DENTAL ANESTHESIA - Dental anesthesia is a branch of anesthesiology which deals with the dental surgeries, to limit the amount of patient’s discomfort experienced during procedures (general anest., local anest.) - Painless medical treatment in dentists is in present days expected and required - Local anesthetics (LA) cause: reversible block of sensory nerve conduction of noxious stimuli from periphery to the CNS ▪ Operative (surgical) procedures require cutting through sensitive structures, producing extreme discomfort and pain ▪ Pain is a result of stimulation of nociceptors that are receptors preferentially sensitive to a noxious stimulus (Aδ, C fiber aferent axons) ▪ Local anesthetics (LA) cause: reversible block sensory nerve conduction of noxious stimuli from periphery to the CNS (LA cause reversible block of sodium canals of the nerve cells – they block formation and conduction of cell excitation) ▪ increase - duration of action - depth of anesthesia !!! ▪ decrease - systemic toxic reactions - local bleeding !!! LA infulence also autonomic nerve system and cause VAZODILATATION. The effectiveness of local anesthetics is improved by the addition of a vasoconstrictor: ▪ To minimize anesthetic failure, the dentist must have a good knowledge of the anatomy of the head region, particularly the neuroanatomy of the maxillary and mandibular regions of the face ! Onset of action of anesthesia!!! not to start the dental treatment before the local anesthetic can take effect ! Carefully observe the patient Slow aplication Use of proper amount of LA (possible failure or systemic toxic reaction) General Potential Complications 1. Nerve injury 2. Injuries to blood vessels 3. Intraglandular injections 4. Trauma to muscles 5. Systematic reactions 6. Infection spread 1) Paresthesia (loss of sensation) - commonly involve the tongue and lower lip 2) Hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity to painful stimuli) 3) Dysesthesia (pain following nonnoxious stimuli) 4) Dysgeusia (impaired sense of taste) 1. Nerve Injury 5) Xerostomia (reduced salivation) - the chorda tympani is traumatized 6) Ocular and extraocular symptoms The passive process of diffusion of anesthetic through the orbit leads to ocular and extraocular symptoms: - paralysis of extraocular muscle - diplopia - amaurosis (temporary blindness) - Horner´s syndrome (enophthalmos, miosis, palpebral ptosis) ▪ Intravascular injection → vascular damage → hemorrhage with hematoma formation ▪ If the vein is engaged, the bleeding is small and is usually evidenced a few days later ▪ Artery damage means significant hematoma formation and extensive intra or extraoral swelling, which are fast 2. Bleeding Transient paralysis of the ipsilateral facial muscles - caused by anesthesia of the facial nerve in parotid gland 3. Intraglandular injection Muscle trismus = spasm of jaw muscles, which restricts mouth opening (temporal and medial pterygoid muscle) 4. Trauma of muscle Usually when LA is aplicated intravasculary (i.a., i.v.). Failure of the cardiorespiratory system, anaphylaxis, irritation of CNS. Prevention of intravascular aplication is repeated ASPIRATION. 5. Systematic complication 6. Infection spread ➢ Infection may be spread to deeper tissues by needle- tract contamination ➢ The clinicianmust never inject through an area with an abscess, cellulitis or osteomyelitis so as to prevent the spread of dental infection ➢ The effectiveness of LA is greatly reduced, when administered in area of infection ➢ The fifth cranial nerve (trigeminal) and its branches provide sensory information from the teeth and associated tissues. ➢ Thus branches of n.V. are those anesthetized before most dental procedures. I. Local anesthesia – infiltration, superficial Types of local anesthesia II. Nerve block – regional anest. III. Field blocks x GENERAL anaesthesia Types of local anesthesia I. Local infiltration anesthetizes a small area (one or two teeth and associated structures) by injection near their apices. LA is deposited near terminal nerve endings, just small amount of local anesthetic solution is needed. II. Nerve block affects a larger area - more teeth. The local anesthetic solution is deposited near a main peripheral nerve branch and its entrances or exits from the bones. III. Field blocks Local anesthetic is deposited near a large nerve trunks (V2 – in fossa pterygopalatina near for. rotundum, V3 – near for. ovale) during large orofacial surgery or trismus x GENERAL anaesthesia Aplication of LA through soft tissues near the bone, diffusion of LA across compact bone and spreading through spongy bone to plexus dentalis (and