MANGANES Michaela Králíková, MD Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine Masaryk University • 12 - 20 mg in organism, predominantly in mitochondria • Mn/S ■ 7- 27 nmol/l 0.5 -1.5 iJLg/l • RDI • 2 - 5 mg /d • tea, grains, cocoa, nuts, blueberries ginger, parsley, 2 • Absorption: 3-5% • Transport: in plasma bound to a-2- macroglobulin, in eres to Hb, in liver to transferrin and transmanganin • Exertion: faeces: 0.8 -1 jig/d (bile, pancretic and shed-mucosal Mn) urine: 0.1 -1.4 jag /kg /d 3 Function glukosaminoglykans synthesis (bones and cartilages) mitochondrial Mn-SOD 2 (Mn2+ <-► Mn3+) pyruvate carboxylase, arginase, ALP cholesterol synthesis synthesis and activation of protrombin insulin synthesis participation in oxidative phosphorylation Dt 1 iency bone defects skin changes neurological symptoms cot jlation disorders disorders in lipoprotein formation 5 Toxíny • in workmen with manganese ore, KMn04 poisoning • orally: emesis, diarrhoea • inhalation : pneumonia, irreversible affection of basal ganglia 6