Clas II. caviry recapitulation Name parts of this cavity, name the walls. What is MO. Od and MOD cavity? Wnhat is isthmus, where we find it? Occlusal cavity Proximal cavity (proximal box) MO, OD – one proximal wall is affected, mesioocclusal cavity (MO) or distal – occlusodistal cavity (OD) MOD . Both proximal walls are affected 5 Pulpal walls Axial wall Gingival wall Isthmus (between occl. and prox.cavity, the most narrow part Which two main types of the class II. preparation do you recognise? 1. Conventional preparation acc. to Black – compoused cavity 23.02.2025 7 Proximal cavityCcclusal cavity Proximal cavity Sedelmayer 2. Slot preparation Principle Detail The cavity does have not extension on occlusal surface, it is open occlusally Slot preparation – defect, cavity and filling When the composite fillings can be used? Composite materials – indications II.class ̶ Small – moderate cavities ̶ Large cavities - onlay, inlay, crown ̶ Dry operating field (absolutely) – rubberdam ̶ Excellent oral hygiene ̶ Patients compliance Amalgam does not have the substitution – maybe bulk composites – the topic of one of the next lectures. Which contraindications of composite filling materials do you know? See indications How do we prepare the enamel margins for composite materials in class II.? Preparation of enamel margins ➢Enamel on axial walls must be beveled (red coded diamond) and also the outer edge of the gingival wall must be beveled (if the gingival wall is situated in enamel) Also hand instruments (chisels) can be used for the gingival wall Interproximal vertical margins Yes No Kompozit Amalgám How do we establish the position of the axial walls? 17 Study the contact area (contact point): The axial walls (cavosurface margins) are approx. o 0,5 mm vestibulary and orally Over this area. The contact of the treated tooth is made of the restorative materials. Axial walls Gingival wall is parallel with the cementoenamel junction and it is situated appr. 0,5 mm below free gingiva. 18 v American rule (estimation) Tangents from the middle of treated tooth to the next tooth – where these cross the treated Tooth there are borders of the preparation How do we protect the teeth next to the preparared tooth? Definujte zápatí – název prezentace nebo pracoviště19 Protection of the neighbour tooth ̶ Wooden wedges and the metal strip ̶ Special plastic wedges with the ̶ metal foil 20 Which tool is necessary when one or more proximal walls are missing? 22 Matrix ➢Matrix primarily is used when a proximal surface is to be restored The objectives: - Provide proper contact - Provide proper contour - Confine the restorative material - Reduce the amount of excess materiál In some cases id important for good setting of the material 23 Matrices for II.nd class Circular and sectional matrices ➢Circular matrices round the tooth They are used in combination with the matrix retainer. ➢Sectional matrices do not round the tooth, the proximal surface only. Matrix Hawe Neos Matrix retainer ivory 8 (universal or paired) Circular matrix 24 25 Which tools are here in this picture? 26 matrix band matrix retainer wedges 23.02.2025 Which function does the wedge have? 28 Wedges ➢ Wooden wedges - tighten the matrix band - compress the gingiva - separate the teeth 29 Wedging ➢Slip the matrix band over the tooth (apical to the gingiva margin – 0,5, - 1 mm) ➢Tighten the matrix, check it with probe ➢Place a wedge ➢Turn the retainer ¼ counterclockwise ➢ Contour the band Segmental (sectional) matrices 30 What do we need for the work with sectional matrices? Tools for the work with sectional matrices Separator (separation ring) - Forceps (for rubberdam clamp or similar) - Wedge 33 Various types of separators Describe sequences of operation by making the composite filling – class II. Sequence of operation ̶ Preparation ̶ Bevel the enamel on axial walls and outer edge of gingival wall (if located in enamel) ̶ Placement of the matrix ̶ Adhesive procedure (acid etching, washing, priming and bonding) ̶ Placement of the composite materiál layer by layer ̶ Curing ̶ Finishing and polishing 35 Why do we perform the incremental technique? (Layer by layer?) Definujte zápatí – název prezentace nebo pracoviště36 The materiál must be placed layer by layer, max 1.5 mm ̶ Good polymerization ̶ Decreasing of the polymerization stress which is connected with the polymerization shrinkage (explanation in next lecture) ̶ Aesthetics