3 types of somatosensation – somatosensory fibers: 1.Protopathic sensation 2.Epicritic sensation 3.Proprioception EEE1B8D8 1) Sensory function – changes in the internal and external environment 2) Integrative function – analyses, stores and compares informations 3) Motor function – responds to stimuli by initiating contraction and glandular secretion Receptor CNS analyzing Efector Striated muscles Smooth muscles Myocardium Glands Sensor (afferent, centripetal neurons) Motor (efferent, centrifugal neurons) DIVISION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM 1.Central (CNS) – spinal cord, brain Gray matter – bodies of neurons (cortex, nuclei – originis, terminationis) White matter – myelinated nerve fibres (tractus, fasciculus, funiculus, lemniscus) 2. Peripheral (PNS) – spinal, cranial and autonomic nerves (sensoric, motor, mixed) plexuses Šachovnice Šachovnice Šachovnice CNS PNS Striated muscles Smooth muscles, myocardium, glands Schwann cells oligodendrocytes astrocytes DIVISIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM sensors efectors Bodies of the motor neurons are located in the spinal cord and brain Bodies of the sensory neurons are located in the sensory ganglia outside the brain and the sppinal cord somatic visceral NEURON Body (perikaryon) Dendrits (denritic zone) Neurit (axon) – inicial segment Schwann´s covering Myelin covering Schwann cells with fat (PNS) Oligodendrocytes (CNS) Ranvier nodes internodal segments GLIAL CELLS Types of glia - Queensland Brain Institute - University of Queensland TYPES OF NEURONS (morfological division) multipolar, bipolar, pseudounipolar, unipolar neurony_0002_NEW img266 Neurons- projection- ascendent – afferent - descendent – efferent Neurons- komisural Neurons- association 1.SENSORIC (ascendent, aferent, centripetal) Somatosensoric (proprioception, exteroception) Viscerosensoric (interoception) 2.MOTOR Somatomotor (striated muscles) Visceromotor sympaticus, parasympaticus – vegetativ, autonomic (smooth muscles, heart, glands) 3.INTERNEURONS 4. TYPES OF NEURONS (functional division) Scan0013 FUNCTIONAL TYPES OF AXONS IN PNS somatomotory Striated muscles branchiomotor Striated muscles visceromotor Smooth muscles myocardium glands parasympathetic sympathetic somatosensoric Proprioception, pain, exteroception viscerosensoric Mechanoception and pain sensory Afferentation of the taste, vestibulocochlear and acoustic info Spinal cord (medulla spinalis) Brain & Spinal Cord - Atlas of Anatomy Image result for medulla spinalis" Segments Anatomy of Spinal Cord | Spinal cord anatomy, Spinal cord, Spinal ... The shape and inner structure of the spinal cord EEE1B8D8 EEE1B8D8 B85767A4 1 2 3 1 2 3 Columnae 494D00BA Fila radicularia Fila radicularia nerve - single fascicle nerv Structure of the spinal nerve The scheme of the spinal nerve Tvorba plexu 1-farebne Nerve plexus Spinal nerve Posterior branch (ramus posterior) Anterior branch(r. anterior) „peripheral nerve“ Spinal segment The nervous plexuses are formed only by ventral branches of the spinal nerves 5F22CA8D BFB9C229 1 2 α γ Tracts of the spinalcord THE GREY MATTER OF THE SPINAL CORD C157B0A1 CENTRIPETAL - ASCENDENT SENZORY TRACTS 1.Spino-bulbo-thamo-cortical tracts: for epikritic sensation and conscious proprioception 2.Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior et posterior: propriception to the cerebellum 3.Tractus spinothalamicus anterior et lateralis: for unconscious protopathic sensation , heat and pain CENTRIFUGAL - DESCENDENT MOTOR TRACTS 1.Pyramid tracts= tractus corticospinalis anterior et lateralis: tracts of conscious movements 2.Extrapyramid tracts tr. rubrospinalis, tr. reticulospinalis, tr. tectospinalis, tr. vestibulospinalis tracts of unconscious movements 1 2 3 1 40AEDC57 2 1 2 THE WHITE MATTER OF THE SPINAL CORD TRACTUS NERVOSI Sensory pathways Dr. Gallatz Katalin - ppt download Better gait AFTER rhizotomies? — The Gait Guys •Tractus spino-bulbo-thalamo-corticalis – for epikritic sensation(discriminatory sensation), vibrations and proprioceptions from muscles, tendons, joints Epikritic sensation SENSORIC TRACTS •Tractus spino-thalamicus (lat. a ant.), spino-reticularis a spino-tectalis – for perception of temperature and