7/4 SCOLIOSIS 1 %i In a small group discuss scoliosis under the following headings: a) Onset of the disease b) Influence of family history c) What are the treatments for scoliosis? Use these words to help you: physiotherapy, plastic brace, operation, genetic, childhood, spine 2 w Listen to dialogue 7/4/A and say whether the following statements are true or false. a) I have noticed that my daughter's back has become twisted. b) It has become much more curved over the last few months. c) She has never had any health problems at all. d) Problems with the spine run in the family. 3 Find the correct synonyms used for the words underlined in the sentences below. Her spine has become twisted .... crooked........................................................... a) The back appeared to be protruding ............................................................................. b) It has become slightly more bent ............................................................................. c) She is usually in good health .............................................................................. d) My brother was crippled by scoliosis .............................................................................. e) He is worried that the same thing .............................................................................. might happen to him ORTHOPAEDICS Györffy: English for Doctors 4 # Listen to the instructions (7/4/B) given by the doctor when examining Mary, and number the pictures in the order you hear them. CO abed e f g h 5 Look at the pictures again and practise giving instructions to your patient. 6 Below is a flow chart of the consultation. Write the dialogue between the doctor and the patient. PARENT complain of your daughter's spine DOCTOR Inquire about the onset of the disorder time of year physical changes development of problem general health past level of Fitness family history runs in family permission to examine give consent $ Listen to the doctor's explanations in 7/4/C and 7/4/D. How does he tell the patient about the following: a) what scoliosis is b) the cause of scoliosis c) recommended treatment d) no operation necessary at this stage e) use of a brace 88