Selected lectures from Physiology I think it's a good thing that you signed up for the lectures. These lectures should help you better understand physiology, physiological mechanisms that are important for the functioning of our body. My colleagues and I will also talk about the molecular side, we will also talk a few information from physiological research and news in this area ... However, you will see, according to the topics listed in the syllabus. •Children´s puzzle (nursery rhyme): • •What is it? • •It's still all around us; not to see or hear. You can not touch it, even to smell. •Life can not do without it. It forms part of each story. •It's as long as it takes, and it's happening everywhere. • •What is it? • •A house full of wheels • • Modern Originals T2N791 the image shows the different types of clocks, from the oldest - sundials, hourglasses after the very latest design - smart watch Prague astronomical clock How can time be measured? •Perception of time -light and dark phases of the day • are known even in the plant • •sunflower turns toward the light • • • (The flower withers – closes the petals for the night, • opens again in the morning • - example in the world of plants) • • • dependence on phases over the course of one day exists even in the plant kingdom • • • • • Nicotiana alata – "scented tobacco" - a plant originally from Iran, blooms and smells in the evening and overnight 1729 Jean Jacgues d´Ortous de Mairan French geophysicist •He conducted an experiment in which he gave evidence that plants create their own unique time •He locked the heliotropic plant Mimosa pudica (Sensitive Shy) in a box – even in this environment it kept its rhythm of leaves "as if flooded with light" and withered leaves (without light). • • • • • • •Mimoza is a plant that when touching the leaves is very visibly folded - swaddled • •Literature: Matthew Walker Why do we sleep?, 2018,pp.25-27 figure: •It took more than 200 years before this issue began to be considered in humans. The first pioneers were 2 men - researchers from the University of Chicago - Prof. Kleitman and his assistant Richardson - went to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky - deep, without light, and lived there for 32 days and showed that even without the presence of alternating of light and dark, we maintain our own internal cycle of alternating sleep and wakefulness, and which is longer than exactly 24 hours. • • Biorhythms - studied by chronobiology as a special branch of physiology research In humans and other mammals, processes such as sleep/awake and feed/fast cycles, body temperature oscillations, hormonal secretions and metabolic events occur in a circadian manner and are ruled by biological clock rhythm period: the time that elapses before a biological variable enters the same phase - most often described as sinusoidal curve Periods of rhythms (a frequency with which the parametr is repeated): Ultradian period – period is shorter than 24hours (e.g.:10sec rhythm in breathing) Circadian period – period is 24h (sleep/wakefulness…..from Latin circa diem -about a day) Infradian period – period is longer than 24h (the menstrual cycle) Previous slides …there are examples which document our biorhythms…….. Not only women have their days, but men also have their days Information from previous lectures: Type of secretion of hormones - summary: •Constant secretion – hormones of glandula thyreoidea •Pulsatile secretion – GnRH (gonadoliberin) •circadian secretion (latin: circa diem = „approximately“/“around“ 24h) – hormons of adrenal cortex •monthly fluctuation – estrogens, testosteron in saliva •„en demande“ (according to need - demands) – e.g. Insuline and regulation blood glucose you received this information at a lecture last semester. You have spoken… Records of breathing and circulatory parameters waves (from plethysmomanometer - Peňáz method) obr11 We will talk about … „Our internal clock“ – how it works The molecular clockwork •Period genes (PER) was the first discovered clock gene which is conversed from fruit flies to humans………1971 (Konopka and Benzer) •In the past decades our knowledge of the molecular clockwork has been significantly expanded •Transcriptional-translation feed-back loop - simplified explanation •Two helix-loop-helix transcription factors: • CLOCK – circadian locomotor output cycles kaput •+ BMAL1 (ARNTL) – brain and muscle aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator. •Both form heterodimers via their PAS domein – PER-ARNTL-SIM binding. •Activates E-box-element containing gens. •Complexes CLOCK+BMAL1 activate transcription of PER and CRY genes during the day. PERs and CRYs translocate into the nucleus and forms inhibitory complexes, PER/CRY complexes accumulate and does their inhibitory effect on CLOCK-BMAL1 activity, shutting down Per and Cry transcription during the night. • •PER – period gene •CLOCK – circadian locomotor output cycles kaput •BMAL1 (ARNTL) – brain and muscle aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator •PAS domena – PER-ARNTL-SIM •E-Box –controlled genes •CRY genes – cryptochrome • • Where our internal clock is located ? Master circadian pacemaker •Information about the external light-dark cycle was passed via the retinohypothalamic tract – sensory input integrating centers in the thalamus, but also to