its terminal branches) in the apical area of alveoli I. Local Infiltration Needle penetrates: ➢ To sumucosal tissue ➢ Near to dental apex ➢ supraperiostally ➢ Aspiration needed ! M.J.Fehrenbach, S.W. Herring, Anatomy Head and Neck Correct Incorrect the anesthetic agent is deposited supraperiostally ! Rr. labiales sup. N. buccalis Rr. alveolares sup. ant. et medii Rr. alveolares sup. post. N. nasopalatinus Nn. palatini MAXILLA – sensitive inervation areas ( areae nervinae) partially overlap N. mentalis N. alveolaris inf. N. buccalis N. lingualis N. glossopharyngeus N. vagus MANDIBLE Alternative delivery methods of local anesthesia - supplementary techniques 1. Topical anesthetic patches 2. Intraligamentary injection 3. Intrapulpal injection 4. Intraosseous injection 1. Topical anesthetic patches ▪ A topical anesthetic is a local anesthetic that is used to numb the surface of a body part. They can be used to numb any area of the skin as well as mucosa. ▪ is indicated to minimize the sensation of needle insertion or for very brief relief from painful mucosal lesions ▪Typically, is used to anesthetize only the outer 1-3 mm of mucosa, not deeper structures Spray Gel ▪Topical anesthetics are available in creams, aerosols, sprays, lotions, and jellies. 2. Intraligamentary Injection ▪ Is occasionally used as the sole technique for anesthesing a single tooth ▪ The needle is inserted, directly along the long axis and as apically as possible, through the gingival sulcus and into the periodontal space between the tooth and the alveolar bone ▪ Slowly injected approximately 0,2ml of anesthetic solution under pressure to control the pain of the associated tooth Contraindication: - deciduous teeth - periodontal infection 3. Intrapulpal Injection ▪ When pulp chamber has been exposed and treatment can´t proceed Technique - a small needle is insetred into the pulp chamber until resistance is encountered → LA injected under the pressure ▪ As the injection is started there will be a brief moment of intense discomfort 4. Intraosseous Injection ▪ Involves the placement of anesthetic solution directly into the cancellous bone adjacent to the tooth to be anesthetized, and allows for rapid onset of profound pulpal anesthesia ▪ The site of injection involves the attached gingiva 2mm apical to the gingival margin and interproximal relative to the teeth ▪ Provide anesthesia of a single tooth or multiple teeth in a quadrant The first step - to drill a small hole through the soft tissue and cortical bone to a depth of 5 – 8mm The second step inserting a needle to the same depth and manually injected the desired volume of anesthetic solution into the cancellous bone II. Nerve Block – LA is deposited near peripheral branches of n. V Substances deposited nearby peripheral nerves must diffuse across enveloping connective tissue sheaths before reaching neuronal axons, namely: epineurium, perineurium and endoneurium. We can aply LA after negative aspiration, supraperiostally MAXILLA - tuber maxillae - for. infraorbitale - for. incisivum - for. palatinum majus MANDIBLE - for. mandibulae - for. mentale 1. Posterior superior alveolar - PSA 2. Middle superior alveolar - MSA 3. Anterior superior alveolar - ASA 4. Infraorbital 5. Greater palatine 6. Nasopalatine 7. Alveolar inferior (Halstead, Gow-Gates, Akinosi) 8. Mental 9. Lingual 10. Buccal MANDIBULAR NERVE AND ITS BRANCHES MAXILLARY NERVE AND ITS BRANCHES Infraorbital nerve ASA MSA PSA 1. PSA Block ▪ Anesthetize the pulps and periodontal ligaments of the maxillary molars, corresponding buccal alveolar bone and gingival tissue and posterior portion of the maxillary sinus. ▪ Mesiobuccal root of 6 (M1) can be innervated by middle superior alveolar nerve ! Technique - between 1st and 2nd molar at a height of insertion of mucobuccal fold, angle at 45° superiorly and medially 2. MSA Block ▪ Anesthetize the maxillary premolars, corresponding buccal alveolar bone and gingival tissue, partially M1 ▪ It is used, if the infraorbital block fails to anesthetize premolars In the Czech republic MSA is a rarely used technique, more often are used local infiltration Technique - between 1st and 2nd premolar at a height of insertion of mucobuccal fold 3. ASA Block ▪ Anesthetize the canine, incisors, corresponding buccal alveolar bone and gingival tissue In the Czech republic MSA is a rarely used technique, more often are used local infiltration Technique the area of lateral incisor at a height of insertion of mucobuccal fold 4. Infraorbital Nerve Block ▪ Combination of ASA and MSA blocks ▪ Anesthetize the maxillary premolars, canine, incisors, corresponding buccal