Zn++ • 2 g in organism, mainly in muscles, kidneys and bones prostatic gland, • intracelular element • reference values Zn/S = 700 10- -1700 jig/I 25 umol/l • RDI about 12 mg/d • alimentary sources: sea fish, meal, grains, seeds and nuts 2 Absorption • 20% • duodenum and jejunum, competition with Cu • | in zinc deficiency, t in t zinc intake, but within 4 days balí e occurs again Excretion • Faeces: 10 mg/d, unabsor - I, bile and pancreatic • Urine: 0.3 - 0.6 mg/d • Perspiration: 2-3 mg/d 3 Transport and distribution in organism • in blood binds albumin (t>£>%) and macroglobulin, IC metalothionein • 75-88% of Zn of blood is in eres • not stored in the liver 4 About 200 of zinc containing enzymes • alcoholdehydrogenase, LD, GMD, SOD, AST, DNA- and RNA-polymerases, ALP, ACE, kolagenase, karboxypeptidases, aldolases, carbonan hyd rase A (first described Zn enzyme, 193(3), levulinate dehydratase, AMS, neutral proteases, thymidinkinase,..... 5 2 02- + 2H+ -> 02 + H202 • SOD 1 (cytoplasm), EC-SOD: contains Cu and Zn • Zn2+ - stabilisation function • Cu2+ - catalytic function Zinc significance • stabilisation of protein, RNA, DNA, ribosomes and hormone-receptor complexes structure • stabilisation of cell membranes • facilitates healing • facilitates glucose absorption and linkage of insulin receptors to hepatocytes • antioxidative protection (SOD) • needed for cell proliferation, production of connective tissue and spermatogenesis • facilitates trombocytes adhesion and agregation • needed for cell imunity, increases infection resistance Deficiency • 400 - 700 ug/l weak • < 400 ug/l strong • inborn • obtained 8 Acrodermatitis enteropathica • = Danbolt disease, AR heredity • clinically manifests with start of cow-milk feeding • symptoms:*skin rash (red, ichthyotic; extremities) "cheilitis, stomatitis, glositis *bl isters, alopecia *chronic diarrhea and cachexy "affection of eyes and nails "immunity disorders 9 Causes of obtained deficiency • malnutrition (vegans) ► malabsorption • insufficient supplementation in long-term parenteral nutrition » f loss during catabolism or burns • deficiency in penicilamine, deferoxamine or corticosteroids therapy • t requirement in growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding Symptoms Growth and sexual development defects Impair wound healing, skin defects, red skin Imunity disorders (T-cells) with } fection liability I glc tolerance Diarrhea, dysorexia Taste and smell impairment Spleen and liver enlargement Night blindness 11 Toxicity acute intoxication: nausea, emesis, diarrhea, fever, muscle pain chronic: copper deficiency (intestinal absorption and transport proteins competition) 12 Clinical applications • healing of bums and skin defects, such as decubiti or crural ulcers • therapy of Wilson's disease • therapy of acne and herpetifonm dermatitis • zinc gluconate, ZnS04 13