the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus •SCN – is a bilaterally paired structure with high cell body density located to the third ventricle and directly atop the optic chiasm. •It comprises about 50 000 neurons in humans (in rodents 20 000) •Plays critical role in generation of mammalian circadian rhythms •(in experiments – animal with ablated SCN become behaviorally and physiologically arrhythmic. Critically, transplanting isolated SCN tissue into SCN-lesioned animals restores circadian rhythmicity) In humans: circadian rhythm •Perioda of rhythm 25±1.5 hours • •Synchronization via external conditions: •E.g. Light/dark phase of day •Or fluctuation of external temperature (e.g. in blind people) •Or cycle of food intake (experiment in caves) •Or social stimulus • •Entry: retinal ganglionic cells – photopsine – melanopsin (blue wavelenght)- SCN – main oscilator •Pathway: neuronal and humoral Pineal gland •The pineal gland coordinates circadian (daily) rhythms of dark/light (day-night) cycles by secreting the hormone melatonin. Darkness stimulates its release. Macrostructure: -it is a small gland found of posterior end of the corpus callosum, forming a section of the roof in the posterior wall of the third ventricle repetition is the mother of wisdom •Microstructure of pineal gland • •: - is composed of 2 types of neural cells: pinealocytes (specialized secretory neurons) + glial support cells •: - it has a very rich blood supply that forms a network of capillaries surrounded by the pinealocytes •: - it receives innervation from many parts of the brain, but the main connections are with: • Suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) • Retina • Sympathetic system (multisynaptic sympathetic way: paraventricular nucleus in hypothalamus + upper sympathetic cervical ganglion – SCG; releas norepinephrin-beta adrenergic receptors –stimulate cAMP-activate gene expression for gen coding AA-NAT=arylalkylamin-N-acetyltranspherase) • • •Pineal gland - Function: •The pineal gland synthesizes and secrets the hormone MELATONIN • (NOT melanin – the brown skin pigment) •Melatonin is modified form of the aminoacid tryptophan (4steps of biosynthesis - serotonin – enzyme AA-NAT=arylalkylamin-N-acetyltranspherase : activity on the night, light – inhibited – acetylation –methylation ….melatonin Effects of melatonin – pleiotropic effect •Melatonin has 3 main effects: • •It resets the SCN •It induces sleep (hypnotic effect) •It influences the hypothalamus, especially the reproductive function • •Circadian rhythms influence almost every cell in the body. Hormones are secreted from the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and gonads with a circadian rhythm-e.g.: CRH, ACTH-peak early in the morning • •Conclusion •The suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus serves as an „intrinsic clock“ which interacts with an external rhythm stimulus, in this case light, to coordinate melatonin release with the external day-night cycle • •This system allows the conversion of inhibitory light stimuli into a hormonal stimulus that can regulate: • : Day-night (circadian rhythm) • : Seasonal breeding rhythms – sexual life of animals (conception of future pups) (e.g. deer, reindeer, birds) Health issues • Jet lag syndrome •The pineal gland has evolved to allow adaptation to changing day length: •When people leaves his/her home country the SCN and pineal gland are synchronized: at night, darkness and SCN activation stimulate melatonin production, inducing sleep •If the person flies across time zones, the SCN continues to oscillate in accordance with the previous time zone, which means that the timing of melatonin production (and, therefore, tiredness) does not change •At a rate of adjustment of a couple of hours a day, the SCN adapts to a new time zone Jat leg syndrome - treatment •Taking oral melatonin can shorten the period of jet lag •Melatonin should be taken at the times of darkness in the new time zone whilst on the plane and for several days at the destination •For shift work, the melatonin should be taken during the period of desired sleep •The SCN is reset more quickly and the body becomes resynchronized Seasonal affective disorder •Effect of melatonin also on an anual rhythm • - season rhythm - in winter – a little light, elevated of concentration of melatonin – internal dyssynchronization …….. incresed incidence of depression • • Sleep disorder •Sleep delay (problem to sleep at night - delayed sleep) –problem: sleep at night, wake up in the morning is wrong. Treatment: administered melatonin when he wants to sleep • •Phase advance – go to sleep without any problems, but the waking up too early in the morning . Treatment: bright light exposure at a time when he wants to sleep, but it should still be awake) Health problems are coming •transition to summer or winter time •shift work (porter, in hospital – nurse, doctor – working during the night time) • •Resynchronisation internal clock system with the external part – acompanied with symptoms/diseases: • fatique (tiredness) - sleep disruption - lack of appetite – gastric ulcers – stress – hypertension – obesity – behavioral changes Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2014) 52, R1–R16 Anthony H Tsang et al. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Dítě a motýli-chci létat