pain and rough touch sensation Protopathic sensation •Spinocerebellar tracts – for proprioception and touch sensation to the cerebellum proprioception MOTOR TRACTS funiculus anterolateralis PYRAMID TRACTS - direct- phylogenetically young - Tr.corticospinalis- lateralis, anterior- cross -voluntary, conscious movements of the striated muscles - EXTRAPYRAMID TRACTS - undirect- phylogenetically old - Starts on the nuclei of RF, brainstem, vestibular nuclei - Tr. Rubrospinalis (flexors) - Tr. tectospinalis (visual stimuli) - Tr. Reticulospinalis - Tr. Vestibulospinalis (extensors) - Maintenance of the muscle tension, equilibrium, automatic movements – dance, walk… 61065033 723EABB9 20A73F2F BRAINSTEM– LONGITUDINAL PARTS CDB1E31E B280DE42 SAGITAL SECTION OF THE BRAINSTEM Ventral side of the medulla oblongata Scan0007 Dorsal side of the medulla oblongata Scan0009 Scan0007 Ventral side of the pons Varoli Dorsal side of the pons Varoli Scan0009 Dorsal side of the mesencephala Scan0009 Scan0007 Ventral side of the mesencephala Image result for fossa rhomboidea" kmen-vent2 kmen-posterolat OUTPUTS OF THE CRANIAL NERVES FROM THE BRAINSTEM Scan0013 NUCLEI OF THE CRANIAL NERVES brainstem- fossa rhomboidea Scan0007 Scan0009 MEDULLA OBLONGATA Kopie fig2Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav Scan0007 Scan0009 PONS VAROLI fig4Uprav fig5Uprav Scan0007 Scan0009 MESENCEPHALON CRUS TECTUM TEGMETUM P E D U N C U L U S PAG Kopie fig6Uprav No Image Available! Kopie fig7Uprav img282 RETICULAR FORMATION (RF) OF THE BRAINSTEM B37BD7A0 F0634FDA Reticular Formation and Limbic System - Textbook of Clinical ... B9F14EEC FUNCTIONS OF RF connections of the cranial nerve´s nuclei: involvement of RF in reflexive arcs - mediation of defensive and vital reflexes 700B74F8 F3F2BDC6 A4EBF472 Low pain – poorly localizable Vegetative centers: to control vital functions: breath, heart beat, blood preasure ARAS - ascending activating system Connections with nonspecific thalamus and cortex telencephali - regulation of wakefulness and sleep 94DBD5C4 Nonspecific thalamus ARAS Vasomotoric center Respiratory center Cardiostimulation and cardioinhibition centers Descending system of FR Motor system of descending long RF fibers, connected to the control of the movement. The central regulator of muscle tonus - the connections between the higher sections of the CNS affecting muscle tonus and motoneurons of the anterior horns of the spinal cord. Increases the tension of antigravity muscles (functionally extensors) while reduces the tension of flexors. It allows upright position. Upper motor neuron definition, disease, upper motor neuron signs & symptoms Imaging the brain at multiple size scales - Scienmag | Brain drawing, Brain images, Surreal artwork Kopie fig2Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav fig4Uprav fig5Uprav Kopie fig6Uprav Kopie fig7Uprav Kopie fig6Uprav fig4Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav Kopie fig2Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav fig4Uprav fig5Uprav Kopie fig6Uprav Kopie fig7Uprav Kopie fig2Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav fig4Uprav fig5Uprav Kopie fig6Uprav Kopie fig7Uprav A) The dorsal (posterior) spinocerebellar tract. (B) The cuneocerebellar tract. See text for det… | Nervous system parts, Nervous system anatomy, Medical knowledge The Spinal Cord (Organization of the Central Nervous System) Part 3 Spinocerebellar Pathways - Tracts of Spinal Cord and Brainstem A) The dorsal (posterior) spinocerebellar tract. (B) The cuneocerebellar tract. See text for det… | Nervous system parts, Nervous system anatomy, Medical knowledge Kopie fig3Uprav Kopie fig2Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav fig4Uprav fig5Uprav Kopie fig6Uprav Kopie fig7Uprav img282 Kopie fig2Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav fig4Uprav fig5Uprav Kopie fig6Uprav Kopie fig7Uprav img283 Kopie fig2Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav fig4Uprav fig5Uprav Kopie fig6Uprav Kopie fig7Uprav img284 Kopie fig2Uprav Kopie fig3Uprav fig4Uprav fig5Uprav Kopie fig6Uprav Kopie fig7Uprav Obsah obrázku diagram Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku diagram Popis byl vytvořen automaticky