Effects of drugs on chemical tests Michaela Králíková, MD Department of Biochemistry Faculty of M e ill cine Masaryk'University Drugs may have specific effects on the plasma/serum or urine levels of many substances. • These effects are more apparent when large doses of a drug are administered for a long time than when administration of a single dose occurs on an isolated occasion. ► Drugs can either interfere with the laboratory tests in vitro or in vivo. In vitro interferences • color during spectrophotometric measurement • chemical reaction with the analyte of interest or chemical substances used during analysis • complexes formation • Example: ascorbate or salicylate (reducing agents) and glucose in urine In vivo interferences • arise from the therapeutic intent of d rugs, their side effects, and patient condition and drug-response: • interference with production, metabolism or elimination of the analyte (enzyme activation, inhibition or competition, transport mechanisms competition etc.) • drug injuries to a certain organ /tissue —> its function impairment Interactions drug - diet • physiochemical — reciprocal interference with absorption or solubility, charge change, chelate and other complexes formation • Example: tetracyklin - Ca2+ • physiological - i or t of appetite, influence on peristalsis • patophysiological - initiation of toxic effects of the drug by food ^^> Follow up of drug intake: peroral antidiabetics contraceptives antihypertensive agents salicylate peroral anticoagulants antibiotics vitamines diuretics etc. Examples of drug interferences • ascorbate* salicylate streptomycin t glc/U (non-specific reaction for reducing agents) • ascorbate false positive gFOBT • theophyllin determination of uric acid i i in viíľD interľšľšuzbs Examples of drug interferences • corticosteroids: • f synthesis of glycogen (liver) • I proteosynthesis —► I enzyme activities • j glucose tolerance —► f glc/S • negative nitrogen balance (<— f protein catabolism) • t cleavage of TG —> f FA • j leucotriens synthesis (j arachidonic acid <— J, activity of phospholipase) • f resorption of Na+, CI" in renal tubules —► Na+ and (Xretention —► water retention • f renal secretion of K+, H+ —► | K+/S> alkalosis in Yi 7 d in t srišľ m £ í& Examples of drug inteif fences • morfium non-specific | ALT, LD, AMS • contraceptives t TG, Chol • furosemid t glc, AMS, ALP, i Na Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) the measurement of drugs in body fluids as an aid to controlling dosage • Is a benefit in assessing the therapeutic response or possible toxic side-effects. • Is a benefit where there is a clear difference between the therapeutic and toxic effects and where serum levels correlate well with therapeutic and toxic effects. • Examples: digoxin, theophylline, anticonvulsants (Phenytoin, phenobarbitone, carbamazepine), lithium, aminoglykoside antibiotics