alveolar bone and gingiva, also the terminal branches of infraorbital nerve (lower eyelid, external nose tissue, upper lip, the anterior aspect of the maxillary sinus) Technique palpate infraorbital foramen → retract the upper lip → inject to area of 3/4 → contact bone in infraorbital region → inject 0,9 -1,2ml 5. Greater Palatine Nerve Block ▪ Anesthetize all palatal mucosa of the side injected and lingual gingivae posterior to the maxillary canines and corresponding bone Technique - on the hard palate between the 2nd and 3rd molars approximately 1cm medially, inject cca 0,3 - 0,5ml 6. Nasopalatine Nerve Block ▪ Anesthetize the soft and hard tissue of the maxillary anterior six teeth - from canine one side to canine other side Technique - approximately 1,5 cm posterior to the alveolar crest between the central incisors - posterior to the incisive papilla; depth less than 10mm and inject 0,3 - 0,5 ml Maxilla – local anesthetic blocks and the tissues anesthetized Infraorbital nerve block Nasopalatine block Greater palatine block Posterior superior alveolar block Middle superior alveolar block Anterior superior alveolar block a) Halstead method b) Gow-Gates method c) Akinosi method 7. Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block ▪ Consider individual variations in the locations of the mandibular foramen ! ▪ Be aware of the proximal extremity of the maxillary artery. Aspiration ! ▪ The finger in the retromolar fossa with the fingernail poiting backward ▪ A line is sighted from occlusal surfaces of the premolars of the opposite side to the midpoint of the fingernail ▪ Inject 0,5 - 1ml solution ▪ Continue to inject 0,5ml on removal from injection site to anesthetize the lingual branch a) Halstead Open-Mouth method ▪ Inject remaining anesthetic into coronoid notch region in the mucous membrane distal and buccal to most distal molar to perform a long buccal nerve block ▪ Field block anesthesia ▪ The injection site is higher than Halstead ▪ Below the insertion of the lateral pterygoid muscle at the anterior side of the condyle at maximal opening in relatively avascular area ▪ The injection line is parralel with the external line from the intertragal notch to the angle of the mouth b) Gow-Gates method ▪ The diffusion of the anesthetic solution reach all three oral sensory portion of mandibular branch V.n. and other sensory nerves in this region ▪ High success rate, fewer complication x slower rate of onset ▪ Field block anesthesia ▪ For patient with limited opening due trismus, ankylosis, fracture The gingival margin above the maxillary 2nd and 3rd molars and the pterygomandibular raphae serve as landmarks for this technique c) Vazirani-Akinosi closed mouth method ▪ The needle is advanced through the mucous membrane and buccinator muscle to enter the pterygomandibular space ▪ Penetrate to a depht 25mm ▪ Remaining anesthetic in long buccal nerve area 8. Mental Nerve Block ▪ Terminal branch of the inferior alveolar nerve, exits the mandible via the mental foramen ▪ The position of this foramen is most frequently near the apex of the mandibular 2nd premolar ▪ The foramen opens upward and slightly posteriorly! ▪ Anesthetize lower lip, chin, labial gingiva, alveolar mucosa, pulpal/periodontal tissue for the canine, incisors and premolars on side blocked Technique The tip of needle be directed or anterior to approximate the position of the foramen, but not enter the foramen ! Penetrate to a depth 5 mm, inject 0,5 - 1,0 ml To provide incisive nerve anesthesia via the application of finger pressure over the foramen after local anesthetic solution is deposited there Mental nerve 9. Lingual Nerve Block ▪ Nerve passes from the infratemporal fossa into the floor of the mouth, in the vicinity of the 2nd and 3rd molars, it is quite vulnerable ▪ Is anesthetizes during the inferior alveolar nerve block or with a bolus of anesthetic solution injected after an inferior alveolar nerve block ▪ Anesthetize anterior ⅔ of the tongue, lingual gingiva and adjacent mucosa Lingual nerve 10. Buccal Nerve Block ▪ Arises in the infratemporal fossa and crosses the anterior border of the ramus to give multiple branches ▪ Supplies buccal gingiva and mucosa of the mandible for a variable length, from the vicinity of the 3th molar to the canine Technique - anterior ramus of the mandible at the level of the mandibular molar occlusal plane in the vicinity of the retromolar fossa Buccal nerve Buccal nerve Lingual nerve Inferior alveolar nerve Mental nerve Mandible - local anesthetic blocks and the tissues anesthetized Buccal block Inferior alveolar block Incisive block Thanks for your attention