European Resuscitation Council Neonatal Life Support Basic Life Support Routine care Provide warmth Dry Clear the airway if needed *Consider intubation Birth Breathing or crying? Good muscle tone? Term gestation? Amniotic fluid clear? Give positive pressure ventilation for 30 s.* HR < 60 min-1 Ensure effective lung ventilation* Then add chest compression for 30 s. Assess breathing, heart rate and colour Apnoeic or HR < 100 min-1 Further chest compressions Consider adrenaline Consider fluid administration YES NO Provide warmth Position the airway* Dry, stimulate, reposition Clear the airway if needed Assess colour Consider supplemental oxygen at any stage if cyanosis persists Published March 2007 by European Resuscitation Council Secretariat VZW, Drie Eikenstraat 661, 2650 Antwerp, Belgium Product reference: POSTER-2007-NBLS_A0-EN Copyright European Resuscitation Council HR < 60 min-1