Compiling daily diet. Key words: Saccharides, lipids, proteins, fiber, essential and inessential, physical and physiological energetic value of basic nutrients, recommended daily intake of vitamins B , B , niacin and C in adults, nitrogen balance, protein of animal 1 2 origin, principles of proper nutrition, causes and symptoms of obesity aim: To learn about the basic principles of proper nutrition. To learn how to calculate the daily intake of saccharides, lipids, proteins, vitamins, ions and energy and how to determine the nutritional recommendations for a person ac- cording to his/her age, gender and energetic expenditure. Proteins 0.8 g/kg saccharides 5 g/kg Lipids 60–80 g vitamin a 0.8–1 mg essential Fa 10 g vitamin D 5 μg trans fatty acids < 2 g/den vitamin e 12 mg n-6 PuFa 5–10 g/den vitamin k 70–140 μg n-3 PuFa 0.6 –1.2 g/den vitamin B (thiamine) 1 1.3–1.5 mg na+ 2000 mg vitamin B (riboflavin) 2 1.5–1.7 mg k + 800–1300 mg niacin 15–18 mg Ca++ 1200 mg Pyridoxine B 6 1.6–1.8 mg Phosphates 800 mg Folic acid 160–400 μg mg++ 300–500 mg Pantothenic acid 8 mg Fe++ 12–18 mg vitamin B 12 5 μg iodine 80–200 μg vitamin C 75 mg Zinc 15 mg Pulses 20–35 g selen 50–200 μg Table : Recommended doses for adults (19–50 years) per day Protocol: Define key words and the aim of the exercise. Write down, clearly, the weight, height, age, gender and energetic expenditure of the person for who the daily diet was compiled. Choose, whether you want to create a daily diet for yesterday or daily diet according to the proper nutrition recommendations. Interpretation and conclusions: Compare energetic input and output, consumed and recommended daily doses of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Comment whether the diet of examined person is appropriate. Write down the mistakes that were done and the way how to correct them.