow from the apical ends of the ameloblasts. Prisms doesn‘t grow continuously, but periodically (with regular alternation of the maximum secretory activity phase and the resting phase) During one cycle the prism is prolonged by about 15-30 micrometers with the manifestation on the dental cuts – the Retzius lines – (ending by perikymata) Period lenght: about 4 days Prisms formation - 3 phases: - Organic backbone formation – proteins, glykopolysacharides, lipids - Mineralization - crystallization centers are formed in the matrix. Hydroxylapatite is deposited here in the form of submicroscopic crystals - Maturation - crystal growth associated with organic matrix loss Amelogenesis Retzius lines Perikymata Nutrition of ameloblasts Develops before the formation of prisms - focal death of cells from the outer enamel epithelium (apoptosis) Through these openings in the outer enamel epithelium, blood vessels penetrate into the stellate reticulum - providing ameloblast nutrition Reduction of epithelial reticulum and intracellular mucoid substance Finally stays only: Stratum intermedium + Ameloblasts Schematic representation of the various functional stages in the life cycle of ameloblasts as would occur in a human tooth 1) Morphogenetic stage 2) Histodifferentiation stage 3) Initial secretory stage (no Tomes’ process) 4) Secretory stage (Tomes’ process) 5) Ruffle-ended ameloblast of the maturative stage 6) Smooth-ended ameloblast of the maturative stage 7) Protective stage Before the end of secretory activity, the ameloblasts form a thin layer of organic substance on the enamel surface - cuticula dentis After the end of the secretion, the ameloblasts shorten and blend into the stratum intermedium cells, resulting in the so-called reduced enamel epithelium - protects the crown during its pruning. Zodpovědné procesy: 1. Primary patterning of tooth shape – enamel knots 2. The number of growth centers in the dental cup - the sites where cells start secretory aktivity. They are defined during the differentiation of ameloblasts by the mechanisms of embryonic induction by odontoblast signalling molecules 3. Ameloblasts nutrition during enamel production (Häkkinen et al., 2019 BioRxiv) Crown shape Dentinogenesis Dentinogenesis The dentine matrix is secreted by the odontoblasts that originate from the surface layer of the ectomezenchyme of the dental papilla Odontoblasts located on the growth center (top of the dental papilla) initiates secretory activity Dentine matrix precursors are collected in odontoblasts‘ apexes located opposite to ameloblasts‘ apexes Firstly formed matrix is non-calcified composed of Collagens (I + III) and proteoglycans (versican, keratansulphate, decorin, chondroitisulphate) Odontoblasts and ameloblasts are moving away from each other during matrix formation In addition to the odontoblasts on the growth center, also odontoblasts of other dental papilla compartments are gradually involved into matrix production All odontoblasts forms together a dentine base of the crown (and later root) In the first layers of matrix are only reticular fibres Radial bundles – Korff‘s bundles - can be visualized by silver salts (in mantle dentine) Only after depositing the Korff‘s bundles, odontoblasts will begin to deposit collagen fibers that run longitudinally - perpendicular to the dentinal tubules Calcification of the dentin matrix is a complex process of participation of the alkaline phosphatase enzyme. Its aktivity had beed demonstrated both in the bodies and the processes of odontoblast. 4 day increments calcify together (subcrystalline crystallization centers → calcispheres and interglobular regions → calcisphere merging) Dentine matrix in the closest proximity of odontoblasts never calcify = predentin Periodical matrix formation 4-8 um/day (Ebner‘s lines on decalcified slides) +- 4 day increments calcify together (Owen's line on dental cuts) As the dentine matrix growths, the apical parts of the odontoblasts are pulled out into thinner and thinner processes, and after calcification of the matrix, they are permanently embedded as Tomes' fibers in the dentin channels Odontoblasts development Root development Root development • The root dentine begins to develop only after the crown dentine is deposited • Development is under the supervision of the enamel organ • Cells from the cervical loop proliferate towards the apex of the future root • Proliferating and extending part of the dental cup, consisting only of IEE and OEE = Hertwig's epithelial root sheath (HERS) Cervical loop (Paul T Sharpe, Development 2016) • Maintaining of Stem cell niche • Extensive signalization both inside and outside the epithelium • Model system for the study of tissue regeneration and repair Dentinogenesis (root) The inductive effect of the Hertwig's epithelial root sheath (HERS) provide differentiation signals to ectomezenchyme to differentiate into odontoblasts that initiate the deposition of the dentin matrix of the root Once the dentine of the root is formed, HERS disintegrate and cells of ectomesenchymalorigin from dental sac migrate near the root to form cementum and periodontium Remnants of the Hertwig sheath in periodontium exist as Epithelial Rests of Malassez (ERM) Shape of root depends on the shape of apical opening Apical opening of HERS can be: - circular - one root - divided by horizontal discs - called diaphragms on several secondary apical holes The number of diaphragms determines the number of roots (branches) of the tooth (in multi-root tooth diaphragm divides papilla into sections) Apical part of HERS Cementogenesis • Hard, bone-like tissue covering the root of the tooth • Yellowish color • Avascular tissue • Does NOT rebuild (as opposed to bone tissue) • Can be resorbed by cementoclasts - during the tooth replacement • During life, is being replaced by the apposition of new layers of vital tissue Composed of: • Cellular part • ECM Dental cementum Cementogenesis Begins after the disintegration of the Hertwig's epithelial sheath Its place will be taken by ectomezenchymal cells that form a cementogenic mantle around the root of the dentine base By differetniation of ectomesenchymal mantle – cementoblasts are formed In the beginning, the cementum is deposited very slow, so cementoblasts have time to relocate into superficial layers - acellular (primary) cementum In the period just before eruption, cementoblasts forms the matrix much faster which prevents cells to migrate on the surface and they will remain permanently entrapped inside - Cellular (secondary) cementum Microscopic anatomy Cementocytes, Cementoblasts, Cementoclasts Extracellular matris (ECM) = Cementum Cementoblasts Actively involved in ECM formation Cementocytes Cells surrounded by cementous tissue, bodies placed in cavities, processed in small tubules (similar to Osteocytes in Bone) Cementoclasts Involved in cementum resorbation in temporary teeth Acelular (primary) Celular (secondary)Cells Cementum matrix Collagen fibres and calcified amorphous mass Collagen fibres run in bundles (orientation is determined by the forces on teeth) Cementum is divided by origin into: Primary (acellular) Does not contain cementocytes In the range of the entire tooth root Directly connected to the dentine Thickness: 10 to 200 µm Secondary (cellular) Contains cementocytes Especially on dental apexes Grows up to 500 µm thick Chronology of primary and secondary dentition formation